
Thailand CGIPS crisps/chips round stickers by Cheetos - (1997) set of 60

The above images are from my friend Trev's auctions on www.ebay.com

Here's another image from Trev of his collection

Here's another image from www.ebay.com which also shows the poster, many thanks to Taras

And the back of the piece of cardboard

Which says: 
* ___-----___                                    *
*  Chee-tos                                      *
* ---_____---                                    *
*                                                *
* How to play a magic sticker                    *
*                                                *
* o Remove the paper at the back and paste       *
*   it onto any surface or a sheet glass. You    *
*   will then able to see it from both sides     *
* o Paste, remove and re-paste again as          *
*   many time you want.                          *
* o Dont forget to correct all magic sticker and *
*   paste them on Starwars Sticker board from    *
*   Chee-tos                                     *
*                                                *
Many thanks to Suchat in Thailand for the translation

These were free stickers given out in the small Chee-Tos packages (Frito-Lay) when SW SE came out.
20 are from ANH, 20 from ESB and 20 from ROTJ. There is also a sticker album to put them in.
The information is on the back of the Cheetos package.

They are really tough to find because they were out for a very short period of time.

If you have any of these please
