These are the Star Wars
Cards, Tazos, POGs, Movie-Shots, Transfers & Stickers
that I have in my collection as of

This list was 'borrowed' from

and then it was 'enhanced'

 * = I have all of the set   596 - Or I have all that I want. 
 # = I have some "  "   "    234 - Might just be one but they all count! 
 ! = I have none "  "   "    178 - Even one would be good! 
 @ = I don't really want      51 - Could just be a language variation. 
 - = Virtual cards             7  
                      Total 1,066 

Sadly the direct links between individual pages on and no longer work.
It was good while it lasted ...

Vintage (1977-1994) - Modern (1994-) - Prequels (1999-) - Sequels (2015-)
Clone Wars (2008-) - Rebels (2014-) - RogueOne (2016) - Solo (2018) -
The Resistance (2018) - The Mandalorian (2019-) - The Book of Boba Fett (2021-)
Themed (1977-)

Decipher CCG cards - Wizards TCG cards - Topps TCG cards - Topps Attax cards
WizKids TCG cards - FantasylFlight LCG cards
Wizards mini-fig cards - Top-Trumps - Card Games - Unusual items
Kenner & Hasbro figure items- Convention & Fan Club items
Fan Made & Bootleg items

Sets sorted by country, movie, year, character & format
Countries by year table

Sets published by Topps, Pepsi, LEGO and from Food & non-Food products

If you're not sure which set a card, sticker etc is from then try this page,
it shows a single image from lots of sets and links to the full page
Like a lot of the site it's not exactly up-to-date but might help.

Images not yet added are shown here, they might even get added properly one day !
More images added 24-November-2023

Updates to the site are now being Tweeted, feel free to follow me

If you have any more of any of the items in red or yellow
that I want or if you have any items which are not listed please

Site Search, I hope that this is useful.

Sets marked with one of the following have more info on their sites
 SWSS = 
 CC   = 
 SWU  = 
 SWTC = 
 TD   = (Topps Direct) 
 SWCA = 
 TCDB = 
 NSL  = 
Vintage (1977-1986) - Unusual items & New images * Argentinean Pepsi 8 Stickers # Argentinean Star Wars (Guerra de las Galaxias) 66+ Cards and an album : have a few - SWTC * Argentinean Return of the Jedi by Industr' Arg 240 Stickers and an album - SWTC # Australian Break fruit drink, Sunburst Regency 28 Ewok Adventure stickers and poster : Have one - SWTC & SWCA * Australian Golden Fleece petrol/gas 5 Stickers and a poster ! Australian Harper's Dog-Chow (dogfood) 12 Stickers - SWTC # Australian Kellogg's Ewok Collect-A-Prize 12+16 Cards : wants - SWTC * Australian Kellogg's Return of the Jedi Decoder 16 Discs - SWTC ! Australian Nabisco Weeties cereal 10 Posters ! Australian New South Wales Building Society 10 Stickers & a poster # Australian Regina-Allens/Stimorol/Scanlens SW 72 Cards - SWTC @ Australian Regina-Allens/Stimorol/Scanlens ESB 132 Cards & 33 stickers - SWTC # Australian Regina-Allens/Stimorol/Scanlens ROJ 132 Cards - SWTC * Brazilian Cedibra Star Wars 120 Stickers and an album # Brazilian Editora Safira Return of The Jedi 248 Stickers and an album : wants - SWTC * Brazilian Editora Abril Star Wars 234 Stickers and an album # Canadian Action Transfers Return of the Jedi 2 Small sets and two large set * Canadian General Mills Star Wars 16 Stickers - SWTC * Canadian General Mills Return of the Jedi 8 Booklets * Canadian Kellogg's Return of the Jedi Stick'R 10 Cards and 10 stickers - SWTC # Canadian Opee-Chee Star Wars (3sets) 264 Cards - SWTC # Canadian Opee-Chee Empire Strikes Back (3sets) 352 Cards - SWTC # Canadian Opee-Chee Return of the Jedi (1 set) 132 Cards - SWTC * Canadian York Empire Strikes Back peanut butter 6 Round Cards - SWTC @ Chilean Salo Return of the Jedi 180 Stickers and an album - same as the US Topps set ! Chilean Laser ice Cream ? Shaped - Cards - SWCA ! Chilean Savory Empire Strikes Back ice cream ? Papers - SWTC & a poster - SWCA @ Costa Rican Star Wars (Guerra de las Galaxias) 187 Cards - Identical to the Spanish * Dutch Campina Ijsfabbrieken ESB ice cream 6 Stickers - SWTC * Dutch Monty Fabrieken Return of the Jedi 100 Cards - SWTC * Dutch Introduct Return of the Jedi 6 'Satin' stickers * Dutch UFO Empire Strikes Back 4 Stickers and a poster - SWTC @ Dutch VIU Empire Strikes Back 225 Stickers and an album - SWTC # European (Germany & Italy) Panini Star Wars 256 Stickers : Have most in the album - SWTC @ French AGE (Agence Generale d'Edition) ESB 225 Stickers and an album - SWTC * French International Team Ewoks 240 Stickers and album ! French Motta ice cream 30 Stickers - SWTC ! French Papou et Palmito / Ceraliment LU Brun 15 Embossed Cards # French Jesco Ewoks 7 Transfers sets - SWCA @ German Return of the Jedi Panini 180 Stickers - same as the US Topps set - SWTC # Greek Empire Strikes Back (Bootleg) 200 Cards : want just the prize winners - SWTC ! Greek Dojakos Return Of The Jedi Gum 131 Stickers & an album ! Greek Return Of The Jedi wafer ? Cards ! Greek Vasilios Dagiacos Candy ? Cards - SWTC ! Hong Kong Empire Strikes Back Sprite 6 Cards # Italian Return of the Jedi 18 Stickers - want just #5 D3-BO (R2-D2) * Japanese Lamy by Yamakatsu 6 Laminated Cards - know any more ? * Japanese Menko cards game sheet (Bootleg) 8 Cards - These were in a vintage book/magazine # Japanese Myojo Foods Limited noodle 30 Cards have #21 AT-ST # Japanese Meiji Choco-Ball 30 Stickers - I have 2 ! * Japanese Roadshow magazine sheet of 8 Cards * Japanese Tokyo Queen 4 Sticker sheets * Japanese Tokyo Queen 40 Wallet Cards in four wallets * Japanese Star Wars by Topps/Yamakatsu Corp 36 Cards - SWTC * Japanese Star Wars by Topps/Yamakatsu Corp 41 Mini Cards : SWTC # Japanese Takara Inc. mini-puzzle 40 Cards : wants # Mexican Laboratorios y Agencias Unidas StarWars 66 Cards - SWTC # Mexican El Regreso Del Jedi Editorial Ciarmar 202 Stickers and an album : wants # New Zealand Kellogg's Return of the Jedi 12 Stickers : wants * New Zealand Tip-Top R2-D2 Space Ice iceblocks 15 Stickers - SWTC * New Zealand Tip-Top Return of the Jedi Jelly 4 Stickers - SWTC * New Zealand Twinkies by Tip-Top 6 Stickers - SWTC ! Peruvian Pepsi Return of the Jedi 42 Cards and an album - SWCA ! Philippine Preswell Enterprises Ewok Trading ? Cards - SWTC * Puerto Rican Lays chips Empire Strikes Back 20 Stickers and an album # Singapore Empire Strikes Back Sprite 10 Cards : wants ! Spanish Chocolates la Cibeles Mieres/Siero 12 Round chocolate pot tops - SWTC & SWSS ! Spanish Crecspan Droids & Ewoks (snacks) 20 Comic strips - SWTC # Spanish Chicle Droids & Ewoks 42 Foil stickers - I have six ! ! Spanish Chicle Return of the Jedi 32 Wrappers # Spanish Droids by Pacosa Dos/Internacional 225 Cards and an album - want a few # Spanish Ewoks by Pacosa Dos/Internacional 225 Cards and an album - want lots! # Spanish Empire Strikes Back by Fher 225 Cards and an album : wants - SWTC * Spanish Empire Strikes Back by Fher 12 Prize Cards for completing the regular card set * Spanish Star Wars (Guerra de las Galaxias) 187 Cards and an album # Spanish Panrico (chocolate cakes) 24 Stickers & four posters - SWCA & SWSS I have one ! # Spanish Panrico (chocolate cakes) Droids Ewoks 25 Stickers - I have one ! ! Spanish Phoskitos Star Wars (cakes) 30 Shaped Cards (troquelados) * Spanish Return of the Jedi by Pacosa DOS 200 Cards and an album - SWTC ! Spanish Return of the Jedi pastry ? Stickers - SWTC # Spanish Pegatinas Publi-Badge El Ret' del Jedi 19 Stickers - (Licencee PromoVip) # Spanish Tudor (batteries) Droids & Ewoks 16 Stickers - I just want Princess Kneessa # Spanish Yoplait Empire Strikes Back yoghurt 50 Stickers and an album : wants - SWTC * Swedish Nellba Star Wars (Stjärnornas Krig) 110 Cards with lots of variations - SWTC * UK Dairylea Ewoks and Droids 12 Cheese labels * UK Dairylea 4 Small and one large Transfer * UK F.K.S. (FKS) Empire Strikes Back 225 Stickers and an album - SWTC * UK Fascal Star Wars 12 Shaped stickers and a hanging shop display * UK Fun Products Return of the Jedi 12 Regular stickers and maybe 12 embossed : wants * UK Fun Products Star Wars, Empire & Revenge 6 Shaped, foiled stickers # UK Letraset 10 Small & 3 large transfer sheets : wants * UK Letraset NaBisCo Shreddies 4 Transfer sheets # UK Lyon's Maid ESB ice-lolly 12 Stickers : wants - SWTC * UK Topps Star Wars Series 1 (blue) 1-66 66 Cards, no stickers - SWTC * UK Topps Star Wars Series 2 (red) 1a-66a 66 Cards, no stickers - SWTC * UK Wall's sausages 12 Transfers * USA Star Wars (Bootleg) 8 Vending machine Stickers - SWTC * USA Star Wars (Bootleg) 4 Vending machine Stickers * USA Burger Chef meal-tray 12 Cards 23 in an un-cut tray * USA Burger King 'Everybody Wins' ESB 36 Cards (12 strips of 3) and (6 blocks of 6) * USA Burger King 'Everybody Wins' ESB 48 Stickers making 12 scenes and poster - SWTC * USA Business cards (Bootleg) 12 Cards by Intergalactic Trading Company * USA General Mills Star Wars 18 Cards and a wallet/folder - SWTC * USA General Mills Star Wars 16 Stickers printed by ADPAC - SWTC * USA General Mills Star Wars 4 Punch-out toys * USA Dixie Cup (Large) 8 Cards - SWTC * USA Dixie Cup (Small) 24 Strips and a poster - SWTC * USA Factors Inc. 12 Round stickers # USA Hershey's Candy Bar Packaging 9 Trays with 5 different Cards : Have two - SWTC * USA Hi-C Return of the Jedi 2 Sticker sheets & poster - SWTC * USA Kellogg's Return of the Jedi Stick'R 10 Cards - SWTC * USA Kellogg's Return of the Jedi Stick'R 10 Stickers - SWTC # USA Presto Magic Empire Strikes Back 7 Small transfer sets and an activity set # USA Presto Magic Return of the Jedi 4 Small transfer sets and two boxes * USA Return of The Jedi vending machine 16 Stickers - SWTC * USA Return of the Jedi vending 10 Shiny stickers from a roll - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Sugar-Free gum 56 Wrappers - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Series 1 (blue) 66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Series 2 (red) 66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Series 3 (yellow) 66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Series 4 (green) 66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Series 5 (orange) 66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Series 1 (red) 132 Cards and 33 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Series 2 (blue) 132 Cards and 33 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Series 3 (gold) 88 Cards and 22 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back photo cards 30 Large Cards - SWTC * USA Topps Return of the Jedi 180 Stickers and an album - SWTC * USA Topps Return of the Jedi Series 1 (red) 132 Cards and 33 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Return of the Jedi Series 2 (blue) 88 Cards and 22 stickers - SWTC * USA Wonder Bread Star Wars 16 Cards - SWTC Modern (1990-present) : Unusual items & New images * Unknown origin - Star Wars (Bootleg) 24 Discs in four un-cut sheets of six * Argentinean Maucci SWT:SE 12 Sticker sheets * Argentinean Pepsico SWT:SE 30 Cards + a prize-winner * Australian Lays Tazos SWT:SE 80 Tazos and an album - SWTC # Australian & New Zealand Slingers by SASSI 65 Metal Discs and a storage folder * Australian TV Week SWT:SE 4 Cards - SWTC @ Belgian Lays SWT:SE 50 MovieShots, very similar to the Dutch - SWTC * Brazilian Freegels (strawberry sweets) SWT:SE 50 Thin pieces of plastic and a poster # Brazilian Pepsi cinema SWT:SE 100 Cards and a binder/folder : Want lots - SWTC * Canadian Canada Games SWT:SE 70 POGs, 4 checklists cards & 8 colours of 8 slammers : Want a few - SWTC * Canadian Kellogg's cereal Shadows of the Empire 16 Cards (SOTE) * Canadian Kellogg's cereal box SWT:SE 3D 3 Cards - SWTC * Canadian Topps/Merlin stickers SWT:SE 6 Sheets ! Chilean Costas SWT:SE 40 Stickers and an album * Chilean Natur SWT:SE 36 Cards and a folder - SWTC # Chilean Evercrisp SWT:SE 30 Cards + a prize-winner - Have one, don't need any more. * Chinese / Hong Kong / Taiwan SWT:SE 40 Tazos, four slammers and an album - SWTC * Dutch Smith's SWT:SE 50 MovieShots and an album - SWTC * Dutch SWT:SE Pepsi 3 Cards - same images as P3, P5 and P6 * European Chupa Chups SWT:SE 24 Stickers and a poster - SWTC * European Panini SWT:SE 156 Stickers - Numbers, A-X, S1-S36 and an album - SWTC * European PEZ refill SWT:SE 8 Stickers - SWTC * European LEGO Trading Cards Series 1 252 Cards, limited editions cards, oversized cards, 3 tins and an album # European LEGO Trading Cards Series 2 202 Cards, limited editions cards, oversized cards and an album ! European LEGO Trading Cards Series 3 252 Cards, limited editions cards and an album ! European LEGO Trading Cards Series 4 192 Cards, limited editions cards, oversized cards and an album ! European LEGO Trading Cards Series 5 ? Cards * French (BN)Biscuiterie Nantaise Le Defi Du Jedi 30 Regular Cards, 14 variations - SWTC * French Merlin SWT:SE 125 Cards - SWTC * French Fritelle by Lays / PepsiCo SWT:SE 16 MovieShots in pairs - SWTC * German Merlin SWT:SE 125 Cards - SWTC * German Schmidt's SWT:SE 70 POGs, a check list card but no SW slammers - SWTC # German LEGO Blue Ocean 258 Stickers, foils, lenticulars & an album - THBA # Hungarian Star Wars (Bootleg) 25 Cards - I'm missing the title card # Hungarian Empire Strikes Back (Bootleg) 25 Cards - I'm missing the title card * Hungarian Return of the Jedi (Bootleg) 25 Cards - One has an Episode 1 image # Indonesian by Jetz, Chitato, Chiki & Cheetos 100 MovieShots : Want lots and an album - SWTC * Italian Merlin SWT:SE 125 Cards - SWTC * Italian & Spanish Galactic Heroes 24 Promo Cards * Italian Kinder Surprise 10 Cards * Japanese Fernandes guitar pick SWT:SE 4 Cards * Japanese Fox home video 20 Stickers # Japanese Glico 5x12=60 ChangeCards * Japanese Lotte Bikkuriman (Original Trilogy) 24 Stickers # Japanese Lotte Bikkuriman (Special Edition) 24 Stickers * Japanese Nippon Auto Photo (NAP) 16 Lenticular Cards * Mexican Dinamics SWT:SE 178 + 10 Special stickers & 3D - SWTC # Mexican Dunkin SWT:SE 40 Stickers : wants ! Mexican Direct TV 14 Printed Cards # Mexican Galacticos by Sabri SWT:SE 50 Discs : wants - SWTC * Mexican Gamesa SWT:SE 30 Cards - SWTC * Mexican/Puerto Rican Pelis (MovieShots) SWT:SE 40 MovieShots * Mexican/Spanish Sonrics SWT:SE 36 Cards and some stickers - SWTC * Mexican/Spanish Sonrics SWT:SE 10 Backgrounds & printed gum ! Mexican Sonrics SWT:SE 24 Stickers * New Zealand Confection Concepts SW Postacardz 50 Cards - SWTC # New Zealand Confection Concepts ESB Postacardz 45 Cards : wants - SWTC - New Zealand Confection Concepts Jedi Postacardz - Never produced - SWTC * New Zealand Quality Baker's, Good'n'Fresh Bread 10 Cards - SWTC * Polish SWT:SE 50 Tazos - Identical to UK except the text, larger album - SWTC @ Portuguese Matutano / Lays SWT:SE 50 MovieShots, very similar to the Dutch - SWTC # Russian gum (Bootleg) 36 Stickers, wants - SWTC ! South African Nature's Source SWT:SE 60 Bizos (Tazos) - SWCA * Spanish Dunkin SWT:SE 25 Pop-up Cards @ Spanish Matutano / Lays SWT:SE 50 MovieShots, very similar to the Dutch - SWTC # Spanish/South American/Asian (Bootleg) Lots Shiny sticker packs : wants ! Spanish Power Dips 48 Cards - SWSS # Thai CGIPs crisps / chips SWT:SE 60 Round stickers and a poster : wants ! Thai Fanta SWT:SE promos 12 Cards * Thai Pepsi SWT:SE promos 4 Cards - SWTC # Turkish gum by ARI 48 Stickers : wants - SWTC # Turkish Kent gum 112 Stickers and an album : wants # Turkish Kent gum 40? Floppies : wants # Turkish Kent gum 50? Cards : wants # Turkish Kerem Star Wars 82 Cards # UK Bobby's Candy Sticks by World Confectionery 14 Tattoos and nine boxes # UK Bobby's Candy Sticks by World Confectionery 18 Stickers and five smaller boxes * UK Dark Horse 6 Comic promo Cards & a folder * UK Disney May the 4th Be With You (Star Wars) 12 Cards * UK Disney Empire Strikes Back 12 Cards * UK Disney Return of the Jedi 12 Cards # UK Jedi Academy from a DeAgostini kids mag 300 Discs - Have a few * UK Merlin SWT:SE 125 Basic Cards and 3 over-sized promos - SWTC * UK Merlin SWT:SE oversized 4 Sticker sheets * UK Rowntree's tattoos (ice cream) SWT:SE 18 Singles and six strips of three Tattoos - SWTC * UK SFX Magazine Film Cel Cards 6 Cards * UK Topps Candy Head SWT:SE 10 Cards, 4 candy heads - SWTC * UK Topps Europe Star Wars Movie Collection 240 Stickers, poster & and album - TD # UK Topps Star Wars Universe 320 Stickers and a starter pack with an album # UK Topps Journey to StarWars the Force Awakens 160 Basic Cards, 30 mirror foil, 16 rainbow foils, 10 LEs, 2 tins & a binder - TD ! UK Topps Premium Artist (SWCE London) 40 Cards in 4 Volumes, with parallels and 1/1 sketches * UK Walkers SWT:SE 50 Tazos, 8 Force cards, a slammer and a binder - SWTC & - SWTC * UK / USA A.H. Prismatic Hologram 9 Stickers in a sheet * USA 24kt gold embossed by Bleachers/Score Board 7 Cards - SWTC * USA 24kt gold etched by Authentic Images 23 Cards - I have the Trilogy poster set - SWTC * USA Action Master (Kenner/Hasbro) 25 Regular and 3 foil Cards - SWTC * USA Antioch SWT:SE 9 Wallet Cards * USA Burger King 6 Lenticular Cards * USA Bounty Hunters tin set 6 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Dark Empire I tin set 6 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Dark Empire II tin set 6 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Dark Horse 3 Comic promo Cards DH1-DH3 # USA Dark Horse signing cards 20 Have these, there are probably more - SWTC * USA Disney May the 4th Be With You (Star Wars) 9 Cards * USA Disney Empire Strikes Back 6 Cards * USA Disney Return of the Jedi 6 Cards ! USA Disney Star Wars Fantacular 27 Cards and a binder * USA Doritos SWT:SE 20 Discs, 6 regular & 2 bonus cards - SWTC # USA Gentle Giant - COA & redemption Cards # USA Hallmark decoration / ornament - Cards - Have a few * USA Hamilton Mint porcelain/ceramic SWT:SE 3+17 Large & small Cards * USA James Cukr 3 Promo Cards * USA LEGO mini-fig 12 Cards * USA LEGO II video game promo 15 Promo Cards - SWTC * USA Lucasarts Masters of the Teras Kasi 9 Promo Cards * USA Lucasarts The Force Unleashed 10 Promo Cards * USA Art and Making of The Force Unleashed 10 Cards from the book * USA Inkworks Family Guy Blue Harvest 50 Basic Cards, 2 promos, 33 chase, case-loader & an album - SWTC * USA Family Guy Something, Something Dark Side 9 Promo Cards * USA Family Guy It's a Trap ! 9 Promo Cards # USA LeftCoast Graphics 8 Vintage figure style sticker packs * USA LEGO Store Trading Cards 20 Cards in four sets of five * USA Metallic Impressions Jedi Knights 6 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Jedi Knights by Avon 5 Metal Cards in a round tin - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Star Wars 20 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin and a metal promo card - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Empire Strikes Back 20 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin and a metal promo card - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Return of the Jedi 20 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin and a metal promo card - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Ralph McQuarrie 20 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Shadows of the Empire 6 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Mimobot 19 Stickers * USA Scholastic Adventures books 108 Mission Cards, guides & maps - want some * USA Star Wars trivia SWT:SE 12 Scratch Cards * USA Skybox/Panini SWT:SE 66 Stickers and an album - SWTC # USA Taco Bell 'Feel The Force' game SWT:SE 24? Scratch Cards : Have a few ! USA Texan SWT:SE 3 MovieShots - know any more about these ? * USA Topps Bend-ems from JustToys 28 Promo Cards - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Widevision 120 Basic Cards, 8 promo, 4 Kenner promos and 10 chase - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Widevision 6 Steel Cards * USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Widevision 3D 63 Basic Cards, 2 promo and 1 chase card - SWTC ! USA Topps The Original Trading Card Series 4 Bonus Widevision style Cards in a book * USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Illustrated 100 Basic Cards, foils, film cels & sketchagrpahs, plates ! USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Black & White 140 Basic Cards & inserts - CC # USA Topps Star Wars Micro 3D Comic 36 Cards - CC - wants * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Widevision 144 Basic Cards, 8 promo, 6 mini posters and 10 chase - SWTC * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Widevision 6 Steel Cards * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Widevision 3D 48 Basic Cards, 1 promo, sketch and autos ! USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Illustrated 100 Basic Cards, autos, film cels & sketches - CC ! USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Black & White 150 Cards & Inserts CC # USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Micro 3D Comic 36 Cards - CC - wants * USA Topps Return of the Jedi Widevision 144 Basic Cards, 8 promo, 6 mini posters, 1 case card & 10 chase - SWTC * USA Topps Return of the Jedi Widevision 3D 44 Basic Cards, autos, relics, patches & sketches ! USA Topps Return of the Jedi Black & White 133 Cards CC @ USA Topps Pepsi Trilogy Widevision 9 Promo Cards - three from each film. * USA Topps Shadows of the Empire (SOTE) 100 Basic, 9 promo and 10 chase Cards - SWTC * USA Topps Special Edition Retail Widevision 72 Basic, 4 Hasbro promos, 5 Galoob promos & 6 laser-cut Cards - SWTC # USA Topps Special Edition Retail in Japanese 72 Basic Cards with text in Japanese - SWTC * USA Topps Special Edition Hobby (Gold Borders) 72 Basic, 8 promos, 2 chase holograms & 6 laser-cut Cards - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars 70 Regular, 10 foil POGs and 24 slammers - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Chrome Archives 90 Basic Cards, 2 promo, 14 chase, 9 card uncut sheet - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Finest (1996) 90 Basic Cards, 5 promo and 10 chase & 90 refractors - SWTC ! USA Topps Star Wars Finest (2018) 100 Basic Cards & many inserts - CC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 24 Promo Cards * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 1 140 Basic, 9 promo and 7 chase Cards - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 135 Basic, 10 promo and 7 chase Cards : SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 90 Basic, 12 LucasArts, 10 promo and 12 chase Cards - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 4 120 Basic Cards and lots of chase ! - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 5 120 Basic Cards, autos, lots of chase & a binder - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 6 120 Basic Cards, foils, 'sketchagraphs' & lots of chase * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 7 110 Basic Cards, foils, 'sketchagraphs' & lots of chase ! USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy (2018) 150 Basic Cards and lots of inserts CC * USA Topps The Original Trading Card Series 4 Bonus Galaxy style Cards in a book * USA Topps Star Wars MasterVision 36 Basic and 2 promo Cards - SWTC # USA Topps Star Wars Shop promo 10 Cards - Wants # USA Topps Star Wars Shop Holiday Special promo 11 Cards - Wants * USA Topps Star Wars Vehicles 72 Basic, 2 promo and 7 chase Cards - SWTC # USA Topps Star Wars Dog Tags (Saga) and 24 Cards - Want #10 Darth Maul * USA Topps Star Wars Evolution (2001) 90 Basic Cards, 4 promos, 20 chase cards and 25 autographs - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Evolution Update Edition 90 Basic Cards, 2 promos, 59 chase and 19 reg & 3 cut auto cards - SWTC ! USA Topps Star Wars Evolution (2016) 100 Basic Cards, inserts, parallels, relics, sketches & autographs - CC * USA Topps Star Wars Heritage 120 Basic Cards, 6 promos, 12 foils, 30 stickers, 3 autos & sketches - SWTC * USA Topps 30th Anniversary 120 Basic Cards, parallels, cels, magnets, die-cuts, sketches & autos - SWTC * USA Topps Galactic Files 1 (2012) 350 Basic Cards, parallels, chase, sketches & autos - SWTC * USA Topps Galactic Files 2 (2013) 350 Basic Cards, parallels, chase, sketches & autos ! USA Topps Galactic Files Reborn (2017) 200 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps Galactic Files (2018) 200 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps High Tek 112 Basic Cards, inserts, parallels, die-cuts, sketches & autographs - CC * USA Topps Jedi Legacy 135 Basic Cards, parallels, chase, autos, film cel & relic cards ! USA Topps Wacky Packages (Cancelled) 100 Basic Cards, parallels, printing plates, reality TV, posters, stickers etc # USA Topps Star Wars Chrome Perspectives 100 Basic Cards, medallion cards, refractors, autos, plates - want some # USA Topps Star Wars Jedi vs. Sith (ChromePers) 100 Basic Cards, refractors, medallions, autographs & sketches - CC - have basic set # USA Topps Journey to SW the Force Awakens 110 Basic Cards, stickers, foils, patches, autographs and printing plates - CC * USA Topps Star Wars Sugar-Free Wrappers 49 Basic Cards & autographs - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars 40th Anniversary 200 Basic Cards & inserts - CC * USA Topps The Original Trading Card Series 9 Bonus Vintage style Cards and three stickers from three books (4 per book) # USA Topps Star Wars Masterwork (2015) 75 Basic Cards, sketches, autos, parallels & relics - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Masterwork (2017) 100 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Masterwork (2018) 100 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Masterwork (2019) 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Masterwork (2021) 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Hi Tek (2017) 112 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Archives Signature Series ? Many autographs - CC ! USA Topps Authentics Autographs Series 1 (2019) 25 Cards & autographs - CC ! USA Topps Authentics Autographs Series 2 (2019) 29 Cards & autographs - CC ! USA Topps Authentics Autographs (2020) ? Autographed 11x14 Photos - CC ! USA Topps Chrome Star Wars Legacy (2019) 200 Cards & Inserts CC ! USA Topps Chrome Star Wars Legacy (2021) 200 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Chrome Star Wars Galaxy 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps The Skywalker Saga 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Stellar Signatures (2019) Lots of Autographed Cards & Sketches CC ! USA Topps Stellar Signatures (2021) Lots of Autographed Cards - CC ! USA Topps Chrome Resistance v The First Order 100 Cards & Inserts - CC * USA Topps Women of Star Wars 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Living Set Star Wars as of 2023 >400 Cards - CC ! USA Topps On Demand 3D Set 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, Andor 12x5 = 60 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, Obi-Wan Kenobi 6x5 = 30 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, Star Wars Visions Season 1 9x5 = 45 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, Star Wars Visions Season 2 9x5 = 45 Cards - CC ! USA Topps The Bad Batch 10 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Battle Plans 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Bounty Hunters 300 Cards & Parallels - CC ! USA Topps I Am Your Father’s Day 10 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Signature Series (2021) 163 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Signature Series (2022) 146 Cards - CC ! USA Topps LucasFilm 50th Anniversary 50 Cards - CC ! USA Topps 206 Star Wars 50 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Finest Star Wars (2022) 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Andor Trailer 5 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Chrome Black 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars May the 4th Wrapper Art 8 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Signature Series (2023) 146 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Star Files NYCC 10 Cards - CC * USA Topps The Galaxy’s Most Powerful Women 12 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Wrapper Art Collection 7x4 = 28 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Chrome Star Wars (2023) 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Throwback Thursday Star Wars so far 48 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars (2023) 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Signature Series (2023) 134+67 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Finest (2023) 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Chrome Black 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Chrome Galaxy (2023) 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Chrome Sapphire Return Of The Jedi 220 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Return Of The Jedi 40th 40 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Return Of The Jedi 40th anniversary 20 Cards - CC - USA Topps Star Wars Card Trader - Digital cards - iOS & Android ! USA Topps Star Wars Card Trader 100 Physical cards - NSL & CC * USA Wal-Mart SWT:SE DVD promo 3 Stickers * USA Watches by Hope Industries SWT:SE 3 Promo Cards - SWTC * USA West End Games (WEG) Lots! of Cards from three box sets and one book - SWTC Prequels - E1:TPM, E2:AOTC, CW, E3:ROTS & RogueOne : Unusual items & New images Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace * Argentinean Navarette (Bootleg) 63 Cards and an album which I have # Argentinean Pepsico fries 40 Stickers and a promo card - Wants * Australian / New Zealand KFC 10 Cards - SWTC * Australian Harmony film reel tins 24 Cards - SWTC * Australian Hallmark 3D 8 Plain greeting Cards - SWTC * Australian iKon 60 Cards with red borders, silver & gold-bordered parallels and a checklist - SWTC * Australian Lays peel-off game 12 Cards * Australian Liquid Blue 12 Stickers * Australian Pepsi 12 Discs cut from the bottom of a Pepsi 12-pack - SWTC * Australian Pepsi 6 Discs cut from the bottom of a Pepsi 6-pack - SWTC ! Brazilian Elma 40 Stickers and an album * Canadian Lays promotional game 13 Cards - Want Mace Windu # Canadian (Quebec) Lundi Magazine 9? Cards : Wants * Chilean LIDER (Supermarket) 30 Cards - SWTC # Chilean Linden 40 Stickers : Have 35 ! Chilean Nestle Triplecards 5 Cards * Chilean Salo 176 Stickers, A-W and an album - SWTC * Dutch Smith's Crisps / Chips game 26 Scratch Cards - same as UK and one more * European Crazy Planet gum 32 Large, 24 small stickers and a sheet - SWTC * European / Australian Chupa Chups 24 Stickers and 10 wrappers - SWTC * European Kellogg's 10 Scrolls in various colours and languages * European Merlin/Topps 244 Stickers, 8 LEGO or 8 Hasbro and album - SWTC * European Scrapbook 8 Cards to be cut from the book * French La Vache Qui Rit cheese 10 Cards - SWTC * French Lotterie (Lottery) 9 Tickets - SWTC * German Pepsi 45 Cards - SWTC * German Pizza Hut "Get into it" 4 Stickers : want the yellow - SWTC # Greek Pepsi 27 Stickers Very similar to the German, have some * Guatemalan Quaker 3D 8 Cards - SWTC * Hong Kong / Thai Shiny hologram (Bootleg) 49 Cards - if you have more than 49 please email * Hong Kong Bossini Promotional 15 Cards - SWTC # Hong Kong Pepsi Galactic Passports 7 Cards : Have 2 - SWTC * Hong Kong / Mexican Prism Series 1 (Bootleg) 36 Cards - SWTC * Hong Kong / Mexican Prism Series 2 (Bootleg) 36 Cards - SWTC # Hungarian (Bootleg) 21? Stickers - Some are SWT images - SWTC # Hungarian (Bootleg) 16? Stickers with blue borders : wants # Hungarian (Bootleg) 23? Cards with brown backgrounds * Hungarian (Bootleg) Series 1 20 Cards - SWTC # Hungarian (Bootleg) Series 2 20 Cards : wants - SWTC * Hungarian (Bootleg) Light 25 Cards game # Hungarian (Bootleg) Dark 25 Cards game : wants - I'm missing the Ace * Hungarian (Bootleg?) 25 Cards game * Hungarian (Bootleg) 24 Shaped shiny 'laser' stickers * Hungarian Fundy Star 12 Stickers - and a folder - SWTC # Hungarian Pepsi 45 Cards - Very similar to the German set, have some - SWTC * Hungarian Total Film magazine 9 Cards * Italian Merlin/Topps 15 Hasbro Stickers and an album. * Japanese Curry by Nagatanien 20 Discs - SWTC * Japanese Lotte Bikkuriman (Prequel Trilogy) 24 Stickers # Japanese Meiji Chocolate 24 Stickers : Want 5 - SWTC * Japanese Meiji Crisps / Chip 30 Cards - SWTC @ Japanese Pepsi (Bootleg) 8? Cards * Japanese Rice Powder by Nagatanien 20 Stickers - SWTC * Japanese Schick razor 5 Stickers * Malaysian Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) 22 Cards - SWTC # Mexican Dunkin 36 Thin silvered foils : Have 15 # Mexican Imagics (Have most of the basic set) 244 + 24 'H' - like Merlins but with Hasbro stickers # Mexican Kellogg's E1:3D (2012) 24 Glow-in-the-dark stickers : Want 7 ! Mexican Kellogg's E1:3D (2012) 21 Cereal box Cards * Mexican Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) 20 Cards, album & envelope, as UK, but in Spanish * Mexican Paras 36 Stickers # Mexican Pelis (MovieShots) 40 MovieShots : wants - SWTC * Mexican Pepsi Hasbro 24 Cards * Mexican Pepsi 'Ultra' 96 Cards and three booklets to keep them in - SWTC # Mexican Sabritas 40 Stickers with silver backing and a scratch-off dots game - have some * New Zealand Bluebird 30+36 Regular, 18 medium Cards and 18 small Cards - SWTC * New Zealand Pepsi 15 Discs cut from the bottom of a Pepsi 15-pack - SWTC # Peruvian Pepsi E1:3D (2012) 20 Tazos - I Have 11 # Philippine 'Sari Sari' 72 Cards : wants @ Philippine Series 1 (Bootleg) 48? Cards @ Philippine Series 2 (Bootleg) 80? Cards @ Philippine Series 3 Comic (Bootleg) 54? Cards # Polish Lays Crisps / Chips game 26 Scratch Cards - same as UK and one more # Portuguese Pepsi 20 Shiny Cards : Have 14 - SWTC ! Singapore bootleg 5 Sticker sheets * South African Caltex 4 Plastic Cards - SWTC # South African Caltex 8 Stickers : Want C-3PO - SWTC * South American (Ecuador and Colombia) Mobil 50 Cards - SWTC # Spanish Bimbo/CAO 30 Common Cards and 6 foils : wants - SWTC # Spanish/South American/German (Bootleg) 24? Shiny sticker packs : wants # Swiss Pepsi 9 Cards : Want Obi-Wan * Thai Unif food 6 Cards ! Turkish Episode 1 Nacar bubble gum 20 Stickers * UK Cadbury's chocolate biscuits 4 Clippos - SWTC * UK interlace4d 3D Flip cards 6 Cards - SWTC * UK interlace4d 3D Motion cards (eMotions) 8 Cards - SWTC * UK Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) 20 Cards - SWTC * UK Kinnerton folding scenes 4 Cards - SWTC * UK Pepsi 'Apology' 4 Cards - these were sent when the mail-away droids were late! - SWTC * UK Pepsi Pop-Up 7 Cards - SWTC * UK Pepsi / Walker's 7 Stickers and a sheet - SWTC * UK Walker's Crisps / Chips game 25 Scratch Cards - SWTC * USA Antioch 6 Wallet Cards * USA Candy 'Film Containers' 5 3D Cards and 5 coloured plastic discs * USA Church by Living Waters Pubs (Bootleg) 4 Cards - SWTC # USA Dyna Mart (Bootleg) 200 Cards and 150 stickers, have about 50 Cards and 150 stickers - SWTC * USA Family Toy 3 Lenticular Cards - SWTC * USA FastFood: KFC Taco Bell Pizza Hut (Tricon) 29 Cards from the kid's meal toy boxes - SWTC * USA K-Mart 5 Cards - SWTC * USA Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) staff cards 5 Cards - SWTC * USA FastFood: KFC Taco Bell Pizza Hut (Tricon) 20 Discs - have all the non-winning ones (15) - SWTC # USA Lays promotional game (Large) 13 Cards : Want 1 - SWTC # USA Lays promotional game (Small) 13 Cards : Want 2 - SWTC * USA Pepsi 4 Stickers - SWTC * USA Pepsi trade/premium 24 Cards and a folder - SWTC * USA Pizza Hut 6 Stickers - SWTC * USA Sandylion Collectible 9 Stickers, 7 Small sheets & 2 large sheets - SWTC * USA Sandylion Collectible 18 Gold bordered Stickers * USA Sandylion Vending machine 12 Black bordered Stickers - SWTC * USA Scholastic Adventures books 102 Mission Cards, books & guides - want some * USA Topps The Phantom Menace Widevision 3D 46 Basic, 1 promo and 2 motion chase Cards - SWTC * USA Topps The Phantom Menace Widevision S1-Hob 80 Basic, 40 X cards and 8 chrome chase Cards \ - SWTC * USA Topps The Phantom Menace Widevision S1-Ret 80 Basic, 16 stickers, 10 foil chase & 5 tin Cards / - SWTC * USA Topps The Phantom Menace Widevision S2-Hob 80 Basic, 3 box-toppers and 8 chrome chase Cards \ - SWTC * USA Topps The Phantom Menace Widevision S2-Ret 80 Basic, 2 promos and 12 embossed chase Cards / - SWTC * USA Wal-Mart DVD promo 4 Cards - SWTC Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones * Asian / South American Nestle cereal 6 3D motion/morphing Cards - SWTC ! Brazilian Habib's restaurant 8 Cards and three memory games - SWTC * Canadian Cheesestrings & Ficello Connector 24 Cards - SWTC * Canadian Energizer battery 3 3D motion Cards - SWTC * Canadian Sandylion 'Smilemaker' 5 Stickers * Canadian Sandylion 6 Stickers * Canadian Sandylion 6 Stickers ! Chilean Doggis (Hot Dog) 4? Stickers - SWTC * European Topps Europe Attack of the Clones 95 Basic Cards, 10 foils, four binders and a binder card - SWTC * French "Harry's" 'Doo Wap' brioche 12 Cards in four strips - SWTC * French Hollywood gum 20 Cards - These are really backs of boxes - SWTC # French Hollywood gum 20 Stickers : wants - SWTC # French Hollywood gum 9? Cards : wants - SWTC * German opening-day cinema 4 Foiled Cards - SWTC * Hungarian Crisps / Chips by Chios 41 Stickers (They really are stickers) - SWTC * Italian Merlin 215 Regular stickers, letter foils, 8 Hasbro stickers and an album * Japanese 7-11 16 Regular Cards and 3 winners - SWTC * Japanese Fernandes guitar pick 4 Cards - SWTC * Japanese Morinaga Eskimo ice-cream 30 Cards and a 'winner' - SWTC @ Japanese Tomy 4 Discs * Mexican Bimbo 30 Punch-out Star-Cards - SWTC * New Zealand Mainland Foods 18 Cards, tokens and a sticker sheet - SWTC * Peruvian (Bootleg) AOTC 48 POGs * Polish Crisps / Chips by Chios 80 Pop-up Cards (40 large & 40 small) and 6 posters - SWTC * Polish Nestle cereal 6 3D motion/morphing Cards - SWTC # Russian / Ukranian gum (Bootleg) by Neptune 35 Stickers - wants * Singapore Cathay Pacific 6 Cards * Singapore ZoCard (cell-phone company) 4 Cards - SWTC * Thai cinemas 8 Stickers - SWTC * UK Daily Star (tabloid newspaper) 2 Sticker sheets (total of 17 stickers) and a poster - SWTC * UK Merlin 215 Regular stickers, letter foils, 8 LEGO and an album - SWTC * USA Curad bandages (plasters) 4 3D box-mounted Cards - SWTC * USA Frito-Lays 37 Star-Pics - 9 designs in four colours + a yellow CloneTrooper * USA Frito-Lays 'Build a Droid' 2 Large Cards # USA General Mills Chex cereal 4 Glitter Tattoos - want 1 - SWTC * USA Halloween 6 Stickers in strips of 26 * USA Jedi Berry Blast from Fruit Roll Ups 6 3D sticker Cards - SWTC * USA K-Mart 5 Scratch Cards - SWTC * USA Sandylion collectible 4 Stickers sheets - SWTC * USA Scholastic Adventures books 93 Mission Cards & guides - want some * USA Topps Attack of the Clones 100 Basic Cards, 6 promos, 28 chase, 5 tins, 4 binders & a binder card - SWTC * USA Topps Attack of the Clones Widevision 80 Basic Cards, a promo, five Wal-Mart DVD promos and 26 autos - SWTC * USA Topps Attack of the Clones Widevision 3D 44 Basic Cards, autos, medallions, patches & sketches - CC * USA TV Guide 3 Cover mounted 3D / flip Cards - SWTC The Clone Wars (2004-present): Unusual & new items # Argentinean Super Jacks 16 Sticker sheets and 9 tattoos # Brazilian Buzzy 50 Gum wrappers and a poster : wants ! Brazilian Easter Egg 12 Promo Cards ! Brazilian Hasbro Toys 'R' Us 4 Promo Cards * Canadian Oriental Trading company and Sandylion 5 Stickers * Colombia/Ecuador Nucita 40 3D / motion Cards * European Bon Bon Buddies gum 12 Lenticular box-top discs * European GP Battery 8 Duel image Cards * European Dracco 6 3D Cards * European Staks by Panini 150 Square magnetic 'Cards' ! European PEZ 10 Stickers * European Topps Europe 226 Stickers, album and poster for 14 character stickers * French Yoplait yoghurt 5 Stickers # German Topps (2013) 223 Numbered Stickers, P1-P17 & a poster # German Topps (2014) 222 Numbered Stickers, P1-P18 & a poster # Italian Saiwa 16 Punch-out foam 'Cards' : wants # Mexican Bimbo Lenticular 30 Cards, never officially released # Mexican Bondy Fiesta gum 60 Stickers : wants # Mexican Bondy Eggs 24 Stickers & medallions ! Mexican Bondy Chi-Lim chili powder 36 Tattoos * Polish/Hungarian Cheetos 30 Cards * Spanish Dracco gum 12 Lenticular box-top discs # Spanish Cheetos 43 Blix, Plastic Ovals - SWSS * USA Kraft Lunchables 4 Folding Cards * USA Sandylion 23? Stickers * USA Topps Clone Wars (Micro Series) 90 Basic Cards, 3 promos, 10 stickers, 10 motion & sketch cards - SWTC # USA Topps Clone Wars (Movie) 90 Basic Cards, two promos, cels, motions, foils, coins, parallels, sketches : wants - SWTC * USA Topps Clone Wars Widevision 80 Basic Cards - foils, clear cel, flix-pix, sketch and autos - SWTC * USA Topps Clone Wars 90 Basic stickers and 39 inserts - more info here - SWTC # USA Topps Clone Wars Dog Tags and 24 Cards # USA Topps Rise of the Bounty Hunters (ROTBH) 90 Basic Cards + 20 foils, 5 motion, 10 Target cells, sketches & binder * USA The Boston Globe 12 Cards in an uncut sheet Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith * Australian Flipitz 10 Dual-image discs * Australian Hunter Leisure 16 Sticker and tattoo sheets : wants * Australian Kellogg's cereal bars 10 Stickers # Australian Lottery 10 Scratch Cards : wants * Australian Tattstack 15 Tattoos and a tin; I'd like to get the tin # Australian / NZ Uncle Toby's rollups box 24 Cards : wants * Belgian Lottery 4 Scratch Cards * Belgian Fromagerie Bel La Vache Qui Rit 4 Foil Cards # Brazilian Parati by Bond / Chicle 72 Stickers and an album : wants * Canadian Lottery 12 Scratch Cards * Canadian Ficello, Black Diamond, Lactantia 12+12+3 Cards - Three are from Astro Burst yoghurt # Canadian FritoLays 11 Stickers : wants * Canadian Energizer battery 4 Stickers * European Topps Europe / Merlin 248 Stickers, album and poster * French Hollywood gum 'Les Grande Batailles' 10 Pairs of stickers - SWTC * French Lottery 12 Scratch Cards - SWTC * French Le Gaulois Saga collectible 28 Magnets & stickers - SWTC # French Kellogg's cereal box 36? Cards : wants * German Topps / Merlin 6 LEGO stickers, 4 shiny Hasbro stickers & poster * Hong Kong M&Ms 13 Stickers and 13 fridge-magnets # Hungarian Crisps / Chips by Chios 40 Cards, stickers & tattoos : wants # Hungarian Bootleg card game 36 Cards * Japanese enSky wrist-bands 10 Stickers * Japanese KDDI AU promo phone 10 Cards * Korean Kellogg's 8 Tattoos * Korean Kellogg's cereal box 21 Cards * Mexican Bimbo 18 Punch-out Cards * Mexican Bimbo 20 'Shooters' * Mexican Burger King 16 Cards and a folder * Mexican Kellogg's cereal box 24 Cards * Mexican Lottery 24 Scratch Cards * Mexican Nestle ice cream 15 Stickers * Peruvian (Bootleg) ROTS ?? POGs * Peruvian Bimbo 20 Stickers ! Philippine various ? Cards & stickers # Polish crisps / chips by Chios 40 Cards, stickers & tattoos & and two albums : wants * Singapore Twisties by Lays 12 Puzzle Cards in two sets of six ! Spanish Chicles Panini 36 Tattoos * Spanish/South American/German (Bootleg) 6 Shiny sticker packs * Spanish Kellogg's cereal box 6 Cards * Spanish Popitas 12 Cards * Thai Kellogg's cereal 6 Cards * UK Burger King 16 Scratch Cards * UK Camelot National Lottery 12 Scratch Cards - SWTC * UK Easter Egg 8 Foil stickers * UK Kellogg's cereal bars 60 Six dispensers, containing ten stickers - SWTC * UK Topps Europe 68 Flix Pix Cards with 3D, depth, motion and flips * UK Marks & Spencer chocolate bars 4 Puzzle Cards * Thai promo 16 Bookmarks * USA California Lottery 12 Scratch Cards & six coins # USA FIDM Dressing a Galaxy 5 Large promo Cards : wants ! USA Montana & Arizona Lottery 8 Scratch Cards * USA Kellogg's Sith/Jedi Mind game 18x2=36 Cut-out Cards from box backs - SWTC * USA Kudos 13 Cut-out Cards from box backs * USA Lays 12 Stickers - Yoda is a prize winner * USA Mello Smello vending machine 16 Stickers - SWTC * USA Mello Smello round promo 10 Stickers * USA M&M's Costco promotional 4 Cards in a single multi-pack * USA Sandylion 'SmileMakers' 5 Stickers * USA Sandylion 6 Sparkle stickers * USA Safeway 16 Cards in four packs of four - SWTC * USA Topps Revenge of the Sith 90 Basic Cards, 5 promos, 6 foils, 5 motions, 12 tin, 3 bonus & sketch - SWTC * USA Topps Revenge of the Sith Widevision 80 Basic Cards, 2 promos, 12 chromes, Flix-Pix and autos - SWTC * USA Topps Revenge of the Sith Widevision 3D 44 Basic Cards, autos, medallions, patches & sketches - CC * USA TV Guide 5 Cover mounted 3D / flip Cards * USA Wal-Mart 6 Foiled gift cards Cards - SWTC * USA Wal-Mart 2 Heat-sensitive Cards - SWTC Star Wars Rebels (2014-) : Unusual items & New images * European Topps Europe Rebels 198 Stickers, album and a poster for P1-P10 * UK Disney Rebels 12 Cards * UK/USA Subway Rebels 6 Cards and bags # USA Topps Rebels 100 Cards, rainbow foil parallels, stickers, tattoos & sketch cards - CC Star Wars Rogue One (2016) : Unusual items * European Topps 200 Stickers and and album * French E.Leclerc Cosmic Shells (RO & Saga) 54 Eight sided cards and an album ! USA Topps Star Wars Rogue One Mission Briefing 100 Basic Cards, inserts, parallels, patches, sketches & autographs - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Rogue One Series 1 100 Basic Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Rogue One Series 2 100 Basic Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Rogue One Chrome 50 Basic Cards & Inserts - CC Star Wars Solo (2018) : Unusual items * European Topps Solo: A Star Wars Story 198 Stickers and an album * French E.Leclerc (Solo & Saga) 90 Cards and an album ! USA Topps Countdown to Solo: A Star Wars Story 25 Cards - CC * USA Topps/Denny’s Star Wars Solo 12 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Solo: A Star Wars Story 100 Basic Cards & Inserts - CC The Resistance (2018) Unusual items ! USA Topps The Resistance Season 1 100 Cards & Inserts - CC The Mandalorian : (2019-present) Unusual items ! Brazilian Topps 180 Stickers # UK Topps The Mandalorian 231 Cards, foils, crystal, parallels & autographs - ToppsUK ! USA Topps The Mandalorian Trailer 10 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, The Mandalorian Season 1 8x5 = 40 Cards - CC # USA Topps Now, The Mandalorian Season 2 8x5 = 40 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, The Mandalorian Season 3 8x5 = 40 Cards - CC * USA Topps The Mandalorian, Journey of the Child 25 Cards & Parallels - CC ! USA Topps The Mandalorian Season 1 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps The Mandalorian Season 2 100 Cards & Inserts - CC The Book of Boba Fett : (2021-present) Unusual items ! USA Topps Now, The Book of Boba Fett Trailer 6 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, The Book of Boba Fett 7x5 = 35 Cards - CC ! USA Topps The Book of Boba Fett 100 Cards & Inserts - CC Sequels - E7:TFA, E8:TLJ & E9:TROS : Unusual items & New images Episode 7 The Force Awakens * European Topps The Force Awakens 180 Stickers released as parts 1&2, album and a poster * French E.Leclerc Cosmic Shells (TFA & Saga) 54 Eight sided cards and an album ! Peruvian Gloria 6? Cards ! USA General Mills The Force Awakens Cereal 6 Tattoos - USA Entertainment Weekly retro-style 8 Virtual Cards ! USA Topps The Force Awakens Series 1 100 Basic Cards, sketches, medallions, printing plates, autos & parallels - CC ! USA Topps The Force Awakens Series 2 100 Basic Cards, stickers, sketches, medallions, printing plates, autos & parallels - CC * USA Topps The Force Awakens 3D Widevision 48 Basic Cards & autographs in Kylo Ren box - CC Episode 8 The Last Jedi * Italian Kinder Surprise 10 Magnetic sticker Cards # Spanish Carrefour El Camino de los Jedi 100 Trading game cards & 18 stickers (The Path of the Jedi) - SWSS * USA Dole The Last Jedi 12 Stickers from fruit ! USA Topps Journey to The Last Jedi 110 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps Countdown to The Last Jedi 20 Basic Cards - CC ! USA Topps The Last Jedi 100 Basic Cards & inserts - CC * USA Winn Dixie BI-LO Cosmic Shells (TLJ & Saga) 72 Eight sided cards and an album # European Bon Bon Buddies Fruiticles 60 Discs, 12 stickers and a games sheet - My Haves/Wants Episode 9 The Rise of Skywalker # European Flipz (The Rise Of Skwalker & Saga) 139 Regular discs, 6 shiny LEs and oversized dice - want #s 40, 90, 115 & 135 * European Kaufland (TROS & Saga) 40 Cards, an album and parallel hologram cards * French E.Leclerc (TROS & Saga) 88 Stickers and an album ! Mexican FUD Snax 10 Cards # UK Topps The Rise of Skywalker 99 Basic Cards, inserts, LEs, patches and tins # USA General Mills The Rise of Skywalker 6 Tattoos ! USA McDonalds 10 Game cards sheet and stickers ! USA Topps Galactic Moments, Countdown to Ep IX 156 Cards CC ! USA Topps The Rise of Skywalker Trailer 10 Cards CC ! USA Topps Journey to The Rise of Skywalker 110 Cards & Inserts CC ! USA Topps The Rise of Skywalker Series 1 99 Basic Cards & inserts CC ! USA Topps The Rise of Skywalker Series 2 100 Cards & Inserts CC Top-Trumps card games, & * European Mini Top Trumps by Kinder C-3P0 head 48 Cards to play with & two rules cards * German Top Trumps Episode 2 30 Cards * German Top Trumps Episode 3 30 Cards * German Top Trumps Starships by Revell 30 Cards * Italian Mini Top Trumps by Kinder Eggs Ships 60 Cards * UK Top Trumps E1 3D by Winning Moves (2012) 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps 'Specials' by Winning Moves 36 Cards, 30 common, 5 rare, Anakin is very rare. * UK Top Trumps Clone Wars (The Micro Series) 36 Cards and a Super Top Trump * UK Top Trumps Clone Wars by Winning Moves 36 Cards and a bonus 3-card pack from Woolworths * UK Top Trumps Rise of the Bounty Hunters 36 Cards and STT * UK Top Trumps Starships 30 Cards & 3 bonus cards * UK Top Trumps Prequels by Winning Moves 36 Cards, 30 common, 1 STT & 3 German promos * UK Top Trumps Star Wars Tournament 6x36 Boxed set of six packs of Cards * UK Top Trumps Death Star tin set 60 Cards & four bonus cards * UK Top Trumps Quiz With a Twist Game 100 Cards with 500 Questions * UK Top Trumps Rogue One 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Rebels 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Episodes 1-3 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Episodes 4-6 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Episode 7, The Force Awakens 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Episode 8, The Last Jedi 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Episode 9, The Rise of Skywalker 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps The Mandalorian 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Top Toys 30 Cards including a lightsaber, from a Tournament set * USA Top Trumps by Parker Bros 30 Cards + Aurra Sing + 5 from MVC UK Card games & packs of playing cards - SWU * Argentinean Return of the Jedi by Cromy 36 Cards * Argentinean Episode 1 42 Playing Cards * Argentinean Episide 2 40 Playing Cards * Australian Glow-Zone Episode 1 53 Playing Cards * Australian Hunter Leisure E3 54 Playing Cards * Canadian Episode 1 tin 2-pack 108 Playing Cards ! French 'World of Ewoks' card game by Volumetrix 48 Cards * German Star Wars (Krieg der Sterne) 32 Cards * German Ravensburger game 110 Cards and 25 oval 'cards' - SWTC * Hong Kong Adidas Black & White playing cards 54+12 Cards * Hungarian vintage Bootleg memory game 2x16 Cards ! Hungarian vintage Bootleg matching game 70 Cards * Hungarian Episode 1 bootleg 54 Playing Cards * Hungarian Prequels cards game 78 Cards * Hungarian playing cards in various pack designs 54 Cards * Japanese R2-D2 shaped 54 Playing Cards * Japanese Karuta card game 90 Cards * Japanese Hanafuda card game 48 Cards * Malaysian Bootleg 42 Cards ! Malaysian Episode 2 Bootleg 54? Cards * Malaysian playing cards sheet 60 Cards * Mexican perforated playing cards sheet 'Baraja' 40 Cards * Mexican Bondy Eggs 20 Cards memory game * Mexican Sabritas 90 Cards * Russian / Ukranian Episode 2 playing card game 36 Cards * Russian Episode 3 playing card game 36 Cards ! Russian Star Wars Fluxx 100 Cards ! Peruvian Episode 2 playing cards 54? Cards * Singapore Trilogy poker 54 Playing Cards * Singapore Episode 2 'Prelude' 54 Playing Cards * Spanish Heraclio Fournier Droids & Ewoks 32 Cards - SWTC * Thai Episode 3 30 Playing Cards * UK Feel The Force Hidden Power card game ? Cards * UK Battle Cards game from UK Clone Wars mag 46 Cards * UK Dobble by Esdevium Games 55 Round Cards in a tin * UK Mini playing cards from Christmas crackers 53 Cards * UK Episode 2 52 Playing Cards - no Joker * UK Character Group Episode 3 playing cards 54 Cards * UK Funfax SW Trilogy Quiz cards 3 Sets of Cards * UK SW Classic Trilogy playing cards 52 Cards * UK Disney 55 Playing Cards in a tin with Kylo Ren's mask embossed * UK Waddingtons The Mandalorian 55 Playing Cards * USA Boxed card game ? Cards * USA Star Wars cards from the Picture Pursuit 8 Cards have SW images * USA Parker Brothers ROTJ 'Play for the Power' 2 Decks of Cards - SWTC * USA Clash of the Lightsabers card game 120 Cards - SWTC * USA Star Wars Epic Duels board game ? Cards * USA Disney Star Wars playing cards tin 108 Cards * USA Family Guy 'Blue Harvest' cards 52 Playing Cards * USA Rebels and Empire playing cards 52 Playing Cards * USA Sabacc cards from West-End Game (WEG) 120 Cards ! USA Aquarius A New Hope 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius The Empire Strikes Back 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Return of the Jedi 55 Playing Cards * USA Aquarius Boba Fett 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Chewbacca 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Darth Vader 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Han Solo 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Luke Skywalker 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Princess Leia 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius R2-D2 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Yoda 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius The Mandalorian 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Journey of The Child 55 Playing Cards * USA Aquarius Vintage Figures 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Comic Covers 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius The Rise of Skywalker 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Target 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Animated 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Movie 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Portraits 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Scenes 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi CW Heroes and Villains 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Heros and Villains 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Star Wars Ltd Edition 3-pack 165 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Star Wars Vehicle tin 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi The Ladies of Star Wars 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Star Wars Famous Quotes 53 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Star Wars Posters 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Posters and Quotes 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Empire Strikes Back 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi RMcQ Aces from Celebration 5 4 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi 3D cards from Celebration 5 53 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Ltd cards from Celebration 5 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi The Complete Saga 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars 3-card matching 30 Cards * USA Cartamundi Happy Families card game 32 Cards * USA Cartamundi Heroes 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Villains 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Heroes Vehicles 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Villains Vehicles 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi 3D playing cards 53 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi 3D playing cards - Episode 1 53 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Match Game 30 Cards * USA Cartamundi Angry Birds 55 Playing Cards in four tins, each with a 3D card * USA Cartamundi Good vs. Evil 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Ralph McQuarrie 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Battles 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Weapons 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi The Story of Darth Vader 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi The Last Jedi Heroes 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi The Last Jedi Villains 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Heroes from The Last Jedi 55 Playing Cards in an embossed tin * USA Cartamundi Villains 55 Playing Cards in a Stormtrooper Helmet ! USA Cartamundi Heroes Of The Resistance 55 Playing Cards in a Stormtrooper Helmet with a red stripe ! USA Theory11 Light Sde 55 Playing Cards ! USA Theory11 Dark Side 55 Playing Cards ! USA Theory11 The Mandalorian 55 Playing Cards Star Wars themed cards (from sets which do not only contain SW cards) - New images # Argentinean 'Retro Universe' Top Trumps style - Cards, 3 have Star Wars images # Canadaian Face To Face by Canada Games ? Cards, 4 have Star Wars actors' images # French Fromagerie Bel, La Vache Qui Rit cheese 18 Stickers, 1 has a Star Wars image - SWTC * French LucasFilm Fan Club 60 Cards, 4 are issued each year - SWTC # French Monsieur Cinema 10k+ Cards, 13 have Star Wars images * German/US Space Beans by Rio Grande Games 115 Cards, 15 have the same SW image * Italian Supercinema by Due Emme 144 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image ! Japanese JVSA Video collectors 100 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images ! Mexican Doritos Huevos (Eggs) 40 Cards, 4 have Star Wars images * Portuguese Harrison Ford set (Bootleg) 12 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images ! Spanish Jim Henson's Pequencos (Muppet Babies) 200 Cards and an album, 18 have Star Wars images * Spanish MIX 92 216 Cards and an album, 1 has a Star Wars image * Spanish Software Collection 150 Stickers and an album, three have Star Wars images * Spanish Special Effects (Efectos Especiales) 240 Stickers, a poster and an album, 16 have Star Wars images # Spanish Super EXiTO 215 Cards and an album, 11 have Star Wars images - want two * Spanish Super Festival 174 Stickers and an album, 8 have Star Wars images * Spanish Techno Accion 194 Cards and an album, three have Star Wars images # Spanish Telepop "Best TV shows and Movies" 240 Cards and an album, 5 have Star Wars images ! Spanish Video Guay 140+ Cards and an album, 3 have Star Wars images * UK Argos Battle Deck 32 Cards, 14 have Star Wars images * UK BBC Tomorrow's World Robot 28 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image of C-3PO * UK FilmFlex Movie Stars Top Trumps 32 Cards, 2 have Star Wars images * UK PLAYADAY.COM 'Ultimate' Top Trumps Black 30 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image of Yoda * UK SFX Magazine Top Trumps 38 Cards, 2 have Star Wars images of Han Solo & Jar Jar * UK 'SFX Appeal' Magazine Top Trumps 40 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image of Queen Amidala * UK Sainsbury's Heroes 144 Cards, 36 have Star Wars images * UK Sainsbury's Heroes on a Mission 144 Cards, 36 have Star Wars images * UK Waddingtons Spacecraft Top Trumps 32 Cards, 4 have Star Wars images # USA Acker Monsters by Dynacomm 5 sets of 45 = 225 Cards, 13 have Star Wars images, have set #s 2, 3 & 4 - NSL * USA Americana I by Donruss 100 Cards, 3 Star Wars actors are featured * USA Americana II by Donruss 100 Cards, 7 Star Wars actors are featured ! USA CBS Fox playing cards 52+? Cards, 3 have Star Wars posters images ! USA Celebrity Cuts Donruss 100 Cards, 4 Star Wars actors are featured * USA Classic Toys by That's Entertainment 66 Cards, 2 have Star Wars images - NSL * USA Disneyland 40 years Collectors Series 40 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (Star Tours) # USA Disney D23 Expo Trading Card Quest 30 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images # USA Galaxy Goons by Nostalgicards 36 Cards, 6 have Star Wars images # USA Grolier Story of America 2600 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images ! USA Girard W. Roundtree 27 Cards, 7 have Star Wars images * USA Hilderbrandt's Three sets of 90 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images NSL|NSL|NSL * USA Hollywood playing cards by Herodecks 54 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image - Obi-Wan * USA Jim Henson's Muppets by Cardz 60 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#56) - NSL ! USA Limited Run Games 300+ Cards, about 50 have Star Wars images - checklist * USA Lucasfilm playing cards 53 Cards, 37 have Star Wars images * USA Matt Busch Playing cards 54 Cards, 13 have Star Wars images # USA Picture Perfect 'The Game of Famous Faces' 60+ Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (Carrie Fisher as Slave Leia) ! USA Runnin Bare QSL by Jesse Anderson ? Cards, 13 have Star Wars images * USA South Park by Comic Images 70 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#38) - NSL # USA Sports Illustrated Kids ? Cards, 2 have a Star Wars image (#625 & #?) ! USA Starline Hollywood Walk of Fame 250 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars actor's image (Billy Dee Williams) * USA Starlog by World Class Marketing 55 Cards, 13 have Star Wars images - NSL # USA Suckadelic 50 Cards, 25 have Star Wars images * USA Team Blockbuster by Blockbuster Video 50 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#35) - NSL # USA Topps 75th Anniversary 100 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#69) # USA Topps Chronicles 52 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (TC20) - NSL # USA Topps Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series 41 Cards, 2 have a Star Wars image - NSL * USA Topps Giant movie pin-ups 12 posters, 2 have Star Wars images (#5=SW & #8=ESB) - SWTC * USA William Stout "Lost Worlds" by Comic Images 90 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#29) - NSL * USA Who's Who card game by Cadaco ? Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image, #91 ! Yugoslavian Pliva 70+ Cards 4, maybe 5 have Star Wars images # Autographs from Star Wars actors in non-SW sets - Cards Are there any more sets with Star Wars images ? Here's some more pages showing: Unusual vintage, modern, prequels etc cards and stickers, Gift & phone cards, Playing cards and card games, Vintage perk-up, puffy & flat sticker sheets and Transfers, Modern, prequels and CloneWars sticker sheets from Michael, Smilemakers stickers Valentines and Easter Cards and stickers, Bumper stickers, Star Wars Angry Birds stickers etc, Very rare and unreleased Topps promo cards, Ralph's McQuarries amazing artwork on trading card and stickers, Bootleg items, Any ideas what these mysteries are ? Do you know any more about these ? Collectable items from the Kenner & Hasbro figures # USA Kenner Power of the Force, Droids and Ewoks 62 Coins - SWCA * USA Comm-Tech 65 Chips - Here's a useful check-list * USA Flash-Back 11 Sliders - Here's a useful check-list # USA Freeze-Frame 59 Slides - Here's a useful check-list and images from RebelScum * USA Millennium 7 Gold-coloured coins in plastic stands - check-list * USA Power of the Jedi (POTJ) Fact-File 47 Folders # USA Transformers 16? Discs * USA The Anniversary Collection (TAC) 60 Coins - here's a useful check-list # USA Galactic Battle - Cards Star Wars Fan Club and convention items, all Celebration passes - New images * Star Wars Celebration 1 (Denver) (1999) 10 Passes * Star Wars Celebration 2 (Indianapolis) (2002) 10 Passes * Star Wars Celebration 3 (Indianapolis) (2005) 16 Passes * Star Wars Celebration 3 Collector forum (2005) 21 Cards - SWTC * Star Wars Celebration 4 (Los Angeles) (2007) 18 Passes, Vintage style stickers and other items * Star Wars Celebration Europe 1 (London) (2007) 16 Passes and other items * Star Wars Celebration Japan (Tokyo) (2008) 12 Passes and other items * Star Wars Celebration 5 (Orlando) (2010) 19 Passes and other items * Star Wars Celebration 6 (Orlando) (2012) 19 Passes and other items * Star Wars Celebration Europe 2 (Essen) (2013) 16 Passes and other items # Star Wars Celebration 7 (Anaheim) (2015) 19 Passes and other items # Star Wars Celebration Europe 3 (London) (2016) 16 Passes and other items # Star Wars Celebration 8 (Orlando) (2017) 18 Passes and other items # Star Wars Celebration 9 (Chicago) (2019) 20 Passes and other items # Star Wars Celebration 10 (Anaheim) (2022) 18 Passes and other items # Star Wars Celebration Europe 4 (London) (2023) 19 Passes and other items ! Star Wars Celebration Japan 2 (Tokyo) (2025) ? Passes and other items # Génération Star Wars Cusset, France (2011-21) 39 Cards from Star Wars Universe # The Art of Ralph McQuarrie - Bookmarks & Cards from C4, CE, CJ & C5 - Want Ralph with the pot of paint * UK Norwich SW fan club Celebration Europe 24 Cards * UK AllTheCoolStuff 'Farthest from' 12 Cards * UK Star Wars Fan Club - Cards - SWTC # UK StarWalls 14+2 Cards # USA Non-Sport Card Expo (Chicago) - Cards # USA Star Wars Fan Days I (Dallas) (2007) - Autograph Cards & sketches ! USA Star Wars Fan Days II (Dallas) (2008) - Autograph Cards & sketches ! USA Star Wars Fan Days III (Dallas) (2009) - Autograph Cards & sketches ! USA Star Wars Fan Days IV (Dallas) (2011) - Autograph Cards & sketches * USA Star Wars fan club 6 Passes # USA Star Wars fan club items - Various cards, stickers and even fridge magnets # USA The 501st Legion member, a total of 450 Cards in eight series : wants - SWTC # USA The Rebel Legion 105 Cards : wants # More convention items - Have some of these, there are many more not shown 'Fan Made' items - French AnakinWorld 6 Virtual Cards * UK Touch Tees 16 Very cute fanmade Stickers & and transfers * UK Farrer 162 LEGO mini-fig fanmade Cards ! UK Robots and Cyborgs TopTrumps Battle Game 30 Cards * UK What I want for Xmas cards by Dinosaur Joe 6 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image - USA Ginger_Jedi 23 Vintage style virtual Cards ! USA Hello Wars (Hello Kitty + Star Wars) 9 Cute Stickers - USA If PIXAR did Star Wars ... 17 Virtual Cards by Phil Postman * USA Jason Chalker Manly Art May The Fourth 18 Cards * USA Pilot's Licenses 5 Cards - SWTC # USA Robert A. Kraus (RAK) 10 Sketch Cards * USA 11 Promotional postcards - SWTC * USA & Collex-It Series 1 27 Charity sketch Cards - SWTC ! USA & Collex-It Series 2 10 Charity sketch Cards - SWTC Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) Miniature gaming figures: wants, Cards, rares & characters * USA Rebel Storm 60 Cards & figures # USA Clone Strike 60 Cards & figures * USA Revenge of the Sith 60 Cards & figures * USA Universe 60 Cards & figures # USA Champions of the Force 60 Cards & figures # USA Bounty Hunters 60 Cards & figures * USA Starships Battles 60 Cards & figures ! USA AT-AT Imperial Walker - Colossal Pack 1 Card & an AT-AT * USA Attack On Endor - Scenario Pack 4 Cards, an AT-ST and 3 figures * USA Alliance and Empire 60 Cards & figures # USA Rebels and Imperials 24 Cards & figures # USA The Force Unleashed 60 Cards & figures # USA Legacy of the Force 60 Cards & figures # USA Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) 60 Cards & figures # USA The Clone Wars (animated) 6+(3*2)+10+40 Cards & figures (Starter, maps & scenario packs) # USA Imperial Entanglements 40 Cards & figures * USA Jedi Academy 40 Cards & figures # USA Galaxy At War 40 Cards & figures # USA The Dark Times 40 Cards & figures # USA Masters of the Force 40 Cards & figures Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) Tradable Card Game (TCG) # USA Attack of the Clones 180 TCG Cards - Want a few foils * USA Sith Rising 90 TCG Cards # USA A New Hope 180 TCG Cards - Want a lot of foils # USA Battle of Yavin 105 TCG Cards - Have common set # USA Jedi Guardians 105 TCG Cards - Have common & uncommon sets # USA The Empire Strikes Back 210 TCG Cards - Have common set # USA Rogues and Scoundrels 105 TCG Cards - Have common set # USA The Phantom Menace 90 TCG Cards - Have common set # USA Return Of The Jedi cards 110 TCG Cards - Have common & uncommon sets # USA Revenge Of The Sith 110 TCG Cards - Have common set Topps Europe Force Attax cards * European Topps Europe Clone Wars Series 1 190 Cards, LE cards, album & mini poster * European Topps Europe Clone Wars Series 2 240 Cards, LE cards, shaped tin & album * European Topps Europe Clone Wars Series 3 240 Cards, LE cards, album, Darth Maul tin & mini poster # European Topps Europe Clone Wars Series 4 240 Cards, LE cards, album & mini poster - Wants * European Topps Europe Clone Wars Series 5 176 Cards, LE cards, album & mini poster * European Topps Europe Rebels 186 Cards, LE cards, album & mini poster * European Topps Europe Saga Series 1 240 Cards, LE cards, German tin & album * European Topps Europe Saga Series 2 240 Cards, LE cards, tin & album * European Topps Europe Saga Series 3 240 Cards, LE cards & album * European Topps Europe The Force Awakens 240 Cards, LE cards, 2 tins & album * European Topps Europe The Force Awakens Extra 138 Cards, LE cards, tins & album Topps Tradable Card Game (TCG) # USA Topps Clone Wars Adventures 140 TCG Cards - Wants WizKids Pocket model TCG cards and models # USA Premiere 120 TCG Cards and 80 models # USA Ground Assault 120 TCG Cards and 80 models # USA Order 66 60 TCG Cards and 18 models # USA Scum and Villainy 60 TCG Cards and 18 models # USA The Force Unleashed 0 TCG Cards and 2 models # USA Clone Wars 120 TCG Cards and 38 models # USA Clone Wars Tactics 60 TCG Cards and 18 models Decipher Collectible Card Game (CCG) # USA Theed Palace 129 CCG Cards # USA Coruscant 189 CCG Cards # USA Tatooine 99 CCG Cards # USA Jabba's Palace sealed deck 20 CCG Cards # USA Death Star II 182 CCG Cards # USA Third Anthology 6 CCG Cards # USA Enhanced Jabba's Palace 12 CCG Cards # USA Enhanced Cloud City 12 CCG Cards # USA Endor limited expansion set 198 CCG Cards # USA Special Edition limited expansion set 324 CCG Cards # USA Second Anthology preview 6 CCG Cards # USA Official tournament sealed deck premium 18 CCG Cards # USA Jabba's Palace limited expansion set 180 CCG Cards # USA Cloud City limited expansion set 180 CCG Cards # USA First anthology preview 6 CCG Cards # USA Dagobah limited expansion set 180 CCG Cards # USA Hoth limited expansion set 163 CCG Cards # USA Empire Strikes Back intro 2-player game 120 CCG Cards # USA A New Hope (limited) expansion set 162 CCG Cards # USA Premiere 2-player introductory set premium 6 CCG Cards # USA Premiere set 324 CCG Cards # USA Reflections I+II+III foils 114+100+100 = 314 CCG Cards - want a few # USA Tournament foils 28 CCG Cards - have a few Decipher Young Jedi Collectible Card Game (CCG) # USA Menace of Darth Maul (DM) 140 CCG Cards Have most # USA The Jedi Council (MW) 140 CCG Cards Have most * USA Battle of Naboo (QA) 140 CCG Cards Have all * USA Enhanced Menace of Darth Maul P1-P6 (R2) 6 CCG Cards Have all * USA Duel Of The Fates (BK) 60 CCG Cards Have all * USA Enhanced Battle of Naboo P8-P19 (R2) 12 CCG Cards Have all # USA Boonta Eve Podrace (SB) 60 CCG Cards Have some # USA Young Jedi Reflections 60+A1-A12+C1-C14 = 100 CCG Cards Want a few foils Decipher Jedi Knights Collectible Card Game (CCG) # USA Premiere (Millennium Falcon) 154 Cards - Want some # USA Scum and Villainy (Slave 1) 140 Cards - Want some # USA Masters Of The Force (Star Destroyer) 140 Cards - Want some Fantasy Flight Star Wars 'The Card Game' Living Card Game (LCG on @ USA Fantasy Flight, Core Set 240 Cards * USA Fantasy Flight, The Desolation of Hoth 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, The Search for Skywalker 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, A Dark Time 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Assault on Echo Base 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, The Battle of Hoth 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 5/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Escape from Hoth 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Heroes and Legends 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Lure of the Dark 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Knowlegde and Defense 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Join us or Die 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, It Binds all Things 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 5/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Darkness and Light 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Ready for Takeoff 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Draw Their Fire 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Evasive Maneuvers 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Attack Run 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Chain of Command 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 5/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Jump to Lightspeed 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Solo's Command 60 Cards Endor Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, New Alliances 60 Cards Endor Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Forest Moon 60 Cards Endor Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, So Be It 60 Cards Endor Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Press the Attack 60 Cards Endor Cycle 5/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Redemption and Return 60 Cards Endor Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Ancient Rivals 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, A Wretched Hive 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Meditation And Mastery 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Scrap Metal 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Power of the Force 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 5/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Technological Terror 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Allies of Necessity 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Aggressive Negotiations 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Desperate Circumstances 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Swayed by the Dark Side 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Trust the Force 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 5/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Promise of Power 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 6/6 Fantasy Flight Star Wars Destiny Card Game

If you have any more of any of the items in red or yellow or
if you have any items which are not listed please me.

This list was 'borrowed' from

and then it was 'enhanced'