Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Impel
- Series1
- Series2
- Series3
- Series4
- Series5
- Series6
- Series7
- Profiles
- Quotable
1992 Impel Star Trek: The Next Generation Inagural Edition
Holograms: 01H-05H - Four silver and one gold (Available only through mail-in offer and in tin set) Picard bonus and language cards, only found in the tin set; limited to 10,000 Promo Set in Cello Pack (3 or 4 cards, with or without title card)
1994 Skybox Star Trek The Next Generation Season 1
'All Good Things' box card and S1 & S2 dealers' promo cards
1995 Skybox Star Trek The Next Generation Season 2
1995 Skybox Star Trek The Next Generation Season 3
Oversized Ship Cards (K-Mart or Sam's Club boxes) 1of3 - 3of3
1996 Skybox Star Trek The Next Generation Season 4
1996 Skybox Star Trek The Next Generation Season 5
1996 Skybox Star Trek The Next Generation Season 6
1996 Skybox Star Trek The Next Generation Season 7
Captain's Card (1200 produced) Autographed Cards (1:36 packs) A1-A19
2000 Skybox Star Trek The Next Generation Profiles
Crossover Characters (1:8) : C1-C9 Autographed Cards (1:40 packs) Star Threads Uniform Relics (1:360 packs, numbered to 2500)
All of the card descriptions come from Jeff Allender's
'House of Checklists',
a lot of the autograph images are from Jeff Jacob's
Library, many thanks to them.
I've also scanned a lot of the cards that I own, the remaining images are from