
Star Wars 2016

 * European Topps                                 200 Stickers and and album 
 * European Topps Europe The Force Awakens Extra  138 Cards, LE cards, tins & album   
 * French E.Leclerc Cosmic Shells (RO & Saga)      54 Eight sided cards and an album 
 # Génération Star Wars Cusset, France  (2011-21)  39 Cards from Star Wars Universe 
 * Italian Mini Top Trumps by Kinder Eggs Ships    60 Cards 
 # Star Wars Celebration Europe 3 (London) (2016)  16 Passes and other items 
 # UK Bobby's Candy Sticks by World Confectionery  14 Tattoos and nine boxes 
 # UK Bobby's Candy Sticks by World Confectionery  18 Stickers and five smaller boxes 
 * UK Dobble by Esdevium Games                     55 Round Cards in a tin 
 * UK Top Trumps Episode 7, The Force Awakens      30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Episodes 1-3                      30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Episodes 4-6                      30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Quiz With a Twist Game           100 Cards with 500 Questions 
 * UK Top Trumps Rebels                            30 Cards 
 * UK Top Trumps Rogue One                         30 Cards 
 ! USA Limited Run Games                         300+ Cards, about 50 have Star Wars images - checklist 
 @ USA Fantasy Flight, A Wretched Hive             60 Cards Opposition Cycle 2/6 
 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Ancient Rivals              60 Cards Opposition Cycle 1/6 
 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Meditation And Mastery      60 Cards Opposition Cycle 3/6 
 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Power of the Force          60 Cards Opposition Cycle 5/6 
 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Scrap Metal                 60 Cards Opposition Cycle 4/6 
 @ USA Fantasy Flight, Technological Terror        60 Cards Opposition Cycle 6/6 
 * USA LEGO Store Trading Cards                    20 Cards in four sets of five 
 * USA Topps Attack of the Clones Widevision 3D    44 Basic Cards, autos, medallions, patches & sketches - CC 
 * USA Topps Star Wars A New Hope Widevision 3D    63 Basic Cards, 2 promo and 1 chase card - SWTC 
 ! USA Topps Star Wars Card Trader                100 Physical cards - NSL & CC 
 ! USA Topps Star Wars Evolution           (2016) 100 Basic Cards, inserts, parallels, relics, sketches & autographs - CC 
 ! USA Topps Star Wars Rogue One Mission Briefing 100 Basic Cards, inserts, parallels, patches, sketches & autographs - CC 
 ! USA Topps Star Wars Rogue One Series 1         100 Basic Cards & Inserts - CC 
 ! USA Topps The Force Awakens Series 2           100 Basic Cards, stickers, sketches, medallions, printing plates, autos & parallels - CC 
 * USA Topps The Original Trading Card Series       4 Bonus Galaxy style Cards in a book 
 ! USA Topps The Original Trading Card Series       4 Bonus Widevision style Cards in a book 
 * USA Topps The Original Trading Card Series       9 Bonus Vintage style Cards and three stickers from three books (4 per book) 
