Star Wars 'Fan Made' items
Australian 'cards' made by sticking wrapping paper to cardboard! - 1977 UK Touch Tees - Very cute Stickers & and transfers from - 2011 Iron on t-shirt transfers UK Farrer - 162 LEGO mini-fig cards - 2010 US 'Hello Wars' (A Hello Kitty + Star Wars 'mash-up) stickers UK Robots and Cyborgs 'fan-made' Battle Game, probably 2004 or later (I, Robot) These images are from 2011 If PIXAR did Star Wars ... Virtual Cards by Phil Postman, from - 2013 Return of the Jedi Jason Chalker Manly Art May The Fourth cards - 2012 Widevision Attack of the Clones 'printed' cards - 2002? German stickers - 20?? Adidas Stickers, are these official? - 2012 USA Fan Made Pilot's Licence (Set of 5) 1995 - info from theswca USA Fan Made ID cards (Jedi Knight, Pilot and Technician) Fan items of unknown origin, do you know any more ?
Most of these images are from
If you know more about those shown or of any more like these please
many thanks to Marcus Saunders for the image of the wrapping paper
More info at,, &
UK What I want for Xmas cards by Dinosaur Joe - (2003) set of 6
Images are here
While not strictly cards, these images are cute, they are from
There's more information and an image of all the cards on,
they were made by Alex Frith, does anyone know him ? Please contact me if you do.