
Australian Star Wars Trilogy, Special Edition (SWT:SE) Tazos - (1997) set of 80 (#s 81-160) and an album

Album, approx A4 size

Techno, motion/dual image and hologram Tazos

The text below is from www.tazocollectors.com
Motion Tazos (81-100) are a round tazo that have a lenticular suface that changes as you move it
Techno Tazos (101-130) are a hexagonal tazo with notches - Limited Edition Tazos
Round Tazos (131-140) are a with a 3D picture on them
Hologram Tazos (141-160) are a round Tazo with silver holographic picture on them.

All are numbered on the back with their respective numbers. There are quite a few Rare Tazos in this set & numbers are as follows (some rarer than others) 87, 97, 112, 119, 130, 131, 134, 141, 144, 150. The Release before this set (hence the 1st tazo as 81) was the Space Jam Tazos (1-80)

There are also 'kits' which can be used with the 'Techno-Tazos' to make three of the ships

See here for UK, Polish and Chinese/HK Tazos
