
Star Wars GB/UK

 * UK Dairylea Ewoks and Droids                    12 Cheese labels
 * UK Dairylea                                      4 Small and one large Transfer 
 * UK F.K.S. (FKS) Empire Strikes Back            225 Stickers and an album - SWTC
 * UK Fascal Star Wars                             12 Shaped stickers and a hanging shop display 
 * UK Fun Products Return of the Jedi              12 Regular stickers and maybe 12 embossed : wants 
 * UK Fun Products Star Wars, Empire & Revenge      6 Shaped, foiled stickers 
 # UK Letraset                                     10 Small & 3 large transfer sheets : wants 
 * UK Letraset NaBisCo Shreddies                    4 Transfer sheets 
 # UK Lyon's Maid ESB ice-lolly                    12 Stickers : wants - SWTC 
 * UK Topps Star Wars Series 1 (blue) 1-66         66 Cards, no stickers - SWTC 
 * UK Topps Star Wars Series 2 (red)  1a-66a       66 Cards, no stickers - SWTC 
 * UK Wall's sausages                              12 Transfers 
 # UK Bobby's Candy Sticks by World Confectionery  14 Tattoos and nine boxes 
 # UK Bobby's Candy Sticks by World Confectionery  18 Stickers and five smaller boxes 
 * UK Dark Horse                                    6 Comic promo Cards & a folder 
 * UK Disney May the 4th Be With You (Star Wars)   12 Cards 
 * UK Disney Empire Strikes Back                   12 Cards
 * UK Disney Return of the Jedi                    12 Cards
 # UK Jedi Academy from a DeAgostini kids mag     300 Discs - Have a few 
 * UK Merlin SWT:SE                               125 Basic Cards and 3 over-sized promos - SWTC
 * UK Merlin SWT:SE oversized                       4 Sticker sheets
 * UK Rowntree's tattoos (ice cream) SWT:SE        18 Singles and six strips of three Tattoos - SWTC
 * UK SFX Magazine Film Cel Cards                   6 Cards 
 * UK Topps Candy Head SWT:SE                      10 Cards, 4 candy heads - SWTC
 * UK Topps Europe Star Wars Movie Collection     240 Stickers, poster & and album - TD 
 # UK Topps Star Wars Universe                    320 Stickers and a starter pack with an album 
 # UK Topps Journey to StarWars the Force Awakens 160 Basic Cards, 30 mirror foil, 16 rainbow foils, 10 LEs, 2 tins & a binder - TD
 ! UK Topps Premium Artist (SWCE London)           40 Cards in 4 Volumes, with parallels and 1/1 sketches 
 * UK Walkers SWT:SE                               50 Tazos, 8 Force cards, a slammer and a binder - SWTC & - SWTC
 * UK / USA A.H. Prismatic Hologram                 9 Stickers in a sheet 
 * UK Cadbury's chocolate biscuits                  4 Clippos - SWTC 
 * UK interlace4d 3D Flip   cards                   6 Cards - SWTC
 * UK interlace4d 3D Motion cards (eMotions)        8 Cards - SWTC
 * UK Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)                 20 Cards - SWTC
 * UK Kinnerton folding scenes                      4 Cards - SWTC
 * UK Pepsi 'Apology'                               4 Cards - these were sent when the mail-away droids were late! - SWTC
 * UK Pepsi Pop-Up                                  7 Cards - SWTC
 * UK Pepsi / Walker's                              7 Stickers and a sheet - SWTC
 * UK Walker's Crisps / Chips game                 25 Scratch Cards - SWTC
 * UK Daily Star (tabloid newspaper)                2 Sticker sheets (total of 17 stickers) and a poster - SWTC
 * UK Merlin                                      215 Regular stickers, letter foils, 8 LEGO and an album - SWTC
 * UK Burger King                                  16 Scratch Cards
 * UK Camelot National Lottery                     12 Scratch Cards - SWTC
 * UK Easter Egg                                    8 Foil stickers 
 * UK Kellogg's cereal bars                        60 Six dispensers, containing ten stickers - SWTC
 * UK Topps Europe                                 68 Flix Pix Cards with 3D, depth, motion and flips
 * UK Marks & Spencer chocolate bars                4 Puzzle Cards
 * UK Disney Rebels                                12 Cards 
 * UK/USA Subway Rebels                             6 Cards and bags 
 # UK Topps The Mandalorian                       231 Cards, foils, crystal, parallels & autographs - ToppsUK 
 # UK Topps The Rise of Skywalker                  99 Basic Cards, inserts, LEs, patches and tins 
 * UK Top Trumps E1 3D by Winning Moves (2012)     30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps 'Specials' by Winning Moves       36 Cards, 30 common, 5 rare, Anakin is very rare. 
 * UK Top Trumps Clone Wars (The Micro Series)     36 Cards and a Super Top Trump  
 * UK Top Trumps Clone Wars by Winning Moves       36 Cards and a bonus 3-card pack from Woolworths 
 * UK Top Trumps Rise of the Bounty Hunters        36 Cards and STT 
 * UK Top Trumps Starships                         30 Cards & 3 bonus cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Prequels by Winning Moves         36 Cards, 30 common, 1 STT & 3 German promos 
 * UK Top Trumps Star Wars Tournament            6x36 Boxed set of six packs of Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Death Star tin set                60 Cards & four bonus cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Quiz With a Twist Game           100 Cards with 500 Questions 
 * UK Top Trumps Rogue One                         30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Rebels                            30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Episodes 1-3                      30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Episodes 4-6                      30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Episode 7, The Force Awakens      30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Episode 8, The Last Jedi          30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Episode 9, The Rise of Skywalker  30 Cards  
 * UK Top Trumps The Mandalorian                   30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Top Toys                          30 Cards including a lightsaber, from a Tournament set 
 * UK Feel The Force Hidden Power card game         ? Cards 
 * UK Battle Cards game from UK Clone Wars mag     46 Cards 
 * UK Dobble by Esdevium Games                     55 Round Cards in a tin 
 * UK Mini playing cards from Christmas crackers   53 Cards 
 * UK Episode 2                                    52 Playing Cards - no Joker 
 * UK Character Group Episode 3 playing cards      54 Cards 
 * UK Funfax SW Trilogy Quiz cards                  3 Sets of Cards 
 * UK SW Classic Trilogy playing cards             52 Cards 
 * UK Disney                                       55 Playing Cards in a tin with Kylo Ren's mask embossed 
 * UK Waddingtons The Mandalorian                  55 Playing Cards 
 * UK Argos Battle Deck                            32 Cards, 14 have Star Wars images 
 * UK BBC Tomorrow's World Robot                   28 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image of C-3PO 
 * UK FilmFlex Movie Stars Top Trumps              32 Cards, 2 have Star Wars images 
 * UK PLAYADAY.COM 'Ultimate' Top Trumps Black     30 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image of Yoda 
 * UK SFX Magazine Top Trumps                      38 Cards, 2 have Star Wars images of Han Solo & Jar Jar 
 * UK 'SFX Appeal' Magazine Top Trumps             40 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image of Queen Amidala 
 * UK Sainsbury's Heroes                          144 Cards, 36 have Star Wars images 
 * UK Sainsbury's Heroes on a Mission             144 Cards, 36 have Star Wars images 
 * UK Waddingtons Spacecraft Top Trumps            32 Cards, 4 have Star Wars images 
 * Star Wars Celebration Europe 1 (London) (2007)  16 Passes and other items 
 # Star Wars Celebration Europe 3 (London) (2016)  16 Passes and other items 
 # Star Wars Celebration Europe 4 (London) (2023)  19 Passes and other items 
 # The Art of Ralph McQuarrie                       - Bookmarks & Cards from C4, CE, CJ & C5 - Want Ralph with the pot of paint 
 * UK Norwich SW fan club Celebration Europe       24 Cards
 * UK AllTheCoolStuff 'Farthest from'              12 Cards 
 * UK Star Wars Fan Club                            - Cards - SWTC
 # UK StarWalls                                  14+2 Cards
 * UK Touch Tees                                   16 Very cute fanmade Stickers & and transfers 
 * UK Farrer                                      162 LEGO mini-fig fanmade Cards 
 ! UK Robots and Cyborgs TopTrumps Battle Game     30 Cards 
 * UK What I want for Xmas cards by Dinosaur Joe    6 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image
