
Star Wars 1977

 # Argentinean Star Wars (Guerra de las Galaxias) 66+ Cards and an album : have a few - SWTC 
 ! Australian Nabisco Weeties cereal               10 Posters 
 # Australian Regina-Allens/Stimorol/Scanlens SW   72 Cards - SWTC 
 * Brazilian Editora Abril Star Wars              234 Stickers and an album 
 # Canadian Opee-Chee Star Wars           (3sets) 264 Cards - SWTC 
 * Canadian General Mills Star Wars                16 Stickers - SWTC 
 @ Costa Rican Star Wars (Guerra de las Galaxias) 187 Cards - Identical to the Spanish 
 # European (Germany & Italy) Panini Star Wars    256 Stickers : Have most in the album - SWTC 
 * European Panini SWT:SE                         156 Stickers - Numbers, A-X, S1-S36 and an album - SWTC
 # Japanese Meiji Choco-Ball                       30 Stickers - I have 2 ! 
 * Japanese Menko cards game sheet (Bootleg)        8 Cards - These were in a vintage book/magazine 
 * Japanese Star Wars by Topps/Yamakatsu Corp      36 Cards - SWTC 
 * Japanese Star Wars by Topps/Yamakatsu Corp      36 Cards - SWTC 
 * Japanese Star Wars by Topps/Yamakatsu Corp      41 Mini Cards : SWTC 
 * Japanese Star Wars by Topps/Yamakatsu Corp      41 Mini Cards : SWTC 
 * Japanese Tokyo Queen                             4 Sticker sheets 
 * Japanese Tokyo Queen                             4 Sticker sheets 
 * Japanese Tokyo Queen                            40 Wallet Cards in four wallets 
 * Japanese Tokyo Queen                            40 Wallet Cards in four wallets 
 # Mexican Laboratorios y Agencias Unidas StarWars 66 Cards - SWTC 
 # More convention items                            - Have some of these, there are many more not shown 
 * New Zealand Tip-Top R2-D2 Space Ice iceblocks   15 Stickers - SWTC 
 ! Spanish Phoskitos Star Wars (cakes)             30 Shaped Cards (troquelados) 
 * Spanish Star Wars (Guerra de las Galaxias)     187 Cards and an album 
 * Spanish Techno Accion                          194 Cards and an album, three have Star Wars images 
 * UK Fascal Star Wars                             12 Shaped stickers and a hanging shop display 
 * UK Fun Products Star Wars, Empire & Revenge      6 Shaped, foiled stickers 
 * UK Topps Star Wars Series 1 (blue) 1-66         66 Cards, no stickers - SWTC 
 * UK Topps Star Wars Series 2 (red)  1a-66a       66 Cards, no stickers - SWTC 
 * USA Burger Chef meal-tray                       12 Cards 23 in an un-cut tray 
 * USA Business cards (Bootleg)                    12 Cards by Intergalactic Trading Company 
 * USA Factors Inc.                                12 Round stickers 
 * USA General Mills Star Wars                      4 Punch-out toys 
 * USA General Mills Star Wars                     16 Stickers printed by ADPAC - SWTC 
 * USA General Mills Star Wars                     18 Cards and a wallet/folder - SWTC 
 * USA Skybox/Panini SWT:SE                        66 Stickers and an album - SWTC
 * USA Star Wars (Bootleg)                          4 Vending machine Stickers 
 * USA Star Wars (Bootleg)                          8 Vending machine Stickers - SWTC 
 * USA Topps Star Wars Series 1 (blue)             66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC 
 * USA Topps Star Wars Series 2 (red)              66 Cards and 11 stickers - SWTC 
 * USA Topps Star Wars Sugar-Free gum              56 Wrappers - SWTC 
 * USA Wonder Bread Star Wars                      16 Cards - SWTC 
