Unusual Star Wars gift cards - I do not have all of these,
images are from ebay or friends if I do not have them.
I have the cards with red borders
LEGO promo gift cards from Toys R Us
UK Woolworths ROTS gift cards
Star Wars Trilogy Best Buy gold foil promo gift cards, US & Canadian
Blockbuster Star Wars Trilogy promo card
Toys R US Battlefront gift card
Episode 2 BlockBuster gift card, ltd to 90k
Tower Records Limited Edition Set of four gift cards
Rare test-market Burger King gift card
Star Wars gift card - given by Virgin Megastores with release of SWT DVDs
Best Buy Star Wars Trilogy gold foil promo gift cards, US & Canadian
wwww.StarWarsBookExtras.com The Old Republic promo card
I have the cards with red borders
If you have any of the above cards that I don't have
or any more unusual Star Wars gift cards please
There's lots more pics and info about SW giftcards here
See here for phone card pics and info