Star Wars Cards
# Argentinean 'Retro Universe' Top Trumps style - Cards, 3 have Star Wars images * Argentinean Episide 2 40 Playing Cards * Argentinean Episode 1 42 Playing Cards * Argentinean Navarette (Bootleg) 63 Cards and an album which I have * Argentinean Pepsico SWT:SE 30 Cards + a prize-winner * Argentinean Return of the Jedi by Cromy 36 Cards # Argentinean Star Wars (Guerra de las Galaxias) 66+ Cards and an album : have a few - SWTC * Asian / South American Nestle cereal 6 3D motion/morphing Cards - SWTC * Australian / New Zealand KFC 10 Cards - SWTC # Australian / NZ Uncle Toby's rollups box 24 Cards : wants * Australian Glow-Zone Episode 1 53 Playing Cards * Australian Hallmark 3D 8 Plain greeting Cards - SWTC * Australian Harmony film reel tins 24 Cards - SWTC * Australian Hunter Leisure E3 54 Playing Cards * Australian iKon 60 Cards with red borders, silver & gold-bordered parallels and a checklist - SWTC # Australian Kellogg's Ewok Collect-A-Prize 12+16 Cards : wants - SWTC * Australian Lays peel-off game 12 Cards # Australian Lottery 10 Scratch Cards : wants @ Australian Regina-Allens/Stimorol/Scanlens ESB 132 Cards & 33 stickers - SWTC # Australian Regina-Allens/Stimorol/Scanlens ROJ 132 Cards - SWTC # Australian Regina-Allens/Stimorol/Scanlens SW 72 Cards - SWTC * Australian TV Week SWT:SE 4 Cards - SWTC * Belgian Fromagerie Bel La Vache Qui Rit 4 Foil Cards * Belgian Lottery 4 Scratch Cards ! Brazilian Easter Egg 12 Promo Cards ! Brazilian Habib's restaurant 8 Cards and three memory games - SWTC ! Brazilian Hasbro Toys 'R' Us 4 Promo Cards # Brazilian Pepsi cinema SWT:SE 100 Cards and a binder/folder : Want lots - SWTC # Canadaian Face To Face by Canada Games ? Cards, 4 have Star Wars actors' images # Canadian (Quebec) Lundi Magazine 9? Cards : Wants * Canadian Cheesestrings & Ficello Connector 24 Cards - SWTC # Canadian Opee-Chee Empire Strikes Back (3sets) 352 Cards - SWTC # Canadian Opee-Chee Return of the Jedi (1 set) 132 Cards - SWTC # Canadian Opee-Chee Star Wars (3sets) 264 Cards - SWTC * Canadian Energizer battery 3 3D motion Cards - SWTC * Canadian Episode 1 tin 2-pack 108 Playing Cards * Canadian Ficello, Black Diamond, Lactantia 12+12+3 Cards - Three are from Astro Burst yoghurt * Canadian Kellogg's cereal box SWT:SE 3D 3 Cards - SWTC * Canadian Kellogg's cereal Shadows of the Empire 16 Cards (SOTE) * Canadian Kellogg's Return of the Jedi Stick'R 10 Cards and 10 stickers - SWTC * Canadian Lays promotional game 13 Cards - Want Mace Windu * Canadian Lottery 12 Scratch Cards * Canadian York Empire Strikes Back peanut butter 6 Round Cards - SWTC # Chilean Evercrisp SWT:SE 30 Cards + a prize-winner - Have one, don't need any more. ! Chilean Laser ice Cream ? Shaped - Cards - SWCA * Chilean LIDER (Supermarket) 30 Cards - SWTC * Chilean Natur SWT:SE 36 Cards and a folder - SWTC ! Chilean Nestle Triplecards 5 Cards * Colombia/Ecuador Nucita 40 3D / motion Cards @ Costa Rican Star Wars (Guerra de las Galaxias) 187 Cards - Identical to the Spanish * Dutch Monty Fabrieken Return of the Jedi 100 Cards - SWTC * Dutch Smith's Crisps / Chips game 26 Scratch Cards - same as UK and one more * Dutch SWT:SE Pepsi 3 Cards - same images as P3, P5 and P6 * European Dracco 6 3D Cards * European GP Battery 8 Duel image Cards * European Kaufland (TROS & Saga) 40 Cards, an album and parallel hologram cards * European LEGO Trading Cards Series 1 252 Cards, limited editions cards, oversized cards, 3 tins and an album # European LEGO Trading Cards Series 2 202 Cards, limited editions cards, oversized cards and an album ! European LEGO Trading Cards Series 3 252 Cards, limited editions cards and an album ! European LEGO Trading Cards Series 4 192 Cards, limited editions cards, oversized cards and an album ! European LEGO Trading Cards Series 5 ? Cards * European Mini Top Trumps by Kinder C-3P0 head 48 Cards to play with & two rules cards * European Scrapbook 8 Cards to be cut from the book * European Staks by Panini 150 Square magnetic 'Cards' * European Topps Europe Attack of the Clones 95 Basic Cards, 10 foils, four binders and a binder card - SWTC * European Topps Europe Clone Wars Series 1 190 Cards, LE cards, album & mini poster * European Topps Europe Clone Wars Series 2 240 Cards, LE cards, shaped tin & album * European Topps Europe Clone Wars Series 3 240 Cards, LE cards, album, Darth Maul tin & mini poster # European Topps Europe Clone Wars Series 4 240 Cards, LE cards, album & mini poster - Wants * European Topps Europe Clone Wars Series 5 176 Cards, LE cards, album & mini poster * European Topps Europe Rebels 186 Cards, LE cards, album & mini poster * European Topps Europe Saga Series 1 240 Cards, LE cards, German tin & album * European Topps Europe Saga Series 2 240 Cards, LE cards, tin & album * European Topps Europe Saga Series 3 240 Cards, LE cards & album * European Topps Europe The Force Awakens 240 Cards, LE cards, 2 tins & album * European Topps Europe The Force Awakens Extra 138 Cards, LE cards, tins & album ! French 'World of Ewoks' card game by Volumetrix 48 Cards * French "Harry's" 'Doo Wap' brioche 12 Cards in four strips - SWTC * French (BN)Biscuiterie Nantaise Le Defi Du Jedi 30 Regular Cards, 14 variations - SWTC - French AnakinWorld 6 Virtual Cards * French E.Leclerc (Solo & Saga) 90 Cards and an album * French E.Leclerc Cosmic Shells (RO & Saga) 54 Eight sided cards and an album * French E.Leclerc Cosmic Shells (TFA & Saga) 54 Eight sided cards and an album # French Monsieur Cinema 10k+ Cards, 13 have Star Wars images * French Hollywood gum 20 Cards - These are really backs of boxes - SWTC # French Hollywood gum 9? Cards : wants - SWTC # French Kellogg's cereal box 36? Cards : wants * French La Vache Qui Rit cheese 10 Cards - SWTC * French Lottery 12 Scratch Cards - SWTC * French LucasFilm Fan Club 60 Cards, 4 are issued each year - SWTC * French Merlin SWT:SE 125 Cards - SWTC ! French Papou et Palmito / Ceraliment LU Brun 15 Embossed Cards * German Merlin SWT:SE 125 Cards - SWTC * German opening-day cinema 4 Foiled Cards - SWTC * German Pepsi 45 Cards - SWTC * German Ravensburger game 110 Cards and 25 oval 'cards' - SWTC * German Star Wars (Krieg der Sterne) 32 Cards * German Top Trumps Episode 2 30 Cards * German Top Trumps Episode 3 30 Cards * German Top Trumps Starships by Revell 30 Cards * German/US Space Beans by Rio Grande Games 115 Cards, 15 have the same SW image # Greek Empire Strikes Back (Bootleg) 200 Cards : want just the prize winners - SWTC ! Greek Return Of The Jedi wafer ? Cards ! Greek Vasilios Dagiacos Candy ? Cards - SWTC * Guatemalan Quaker 3D 8 Cards - SWTC # Génération Star Wars Cusset, France (2011-21) 39 Cards from Star Wars Universe * Hong Kong / Mexican Prism Series 1 (Bootleg) 36 Cards - SWTC * Hong Kong / Mexican Prism Series 2 (Bootleg) 36 Cards - SWTC * Hong Kong / Thai Shiny hologram (Bootleg) 49 Cards - if you have more than 49 please email * Hong Kong Adidas Black & White playing cards 54+12 Cards * Hong Kong Bossini Promotional 15 Cards - SWTC ! Hong Kong Empire Strikes Back Sprite 6 Cards # Hong Kong Pepsi Galactic Passports 7 Cards : Have 2 - SWTC # Hungarian (Bootleg) 23? Cards with brown backgrounds # Hungarian (Bootleg) Dark 25 Cards game : wants - I'm missing the Ace * Hungarian (Bootleg) Light 25 Cards game * Hungarian (Bootleg) Series 1 20 Cards - SWTC # Hungarian (Bootleg) Series 2 20 Cards : wants - SWTC * Hungarian (Bootleg?) 25 Cards game # Hungarian Bootleg card game 36 Cards # Hungarian Crisps / Chips by Chios 40 Cards, stickers & tattoos : wants # Hungarian Empire Strikes Back (Bootleg) 25 Cards - I'm missing the title card * Hungarian Episode 1 bootleg 54 Playing Cards # Hungarian Pepsi 45 Cards - Very similar to the German set, have some - SWTC * Hungarian playing cards in various pack designs 54 Cards * Hungarian Prequels cards game 78 Cards * Hungarian Return of the Jedi (Bootleg) 25 Cards - One has an Episode 1 image # Hungarian Star Wars (Bootleg) 25 Cards - I'm missing the title card * Hungarian Total Film magazine 9 Cards ! Hungarian vintage Bootleg matching game 70 Cards * Hungarian vintage Bootleg memory game 2x16 Cards * Italian & Spanish Galactic Heroes 24 Promo Cards # Italian Saiwa 16 Punch-out foam 'Cards' : wants * Italian Kinder Surprise 10 Cards * Italian Kinder Surprise 10 Magnetic sticker Cards * Italian Merlin SWT:SE 125 Cards - SWTC * Italian Mini Top Trumps by Kinder Eggs Ships 60 Cards * Italian Supercinema by Due Emme 144 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image * Japanese Hanafuda card game 48 Cards * Japanese Karuta card game 90 Cards * Japanese 7-11 16 Regular Cards and 3 winners - SWTC * Japanese Fernandes guitar pick 4 Cards - SWTC * Japanese Fernandes guitar pick SWT:SE 4 Cards # Japanese Glico 5x12=60 ChangeCards ! Japanese JVSA Video collectors 100 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images * Japanese KDDI AU promo phone 10 Cards * Japanese Lamy by Yamakatsu 6 Laminated Cards - know any more ? * Japanese Meiji Crisps / Chip 30 Cards - SWTC * Japanese Menko cards game sheet (Bootleg) 8 Cards - These were in a vintage book/magazine * Japanese Morinaga Eskimo ice-cream 30 Cards and a 'winner' - SWTC # Japanese Myojo Foods Limited noodle 30 Cards have #21 AT-ST * Japanese Nippon Auto Photo (NAP) 16 Lenticular Cards @ Japanese Pepsi (Bootleg) 8? Cards * Japanese R2-D2 shaped 54 Playing Cards * Japanese Roadshow magazine sheet of 8 Cards * Japanese Star Wars by Topps/Yamakatsu Corp 36 Cards - SWTC * Japanese Star Wars by Topps/Yamakatsu Corp 41 Mini Cards : SWTC # Japanese Takara Inc. mini-puzzle 40 Cards : wants * Japanese Tokyo Queen 40 Wallet Cards in four wallets * Korean Kellogg's cereal box 21 Cards * Malaysian Bootleg 42 Cards ! Malaysian Episode 2 Bootleg 54? Cards * Malaysian Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) 22 Cards - SWTC * Malaysian playing cards sheet 60 Cards * Mexican Bimbo 18 Punch-out Cards * Mexican Bimbo 30 Punch-out Star-Cards - SWTC # Mexican Bimbo Lenticular 30 Cards, never officially released * Mexican Bondy Eggs 20 Cards memory game * Mexican Burger King 16 Cards and a folder ! Mexican Direct TV 14 Printed Cards ! Mexican Doritos Huevos (Eggs) 40 Cards, 4 have Star Wars images ! Mexican FUD Snax 10 Cards * Mexican Gamesa SWT:SE 30 Cards - SWTC * Mexican Kellogg's cereal box 24 Cards ! Mexican Kellogg's E1:3D (2012) 21 Cereal box Cards * Mexican Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) 20 Cards, album & envelope, as UK, but in Spanish # Mexican Laboratorios y Agencias Unidas StarWars 66 Cards - SWTC * Mexican Lottery 24 Scratch Cards * Mexican Pepsi 'Ultra' 96 Cards and three booklets to keep them in - SWTC * Mexican Pepsi Hasbro 24 Cards * Mexican perforated playing cards sheet 'Baraja' 40 Cards * Mexican Sabritas 90 Cards * Mexican/Spanish Sonrics SWT:SE 36 Cards and some stickers - SWTC * New Zealand Bluebird 30+36 Regular, 18 medium Cards and 18 small Cards - SWTC # New Zealand Confection Concepts ESB Postacardz 45 Cards : wants - SWTC - New Zealand Confection Concepts Jedi Postacardz - Never produced - SWTC * New Zealand Confection Concepts SW Postacardz 50 Cards - SWTC * New Zealand Mainland Foods 18 Cards, tokens and a sticker sheet - SWTC * New Zealand Quality Baker's, Good'n'Fresh Bread 10 Cards - SWTC ! Peruvian Episode 2 playing cards 54? Cards ! Peruvian Gloria 6? Cards ! Peruvian Pepsi Return of the Jedi 42 Cards and an album - SWCA # Philippine 'Sari Sari' 72 Cards : wants ! Philippine Preswell Enterprises Ewok Trading ? Cards - SWTC @ Philippine Series 1 (Bootleg) 48? Cards @ Philippine Series 2 (Bootleg) 80? Cards @ Philippine Series 3 Comic (Bootleg) 54? Cards ! Philippine various ? Cards & stickers # Polish crisps / chips by Chios 40 Cards, stickers & tattoos & and two albums : wants * Polish Crisps / Chips by Chios 80 Pop-up Cards (40 large & 40 small) and 6 posters - SWTC # Polish Lays Crisps / Chips game 26 Scratch Cards - same as UK and one more * Polish Nestle cereal 6 3D motion/morphing Cards - SWTC * Polish/Hungarian Cheetos 30 Cards * Portuguese Harrison Ford set (Bootleg) 12 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images # Portuguese Pepsi 20 Shiny Cards : Have 14 - SWTC * Russian / Ukranian Episode 2 playing card game 36 Cards * Russian Episode 3 playing card game 36 Cards ! Russian Star Wars Fluxx 100 Cards * Singapore Cathay Pacific 6 Cards # Singapore Empire Strikes Back Sprite 10 Cards : wants * Singapore Episode 2 'Prelude' 54 Playing Cards * Singapore Trilogy poker 54 Playing Cards * Singapore Twisties by Lays 12 Puzzle Cards in two sets of six * Singapore ZoCard (cell-phone company) 4 Cards - SWTC * South African Caltex 4 Plastic Cards - SWTC * South American (Ecuador and Colombia) Mobil 50 Cards - SWTC # Spanish Bimbo/CAO 30 Common Cards and 6 foils : wants - SWTC # Spanish Droids by Pacosa Dos/Internacional 225 Cards and an album - want a few * Spanish Dunkin SWT:SE 25 Pop-up Cards * Spanish Empire Strikes Back by Fher 12 Prize Cards for completing the regular card set # Spanish Empire Strikes Back by Fher 225 Cards and an album : wants - SWTC # Spanish Ewoks by Pacosa Dos/Internacional 225 Cards and an album - want lots! * Spanish Heraclio Fournier Droids & Ewoks 32 Cards - SWTC ! Spanish Jim Henson's Pequencos (Muppet Babies) 200 Cards and an album, 18 have Star Wars images * Spanish Kellogg's cereal box 6 Cards * Spanish MIX 92 216 Cards and an album, 1 has a Star Wars image ! Spanish Phoskitos Star Wars (cakes) 30 Shaped Cards (troquelados) * Spanish Popitas 12 Cards ! Spanish Power Dips 48 Cards - SWSS * Spanish Return of the Jedi by Pacosa DOS 200 Cards and an album - SWTC * Spanish Star Wars (Guerra de las Galaxias) 187 Cards and an album # Spanish Super EXiTO 215 Cards and an album, 11 have Star Wars images - want two * Spanish Techno Accion 194 Cards and an album, three have Star Wars images # Spanish Telepop "Best TV shows and Movies" 240 Cards and an album, 5 have Star Wars images ! Spanish Video Guay 140+ Cards and an album, 3 have Star Wars images * Star Wars Celebration 3 Collector forum (2005) 21 Cards - SWTC * Swedish Nellba Star Wars (Stjärnornas Krig) 110 Cards with lots of variations - SWTC # Swiss Pepsi 9 Cards : Want Obi-Wan * Thai Episode 3 30 Playing Cards ! Thai Fanta SWT:SE promos 12 Cards * Thai Kellogg's cereal 6 Cards * Thai Pepsi SWT:SE promos 4 Cards - SWTC * Thai Unif food 6 Cards # The Art of Ralph McQuarrie - Bookmarks & Cards from C4, CE, CJ & C5 - Want Ralph with the pot of paint # Turkish Kent gum 50? Cards : wants # Turkish Kerem Star Wars 82 Cards * UK 'SFX Appeal' Magazine Top Trumps 40 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image of Queen Amidala * UK AllTheCoolStuff 'Farthest from' 12 Cards * UK Argos Battle Deck 32 Cards, 14 have Star Wars images * UK Burger King 16 Scratch Cards * UK Camelot National Lottery 12 Scratch Cards - SWTC * UK Character Group Episode 3 playing cards 54 Cards * UK FilmFlex Movie Stars Top Trumps 32 Cards, 2 have Star Wars images * UK Marks & Spencer chocolate bars 4 Puzzle Cards * UK Sainsbury's Heroes on a Mission 144 Cards, 36 have Star Wars images * UK Sainsbury's Heroes 144 Cards, 36 have Star Wars images * UK SFX Magazine Top Trumps 38 Cards, 2 have Star Wars images of Han Solo & Jar Jar * UK Walker's Crisps / Chips game 25 Scratch Cards - SWTC * UK Norwich SW fan club Celebration Europe 24 Cards # UK StarWalls 14+2 Cards * UK Battle Cards game from UK Clone Wars mag 46 Cards * UK BBC Tomorrow's World Robot 28 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image of C-3PO * UK Dark Horse 6 Comic promo Cards & a folder * UK Disney 55 Playing Cards in a tin with Kylo Ren's mask embossed * UK Disney Empire Strikes Back 12 Cards * UK Disney May the 4th Be With You (Star Wars) 12 Cards * UK Disney Rebels 12 Cards * UK Disney Return of the Jedi 12 Cards * UK Dobble by Esdevium Games 55 Round Cards in a tin * UK Episode 2 52 Playing Cards - no Joker * UK Farrer 162 LEGO mini-fig fanmade Cards * UK Feel The Force Hidden Power card game ? Cards * UK Funfax SW Trilogy Quiz cards 3 Sets of Cards * UK interlace4d 3D Flip cards 6 Cards - SWTC * UK interlace4d 3D Motion cards (eMotions) 8 Cards - SWTC * UK Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) 20 Cards - SWTC * UK Kinnerton folding scenes 4 Cards - SWTC * UK Merlin SWT:SE 125 Basic Cards and 3 over-sized promos - SWTC * UK Mini playing cards from Christmas crackers 53 Cards * UK Pepsi 'Apology' 4 Cards - these were sent when the mail-away droids were late! - SWTC * UK Pepsi Pop-Up 7 Cards - SWTC * UK PLAYADAY.COM 'Ultimate' Top Trumps Black 30 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image of Yoda ! UK Robots and Cyborgs TopTrumps Battle Game 30 Cards * UK SFX Magazine Film Cel Cards 6 Cards * UK Star Wars Fan Club - Cards - SWTC * UK SW Classic Trilogy playing cards 52 Cards * UK Top Trumps 'Specials' by Winning Moves 36 Cards, 30 common, 5 rare, Anakin is very rare. * UK Top Trumps Clone Wars (The Micro Series) 36 Cards and a Super Top Trump * UK Top Trumps Clone Wars by Winning Moves 36 Cards and a bonus 3-card pack from Woolworths * UK Top Trumps Death Star tin set 60 Cards & four bonus cards * UK Top Trumps E1 3D by Winning Moves (2012) 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Episode 7, The Force Awakens 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Episode 8, The Last Jedi 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Episode 9, The Rise of Skywalker 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Episodes 1-3 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Episodes 4-6 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Prequels by Winning Moves 36 Cards, 30 common, 1 STT & 3 German promos * UK Top Trumps Quiz With a Twist Game 100 Cards with 500 Questions * UK Top Trumps Rebels 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Rise of the Bounty Hunters 36 Cards and STT * UK Top Trumps Rogue One 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Star Wars Tournament 6x36 Boxed set of six packs of Cards * UK Top Trumps Starships 30 Cards & 3 bonus cards * UK Top Trumps The Mandalorian 30 Cards * UK Top Trumps Top Toys 30 Cards including a lightsaber, from a Tournament set * UK Topps Candy Head SWT:SE 10 Cards, 4 candy heads - SWTC * UK Topps Europe 68 Flix Pix Cards with 3D, depth, motion and flips # UK Topps Journey to StarWars the Force Awakens 160 Basic Cards, 30 mirror foil, 16 rainbow foils, 10 LEs, 2 tins & a binder - TD ! UK Topps Premium Artist (SWCE London) 40 Cards in 4 Volumes, with parallels and 1/1 sketches * UK Topps Star Wars Series 1 (blue) 1-66 66 Cards, no stickers - SWTC * UK Topps Star Wars Series 2 (red) 1a-66a 66 Cards, no stickers - SWTC # UK Topps The Mandalorian 231 Cards, foils, crystal, parallels & autographs - ToppsUK # UK Topps The Rise of Skywalker 99 Basic Cards, inserts, LEs, patches and tins * UK Waddingtons Spacecraft Top Trumps 32 Cards, 4 have Star Wars images * UK Waddingtons The Mandalorian 55 Playing Cards * UK What I want for Xmas cards by Dinosaur Joe 6 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image * UK/USA Subway Rebels 6 Cards and bags # USA Topps 75th Anniversary 100 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#69) * USA The Boston Globe 12 Cards in an uncut sheet * USA Cartamundi 3D cards from Celebration 5 53 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi 3D playing cards - Episode 1 53 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi 3D playing cards 53 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Angry Birds 55 Playing Cards in four tins, each with a 3D card * USA Cartamundi Battles 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars 3-card matching 30 Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Animated 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Match Game 30 Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Movie 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Portraits 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Scenes 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Clone Wars Target 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi CW Heroes and Villains 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Empire Strikes Back 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Good vs. Evil 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Happy Families card game 32 Cards * USA Cartamundi Heroes 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Heroes from The Last Jedi 55 Playing Cards in an embossed tin ! USA Cartamundi Heroes Of The Resistance 55 Playing Cards in a Stormtrooper Helmet with a red stripe * USA Cartamundi Heroes Vehicles 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Heros and Villains 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Ltd cards from Celebration 5 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Posters and Quotes 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Ralph McQuarrie 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi RMcQ Aces from Celebration 5 4 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Star Wars Famous Quotes 53 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Star Wars Ltd Edition 3-pack 165 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Star Wars Posters 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Star Wars Vehicle tin 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi The Complete Saga 2-pack 110 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi The Ladies of Star Wars 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi The Last Jedi Heroes 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi The Last Jedi Villains 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi The Story of Darth Vader 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Villains 55 Playing Cards in a Stormtrooper Helmet * USA Cartamundi Villains 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Villains Vehicles 55 Playing Cards * USA Cartamundi Weapons 55 Playing Cards # USA FIDM Dressing a Galaxy 5 Large promo Cards : wants * USA K-Mart 5 Cards - SWTC * USA K-Mart 5 Scratch Cards - SWTC * USA Matt Busch Playing cards 54 Cards, 13 have Star Wars images - USA Ginger_Jedi 23 Vintage style virtual Cards # USA Non-Sport Card Expo (Chicago) - Cards * USA & Collex-It Series 1 27 Charity sketch Cards - SWTC ! USA & Collex-It Series 2 10 Charity sketch Cards - SWTC # USA Suckadelic 50 Cards, 25 have Star Wars images ! USA Limited Run Games 300+ Cards, about 50 have Star Wars images - checklist ! USA Theory11 Dark Side 55 Playing Cards ! USA Theory11 Light Sde 55 Playing Cards ! USA Theory11 The Mandalorian 55 Playing Cards # USA Gentle Giant - COA & redemption Cards * USA 24kt gold embossed by Bleachers/Score Board 7 Cards - SWTC * USA 24kt gold etched by Authentic Images 23 Cards - I have the Trilogy poster set - SWTC # USA A New Hope 180 TCG Cards - Want a lot of foils # USA A New Hope (limited) expansion set 162 CCG Cards # USA Acker Monsters by Dynacomm 5 sets of 45 = 225 Cards, 13 have Star Wars images, have set #s 2, 3 & 4 - NSL * USA Action Master (Kenner/Hasbro) 25 Regular and 3 foil Cards - SWTC * USA Alliance and Empire 60 Cards & figures * USA Americana I by Donruss 100 Cards, 3 Star Wars actors are featured * USA Americana II by Donruss 100 Cards, 7 Star Wars actors are featured * USA Antioch 6 Wallet Cards * USA Antioch SWT:SE 9 Wallet Cards ! USA Aquarius A New Hope 55 Playing Cards * USA Aquarius Boba Fett 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Chewbacca 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Comic Covers 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Darth Vader 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Han Solo 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Journey of The Child 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Luke Skywalker 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Princess Leia 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius R2-D2 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Return of the Jedi 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius The Empire Strikes Back 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius The Mandalorian 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius The Rise of Skywalker 55 Playing Cards * USA Aquarius Vintage Figures 55 Playing Cards ! USA Aquarius Yoda 55 Playing Cards * USA Art and Making of The Force Unleashed 10 Cards from the book ! USA AT-AT Imperial Walker - Colossal Pack 1 Card & an AT-AT # USA Attack of the Clones 180 TCG Cards - Want a few foils * USA Attack On Endor - Scenario Pack 4 Cards, an AT-ST and 3 figures * USA Battle of Naboo (QA) 140 CCG Cards Have all # USA Battle of Yavin 105 TCG Cards - Have common set # USA Boonta Eve Podrace (SB) 60 CCG Cards Have some # USA Bounty Hunters 60 Cards & figures * USA Bounty Hunters tin set 6 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Boxed card game ? Cards * USA Burger Chef meal-tray 12 Cards 23 in an un-cut tray * USA Burger King 'Everybody Wins' ESB 36 Cards (12 strips of 3) and (6 blocks of 6) * USA Burger King 6 Lenticular Cards * USA Business cards (Bootleg) 12 Cards by Intergalactic Trading Company * USA California Lottery 12 Scratch Cards & six coins * USA Candy 'Film Containers' 5 3D Cards and 5 coloured plastic discs ! USA CBS Fox playing cards 52+? Cards, 3 have Star Wars posters images ! USA Celebrity Cuts Donruss 100 Cards, 4 Star Wars actors are featured # USA Champions of the Force 60 Cards & figures * USA Church by Living Waters Pubs (Bootleg) 4 Cards - SWTC * USA Clash of the Lightsabers card game 120 Cards - SWTC * USA Classic Toys by That's Entertainment 66 Cards, 2 have Star Wars images - NSL # USA Clone Strike 60 Cards & figures # USA Clone Wars 120 TCG Cards and 38 models # USA Clone Wars Tactics 60 TCG Cards and 18 models # USA Cloud City limited expansion set 180 CCG Cards # USA Coruscant 189 CCG Cards * USA Curad bandages (plasters) 4 3D box-mounted Cards - SWTC # USA Dagobah limited expansion set 180 CCG Cards * USA Dark Empire I tin set 6 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Dark Empire II tin set 6 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Dark Horse 3 Comic promo Cards DH1-DH3 # USA Dark Horse signing cards 20 Have these, there are probably more - SWTC # USA Death Star II 182 CCG Cards # USA Disney D23 Expo Trading Card Quest 30 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images * USA Disney Empire Strikes Back 6 Cards * USA Disney May the 4th Be With You (Star Wars) 9 Cards * USA Disney Return of the Jedi 6 Cards ! USA Disney Star Wars Fantacular 27 Cards and a binder * USA Disney Star Wars playing cards tin 108 Cards * USA Disneyland 40 years Collectors Series 40 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (Star Tours) * USA Dixie Cup (Large) 8 Cards - SWTC * USA Doritos SWT:SE 20 Discs, 6 regular & 2 bonus cards - SWTC * USA Duel Of The Fates (BK) 60 CCG Cards Have all # USA Dyna Mart (Bootleg) 200 Cards and 150 stickers, have about 50 Cards and 150 stickers - SWTC # USA Empire Strikes Back intro 2-player game 120 CCG Cards # USA Endor limited expansion set 198 CCG Cards * USA Enhanced Battle of Naboo P8-P19 (R2) 12 CCG Cards Have all # USA Enhanced Cloud City 12 CCG Cards # USA Enhanced Jabba's Palace 12 CCG Cards * USA Enhanced Menace of Darth Maul P1-P6 (R2) 6 CCG Cards Have all - USA Entertainment Weekly retro-style 8 Virtual Cards * USA Family Guy 'Blue Harvest' cards 52 Playing Cards * USA Family Guy It's a Trap ! 9 Promo Cards * USA Family Guy Something, Something Dark Side 9 Promo Cards * USA Family Toy 3 Lenticular Cards - SWTC @ USA Fantasy Flight, A Dark Time 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, A Wretched Hive 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Aggressive Negotiations 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Allies of Necessity 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Ancient Rivals 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Assault on Echo Base 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Attack Run 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Chain of Command 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 5/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Core Set 240 Cards @ USA Fantasy Flight, Darkness and Light 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Desperate Circumstances 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Draw Their Fire 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Escape from Hoth 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Evasive Maneuvers 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Forest Moon 60 Cards Endor Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Heroes and Legends 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, It Binds all Things 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 5/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Join us or Die 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Jump to Lightspeed 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Knowlegde and Defense 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Lure of the Dark 60 Cards Echoes of the Force Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Meditation And Mastery 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 3/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, New Alliances 60 Cards Endor Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Power of the Force 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 5/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Press the Attack 60 Cards Endor Cycle 5/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Promise of Power 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Ready for Takeoff 60 Cards Rogue Squadron Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Redemption and Return 60 Cards Endor Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Scrap Metal 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, So Be It 60 Cards Endor Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Solo's Command 60 Cards Endor Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Swayed by the Dark Side 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 4/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Technological Terror 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 6/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, The Battle of Hoth 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 5/6 * USA Fantasy Flight, The Desolation of Hoth 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 1/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, The Search for Skywalker 60 Cards Hoth Cycle 2/6 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Trust the Force 60 Cards Alliances Cycle 5/6 * USA FastFood: KFC Taco Bell Pizza Hut (Tricon) 29 Cards from the kid's meal toy boxes - SWTC # USA First anthology preview 6 CCG Cards * USA Frito-Lays 'Build a Droid' 2 Large Cards # USA Galactic Battle - Cards # USA Galaxy At War 40 Cards & figures # USA Galaxy Goons by Nostalgicards 36 Cards, 6 have Star Wars images * USA General Mills Star Wars 18 Cards and a wallet/folder - SWTC ! USA Girard W. Roundtree 27 Cards, 7 have Star Wars images # USA Grolier Story of America 2600 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images # USA Ground Assault 120 TCG Cards and 80 models # USA Hallmark decoration / ornament - Cards - Have a few * USA Hamilton Mint porcelain/ceramic SWT:SE 3+17 Large & small Cards # USA Hershey's Candy Bar Packaging 9 Trays with 5 different Cards : Have two - SWTC * USA Hilderbrandt's Three sets of 90 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images NSL|NSL|NSL * USA Hollywood playing cards by Herodecks 54 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image - Obi-Wan # USA Hoth limited expansion set 163 CCG Cards - USA If PIXAR did Star Wars ... 17 Virtual Cards by Phil Postman # USA Imperial Entanglements 40 Cards & figures * USA Inkworks Family Guy Blue Harvest 50 Basic Cards, 2 promos, 33 chase, case-loader & an album - SWTC # USA Jabba's Palace limited expansion set 180 CCG Cards # USA Jabba's Palace sealed deck 20 CCG Cards * USA James Cukr 3 Promo Cards * USA Jason Chalker Manly Art May The Fourth 18 Cards * USA Jedi Academy 40 Cards & figures * USA Jedi Berry Blast from Fruit Roll Ups 6 3D sticker Cards - SWTC # USA Jedi Guardians 105 TCG Cards - Have common & uncommon sets * USA Jim Henson's Muppets by Cardz 60 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#56) - NSL * USA Kellogg's Return of the Jedi Stick'R 10 Cards - SWTC * USA Kellogg's Sith/Jedi Mind game 18x2=36 Cut-out Cards from box backs - SWTC * USA Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) staff cards 5 Cards - SWTC # USA Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) 60 Cards & figures * USA Kraft Lunchables 4 Folding Cards * USA Kudos 13 Cut-out Cards from box backs # USA Lays promotional game (Large) 13 Cards : Want 1 - SWTC # USA Lays promotional game (Small) 13 Cards : Want 2 - SWTC # USA Legacy of the Force 60 Cards & figures * USA LEGO II video game promo 15 Promo Cards - SWTC * USA LEGO mini-fig 12 Cards * USA LEGO Store Trading Cards 20 Cards in four sets of five * USA Lucasarts Masters of the Teras Kasi 9 Promo Cards * USA Lucasarts The Force Unleashed 10 Promo Cards * USA Lucasfilm playing cards 53 Cards, 37 have Star Wars images * USA M&M's Costco promotional 4 Cards in a single multi-pack # USA Masters of the Force 40 Cards & figures # USA Masters Of The Force (Star Destroyer) 140 Cards - Want some # USA Menace of Darth Maul (DM) 140 CCG Cards Have most * USA Metallic Impressions Empire Strikes Back 20 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin and a metal promo card - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Jedi Knights 6 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Jedi Knights by Avon 5 Metal Cards in a round tin - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Ralph McQuarrie 20 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Return of the Jedi 20 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin and a metal promo card - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Shadows of the Empire 6 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin - SWTC * USA Metallic Impressions Star Wars 20 Metal Cards in a rectangular tin and a metal promo card - SWTC ! USA Montana & Arizona Lottery 8 Scratch Cards # USA Official tournament sealed deck premium 18 CCG Cards # USA Order 66 60 TCG Cards and 18 models * USA Parker Brothers ROTJ 'Play for the Power' 2 Decks of Cards - SWTC * USA Pepsi trade/premium 24 Cards and a folder - SWTC # USA Picture Perfect 'The Game of Famous Faces' 60+ Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (Carrie Fisher as Slave Leia) * USA Pilot's Licenses 5 Cards - SWTC # USA Premiere 120 TCG Cards and 80 models # USA Premiere (Millennium Falcon) 154 Cards - Want some # USA Premiere 2-player introductory set premium 6 CCG Cards # USA Premiere set 324 CCG Cards * USA Rebel Storm 60 Cards & figures * USA Rebels and Empire playing cards 52 Playing Cards # USA Rebels and Imperials 24 Cards & figures # USA Reflections I+II+III foils 114+100+100 = 314 CCG Cards - want a few # USA Return Of The Jedi cards 110 TCG Cards - Have common & uncommon sets * USA Revenge of the Sith 60 Cards & figures # USA Revenge Of The Sith 110 TCG Cards - Have common set # USA Robert A. Kraus (RAK) 10 Sketch Cards # USA Rogues and Scoundrels 105 TCG Cards - Have common set ! USA Runnin Bare QSL by Jesse Anderson ? Cards, 13 have Star Wars images * USA Sabacc cards from West-End Game (WEG) 120 Cards * USA Safeway 16 Cards in four packs of four - SWTC * USA Scholastic Adventures books 93 Mission Cards & guides - want some * USA Scholastic Adventures books 102 Mission Cards, books & guides - want some * USA Scholastic Adventures books 108 Mission Cards, guides & maps - want some # USA Scum and Villainy 60 TCG Cards and 18 models # USA Scum and Villainy (Slave 1) 140 Cards - Want some # USA Second Anthology preview 6 CCG Cards * USA Sith Rising 90 TCG Cards * USA South Park by Comic Images 70 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#38) - NSL # USA Special Edition limited expansion set 324 CCG Cards # USA Sports Illustrated Kids ? Cards, 2 have a Star Wars image (#625 & #?) * USA Star Wars cards from the Picture Pursuit 8 Cards have SW images * USA Star Wars Epic Duels board game ? Cards # USA Star Wars Fan Days I (Dallas) (2007) - Autograph Cards & sketches ! USA Star Wars Fan Days II (Dallas) (2008) - Autograph Cards & sketches ! USA Star Wars Fan Days III (Dallas) (2009) - Autograph Cards & sketches ! USA Star Wars Fan Days IV (Dallas) (2011) - Autograph Cards & sketches * USA Star Wars trivia SWT:SE 12 Scratch Cards ! USA Starline Hollywood Walk of Fame 250 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars actor's image (Billy Dee Williams) * USA Starlog by World Class Marketing 55 Cards, 13 have Star Wars images - NSL * USA Starships Battles 60 Cards & figures # USA Taco Bell 'Feel The Force' game SWT:SE 24? Scratch Cards : Have a few # USA Tatooine 99 CCG Cards * USA Team Blockbuster by Blockbuster Video 50 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#35) - NSL # USA The 501st Legion member, a total of 450 Cards in eight series : wants - SWTC # USA The Rebel Legion 105 Cards : wants # USA The Clone Wars (animated) 6+(3*2)+10+40 Cards & figures (Starter, maps & scenario packs) # USA The Dark Times 40 Cards & figures # USA The Empire Strikes Back 210 TCG Cards - Have common set # USA The Force Unleashed 0 TCG Cards and 2 models # USA The Force Unleashed 60 Cards & figures # USA The Jedi Council (MW) 140 CCG Cards Have most # USA The Phantom Menace 90 TCG Cards - Have common set # USA Theed Palace 129 CCG Cards # USA Third Anthology 6 CCG Cards * USA Top Trumps by Parker Bros 30 Cards + Aurra Sing + 5 from MVC UK ! USA Topps 206 Star Wars 50 Cards - CC * USA Topps 30th Anniversary 120 Basic Cards, parallels, cels, magnets, die-cuts, sketches & autos - SWTC * USA Topps Attack of the Clones 100 Basic Cards, 6 promos, 28 chase, 5 tins, 4 binders & a binder card - SWTC * USA Topps Attack of the Clones Widevision 80 Basic Cards, a promo, five Wal-Mart DVD promos and 26 autos - SWTC * USA Topps Attack of the Clones Widevision 3D 44 Basic Cards, autos, medallions, patches & sketches - CC ! USA Topps Authentics Autographs Series 1 (2019) 25 Cards & autographs - CC ! USA Topps Authentics Autographs Series 2 (2019) 29 Cards & autographs - CC ! USA Topps Battle Plans 100 Cards & Inserts - CC * USA Topps Bend-ems from JustToys 28 Promo Cards - SWTC ! USA Topps Bounty Hunters 300 Cards & Parallels - CC ! USA Topps Chrome Resistance v The First Order 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Chrome Sapphire Return Of The Jedi 220 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Chrome Star Wars (2023) 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Chrome Star Wars Galaxy 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Chrome Star Wars Legacy (2019) 200 Cards & Inserts CC ! USA Topps Chrome Star Wars Legacy (2021) 200 Cards - CC # USA Topps Chronicles 52 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (TC20) - NSL * USA Topps Clone Wars (Micro Series) 90 Basic Cards, 3 promos, 10 stickers, 10 motion & sketch cards - SWTC # USA Topps Clone Wars (Movie) 90 Basic Cards, two promos, cels, motions, foils, coins, parallels, sketches : wants - SWTC # USA Topps Clone Wars Adventures 140 TCG Cards - Wants # USA Topps Clone Wars Dog Tags and 24 Cards * USA Topps Clone Wars Widevision 80 Basic Cards - foils, clear cel, flix-pix, sketch and autos - SWTC ! USA Topps Countdown to Solo: A Star Wars Story 25 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Countdown to The Last Jedi 20 Basic Cards - CC ! USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Black & White 150 Cards & Inserts CC ! USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Illustrated 100 Basic Cards, autos, film cels & sketches - CC # USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Micro 3D Comic 36 Cards - CC - wants * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back photo cards 30 Large Cards - SWTC * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Series 1 (red) 132 Cards and 33 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Series 2 (blue) 132 Cards and 33 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Series 3 (gold) 88 Cards and 22 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Widevision 6 Steel Cards * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Widevision 144 Basic Cards, 8 promo, 6 mini posters and 10 chase - SWTC * USA Topps Empire Strikes Back Widevision 3D 48 Basic Cards, 1 promo, sketch and autos ! USA Topps Finest (2023) 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Finest Star Wars (2022) 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Galactic Files (2018) 200 Basic Cards & inserts - CC * USA Topps Galactic Files 1 (2012) 350 Basic Cards, parallels, chase, sketches & autos - SWTC * USA Topps Galactic Files 2 (2013) 350 Basic Cards, parallels, chase, sketches & autos ! USA Topps Galactic Files Reborn (2017) 200 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps Galactic Moments, Countdown to Ep IX 156 Cards CC # USA Topps Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series 41 Cards, 2 have a Star Wars image - NSL ! USA Topps High Tek 112 Basic Cards, inserts, parallels, die-cuts, sketches & autographs - CC ! USA Topps I Am Your Father’s Day 10 Cards - CC * USA Topps Jedi Legacy 135 Basic Cards, parallels, chase, autos, film cel & relic cards # USA Topps Journey to SW the Force Awakens 110 Basic Cards, stickers, foils, patches, autographs and printing plates - CC ! USA Topps Journey to The Last Jedi 110 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps Journey to The Rise of Skywalker 110 Cards & Inserts CC ! USA Topps Living Set Star Wars as of 2023 >400 Cards - CC ! USA Topps LucasFilm 50th Anniversary 50 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, Andor 12x5 = 60 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, Obi-Wan Kenobi 6x5 = 30 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, Star Wars Visions Season 1 9x5 = 45 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, Star Wars Visions Season 2 9x5 = 45 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, The Book of Boba Fett 7x5 = 35 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, The Book of Boba Fett Trailer 6 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, The Mandalorian Season 1 8x5 = 40 Cards - CC # USA Topps Now, The Mandalorian Season 2 8x5 = 40 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Now, The Mandalorian Season 3 8x5 = 40 Cards - CC ! USA Topps On Demand 3D Set 100 Cards - CC @ USA Topps Pepsi Trilogy Widevision 9 Promo Cards - three from each film. # USA Topps Rebels 100 Cards, rainbow foil parallels, stickers, tattoos & sketch cards - CC ! USA Topps Return Of The Jedi 40th 40 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Return Of The Jedi 40th anniversary 20 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Return of the Jedi Black & White 133 Cards CC * USA Topps Return of the Jedi Series 1 (red) 132 Cards and 33 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Return of the Jedi Series 2 (blue) 88 Cards and 22 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Return of the Jedi Widevision 144 Basic Cards, 8 promo, 6 mini posters, 1 case card & 10 chase - SWTC * USA Topps Return of the Jedi Widevision 3D 44 Basic Cards, autos, relics, patches & sketches * USA Topps Revenge of the Sith 90 Basic Cards, 5 promos, 6 foils, 5 motions, 12 tin, 3 bonus & sketch - SWTC * USA Topps Revenge of the Sith Widevision 80 Basic Cards, 2 promos, 12 chromes, Flix-Pix and autos - SWTC * USA Topps Revenge of the Sith Widevision 3D 44 Basic Cards, autos, medallions, patches & sketches - CC # USA Topps Rise of the Bounty Hunters (ROTBH) 90 Basic Cards + 20 foils, 5 motion, 10 Target cells, sketches & binder * USA Topps Shadows of the Empire (SOTE) 100 Basic, 9 promo and 10 chase Cards - SWTC ! USA Topps Signature Series (2023) 134+67 Cards - CC * USA Topps Special Edition Hobby (Gold Borders) 72 Basic, 8 promos, 2 chase holograms & 6 laser-cut Cards - SWTC # USA Topps Special Edition Retail in Japanese 72 Basic Cards with text in Japanese - SWTC * USA Topps Special Edition Retail Widevision 72 Basic, 4 Hasbro promos, 5 Galoob promos & 6 laser-cut Cards - SWTC ! USA Topps Star Wars (2023) 100 Cards - CC # USA Topps Star Wars Shop Holiday Special promo 11 Cards - Wants # USA Topps Star Wars Shop promo 10 Cards - Wants ! USA Topps Star Wars 40th Anniversary 200 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Black & White 140 Basic Cards & inserts - CC * USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Illustrated 100 Basic Cards, foils, film cels & sketchagrpahs, plates * USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Widevision 6 Steel Cards * USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Widevision 120 Basic Cards, 8 promo, 4 Kenner promos and 10 chase - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Widevision 3D 63 Basic Cards, 2 promo and 1 chase card - SWTC ! USA Topps Star Wars Andor Trailer 5 Cards - CC - USA Topps Star Wars Card Trader - Digital cards - iOS & Android ! USA Topps Star Wars Card Trader 100 Physical cards - NSL & CC * USA Topps Star Wars Chrome Archives 90 Basic Cards, 2 promo, 14 chase, 9 card uncut sheet - SWTC ! USA Topps Star Wars Chrome Black 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Chrome Black 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Chrome Galaxy (2023) 100 Cards - CC # USA Topps Star Wars Chrome Perspectives 100 Basic Cards, medallion cards, refractors, autos, plates - want some # USA Topps Star Wars Dog Tags (Saga) and 24 Cards - Want #10 Darth Maul * USA Topps Star Wars Evolution (2001) 90 Basic Cards, 4 promos, 20 chase cards and 25 autographs - SWTC ! USA Topps Star Wars Evolution (2016) 100 Basic Cards, inserts, parallels, relics, sketches & autographs - CC * USA Topps Star Wars Evolution Update Edition 90 Basic Cards, 2 promos, 59 chase and 19 reg & 3 cut auto cards - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Finest (1996) 90 Basic Cards, 5 promo and 10 chase & 90 refractors - SWTC ! USA Topps Star Wars Finest (2018) 100 Basic Cards & many inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy (2018) 150 Basic Cards and lots of inserts CC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 24 Promo Cards * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 1 140 Basic, 9 promo and 7 chase Cards - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 135 Basic, 10 promo and 7 chase Cards : SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 90 Basic, 12 LucasArts, 10 promo and 12 chase Cards - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 4 120 Basic Cards and lots of chase ! - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 5 120 Basic Cards, autos, lots of chase & a binder - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 6 120 Basic Cards, foils, 'sketchagraphs' & lots of chase * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 7 110 Basic Cards, foils, 'sketchagraphs' & lots of chase * USA Topps Star Wars Heritage 120 Basic Cards, 6 promos, 12 foils, 30 stickers, 3 autos & sketches - SWTC ! USA Topps Star Wars Hi Tek (2017) 112 Basic Cards & inserts - CC # USA Topps Star Wars Jedi vs. Sith (ChromePers) 100 Basic Cards, refractors, medallions, autographs & sketches - CC - have basic set * USA Topps Star Wars MasterVision 36 Basic and 2 promo Cards - SWTC # USA Topps Star Wars Masterwork (2015) 75 Basic Cards, sketches, autos, parallels & relics - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Masterwork (2017) 100 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Masterwork (2018) 100 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Masterwork (2019) 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Masterwork (2021) 100 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars May the 4th Wrapper Art 8 Cards - CC # USA Topps Star Wars Micro 3D Comic 36 Cards - CC - wants ! USA Topps Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Rogue One Chrome 50 Basic Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Rogue One Mission Briefing 100 Basic Cards, inserts, parallels, patches, sketches & autographs - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Rogue One Series 1 100 Basic Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Rogue One Series 2 100 Basic Cards & Inserts - CC * USA Topps Star Wars Series 1 (blue) 66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Series 2 (red) 66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Series 3 (yellow) 66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Series 4 (green) 66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC * USA Topps Star Wars Series 5 (orange) 66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC ! USA Topps Star Wars Signature Series (2021) 163 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Signature Series (2022) 146 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Signature Series (2023) 146 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Solo: A Star Wars Story 100 Basic Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Star Wars Star Files NYCC 10 Cards - CC * USA Topps Star Wars Sugar-Free Wrappers 49 Basic Cards & autographs - CC * USA Topps Star Wars Vehicles 72 Basic, 2 promo and 7 chase Cards - SWTC ! USA Topps Stellar Signatures (2019) Lots of Autographed Cards & Sketches CC ! USA Topps Stellar Signatures (2021) Lots of Autographed Cards - CC ! USA Topps The Bad Batch 10 Cards - CC ! USA Topps The Book of Boba Fett 100 Cards & Inserts - CC * USA Topps The Force Awakens 3D Widevision 48 Basic Cards & autographs in Kylo Ren box - CC ! USA Topps The Force Awakens Series 1 100 Basic Cards, sketches, medallions, printing plates, autos & parallels - CC ! USA Topps The Force Awakens Series 2 100 Basic Cards, stickers, sketches, medallions, printing plates, autos & parallels - CC * USA Topps The Galaxy’s Most Powerful Women 12 Cards - CC ! USA Topps The Last Jedi 100 Basic Cards & inserts - CC ! USA Topps The Mandalorian Season 1 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps The Mandalorian Season 2 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps The Mandalorian Trailer 10 Cards - CC * USA Topps The Mandalorian, Journey of the Child 25 Cards & Parallels - CC * USA Topps The Original Trading Card Series 4 Bonus Galaxy style Cards in a book ! USA Topps The Original Trading Card Series 4 Bonus Widevision style Cards in a book * USA Topps The Original Trading Card Series 9 Bonus Vintage style Cards and three stickers from three books (4 per book) * USA Topps The Phantom Menace Widevision S2-Hob 80 Basic, 3 box-toppers and 8 chrome chase Cards \ - SWTC * USA Topps The Phantom Menace Widevision S2-Ret 80 Basic, 2 promos and 12 embossed chase Cards / - SWTC * USA Topps The Phantom Menace Widevision S1-Hob 80 Basic, 40 X cards and 8 chrome chase Cards \ - SWTC * USA Topps The Phantom Menace Widevision S1-Ret 80 Basic, 16 stickers, 10 foil chase & 5 tin Cards / - SWTC * USA Topps The Phantom Menace Widevision 3D 46 Basic, 1 promo and 2 motion chase Cards - SWTC ! USA Topps The Resistance Season 1 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps The Rise of Skywalker Series 1 99 Basic Cards & inserts CC ! USA Topps The Rise of Skywalker Series 2 100 Cards & Inserts CC ! USA Topps The Rise of Skywalker Trailer 10 Cards CC ! USA Topps The Skywalker Saga 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Throwback Thursday Star Wars so far 48 Cards - CC ! USA Topps Wacky Packages (Cancelled) 100 Basic Cards, parallels, printing plates, reality TV, posters, stickers etc * USA Topps Women of Star Wars 100 Cards & Inserts - CC ! USA Topps Wrapper Art Collection 7x4 = 28 Cards - CC * USA Topps/Denny’s Star Wars Solo 12 Cards - CC # USA Tournament foils 28 CCG Cards - have a few * USA TV Guide 3 Cover mounted 3D / flip Cards - SWTC * USA TV Guide 5 Cover mounted 3D / flip Cards * USA Universe 60 Cards & figures * USA Wal-Mart 2 Heat-sensitive Cards - SWTC * USA Wal-Mart 6 Foiled gift cards Cards - SWTC * USA Wal-Mart DVD promo 4 Cards - SWTC * USA Watches by Hope Industries SWT:SE 3 Promo Cards - SWTC * USA West End Games (WEG) Lots! of Cards from three box sets and one book - SWTC * USA Who's Who card game by Cadaco ? Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image, #91 * USA William Stout "Lost Worlds" by Comic Images 90 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#29) - NSL * USA Winn Dixie BI-LO Cosmic Shells (TLJ & Saga) 72 Eight sided cards and an album * USA Wonder Bread Star Wars 16 Cards - SWTC # USA Young Jedi Reflections 60+A1-A12+C1-C14 = 100 CCG Cards Want a few foils ! Yugoslavian Pliva 70+ Cards 4, maybe 5 have Star Wars images