Spanish "El Imperio Contrataca" (ESB) Cards by Fher, S.A. (1980) (set of 225)
Backs - some are grey, others white
Here's an image of a wrapper from ebay
Set of 12 ESB trading cards issued in 1980 by Editorial Fher of Spain.
  This set was meant as a gift for completing the ESB Fher 225-card album
which was printed when the ESB movie was released back in 1980.
  It was a common practice in Spain at that time for card companies to give away prizes
as a reward when completing collections. When completed you sent the album to the publishers
and they would return it with the prize cards. Not sure if I'd want to do that myself!
What makes this set so special is the fact that the cards have the regular American
trading card format (the ESB album cards were 1"x2.5", roughly half the size,
the same for ANH and ROTJ ones) and weren't meant to be stuck in an album but to be
collected separately (in fact they have plain grey unnumbered back).
Many, many thanks to picmario for the images of the set and the above information.
The images are identical to the UK FKS ESB stickers and in the same order,
See here for images of more Spainish items
If you have any of these please
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