They are all a mystery to me but I do have the cards/stickers with red borders
Any ideas what these UK cards were going to be ? Any ideas what these UK 3d shaped cards were going to be ? Unknown card images from my friend Daniel Unknown Celebration 5 card by Jamie Snell, image from my friend Szabi Unknown Imperial Star Destoyer card, it's a bit smaller than a trading card and back is blank
These mysteries have been solved thanks to the assistance of very kind friends 1980 ESB Llucasfilm Factors Inc "Vending foil set", these might be bootleg, do you know any more? Any ideas what these (probably US) boot-leg cards are ? Some of these appear to be Japanese wallet cards, but not all, Unknown vintage 'fan-made' ID cards ?
These have pink borders and are perforated
I have the cards/stickers with red borders.
If you have any of the above cards and stickers that I don't have,
I have them as an un-cut sheet
Many thanks to my friend Mark for getting these.
The eBay seller said that they were originally going to be a premium for an unknown product but the project was cancelled and they weren’t released.
Lance said "Looks like someone made cards from all the factors Foto Dazzler iron on images. Those images were all available as t-shirts."
Any ideas what this vintage Mexican card is ?
Lance said "This is an insert card that I was told came in every pack."
Lance said "I have never seen these before, but I am pretty sure that they are images from Marvel Comic #11 Dragonlords. The artwork looks altered a little, but the original artist was Carmine Infantino. That story is from issues 11-15"
any ideas about the others which might be from iron-on transfers ?
Lance said "The six images that do not look like Japanese wallet cards are from the Star Wars Iron on and Transfer book. It looks like someone shrunk them down and made cards out of those images."
Many thanks to Shane Turgeon for the above images
Lance said "There was a company that made bootlegs stuff called TK Graphics. They advertised in Starlog's classified section.
I am almost possitive that these were made by them. I do not recall ever seeing one with an images of a stormtrooper on it though."
Unknown Prequels (E1/E2/E3) items
This might be from Argentina
These are phone cards
M&Ms promo cards - any ideas which country ? It's somewhere in Asia but I don't know where!
Unknown Clone Wars Items
Possibly from Denmark
These are maybe from Hasbro ?
A Clone Wars sticker set, Lance said that they are from
Unknown Saga items
Any ideas where these year 2000 calendar cards are from ? Maybe South America as the text is in Spanish
These are a memory matching game, possibly from South America as they are in Spanish
Sequels, Crunchy corn snack mega tattoos, maybe from the US ?
From playing cards and board games
This is probably Canadaian as it is in French and English
info on their origins or any more unusual Star Wars cards or stickers please