
Vintage Topps 'country variation' cards - here's a few examples

UK red SW set, 1a-66a

See www.starwarscards.net for more information on the UK red set

This shows the backs of UK and US cards from the red series,
the UK cards are printed on a much lighter card.

Mexican blue SW set, 1-66

This unusual card is sort of #67 and may have been one per box

Lance said "The Mexican card is an insert card that I was told came in every pack."

'Laboratorios Y Agencias Unidas SA', and can be translated as Laboratories and United Agencies Co. and
'Simbolo de Calidad en Estampas para Coleccionistas' as The Symbol of Quality in trading cards for collectors
Thanks to Alonso for info on the card and the translations
See www.starwarscards.net for more information on the Mexican set

Canadian Opee-Chee blue SW set, 1-66

Canadian Opee-Chee orange SW error card - 'Ken Kenobi' !

Canadian Opee-Chee ESB set of 88 cards and 22 stickers

See www.starwarscards.net for more information on the Canadian SW, ESB & Jedi sets

Australian Scanlens blue SW set, 1-72

Australian Scanlens Empire Strikes Back sticker

See www.starwarscards.net for more information on the Australian SW ESB & Jedi sets

Australian Scanlens red Jedi set, 1-132

New Zealand Allens & Regina Star Wars set, 1-72

Here is a list of all the New Zealand and Australian Star Wars Cards..


  • 1977 Star Wars - Set Of 72 Cards , based on USA Topps Series 1 Cards + 6 extra CARDS (67 - 72) based on the sticker designs of USA Topps Series 1 1 wrapper design, No makers name on cards, buff coloured card

  • 1980 TESB - Set Of 132 Cards , based on USA Topps Series 1 1 Red wrapper design, Scanlens name on reverse of cards and on competition/title cards, buff coloured card

  • 1980 TESB - Set Of 33 Stickers , based on USA Topps Series 1, issued seperately to cards in different wrappers. 1 Blue wrapper design, not sure if 'scanlens' is printed on stickers

  • 1983 ROTJ - Set Of 132 Cards , based on USA Topps Series 1 3 Wrapper Designs : Jabba, Luke, Vader (as apposed to 4 designs in USA) Scanlens name on Reverse of Cards and on title/checklist cards


  • 1977 Star Wars - Set Of 72 Cards , based on USA Topps Series 1 Cards + 6 extra CARDS (67 - 72) based on the sticker designs of USA Topps Series 1 1 wrapper design, No makers name on cards, 2 types of card used : thin/white/glossy OR thick/buff Cards have either a puzzle back or BLANK back , even though the wrapper says 'movie facts' etc..

  • 1983 ROTJ - Set Of 132 Cards , based on USA Topps Series 1 3 Wrapper Designs : Jabba, Luke, Vader (as apposed to 4 designs in USA) Allens & Regina name on Reverse Of Cards and Checklists, while Scanlens name appears on front of title card.

    Basically Allens & Regina (later just known as Regina) was an affiliate of Scanlens and some bubblegum card series made in aussie by scanlens were reprinted in New Zealand and on the odd accasion vice versa.

    Many thanks for the above information and scans to Stephen Williams,

    Thanks to my friend Paul for the images

    See www.starwarscards.net for more information
