
Star Wars 1993

 # Canadaian Face To Face by Canada Games           ? Cards, 4 have Star Wars actors' images 
 # More convention items                            - Have some of these, there are many more not shown 
 * Portuguese Harrison Ford set (Bootleg)          12 Cards, 3 have Star Wars images 
 * UK Dark Horse                                    6 Comic promo Cards & a folder 
 * UK Dark Horse                                    6 Comic promo Cards & a folder 
 * USA Classic Toys by That's Entertainment        66 Cards, 2 have Star Wars images - NSL 
 * USA Dark Horse                                   3 Comic promo Cards DH1-DH3 
 # USA Dark Horse signing cards                    20 Have these, there are probably more - SWTC 
 ! USA Girard W. Roundtree                         27 Cards, 7 have Star Wars images
 * USA Jim Henson's Muppets by Cardz               60 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#56) - NSL 
 * USA Starlog by World Class Marketing            55 Cards, 13 have Star Wars images - NSL
 * USA Team Blockbuster by Blockbuster Video       50 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#35) - NSL 
 * USA Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 1            140 Basic, 9 promo and 7 chase Cards - SWTC 
 * USA William Stout "Lost Worlds" by Comic Images 90 Cards, 1 has a Star Wars image (#29) - NSL 
