Micro-Machines.txt http://theswca.com/index.php?action=disp_category&category_id=453 http://www.rebelscum.com/galoob.asp Mini-Transforming Heads - http://www.rebelscum.com/mmheads.asp ? 1 Gamorrean Guard, Boba Fett, Admiral Ackbar (US) ? 2 Greedo, Nien Nunb, Tusken Raider (US) ? 3 Yoda, Jawa, Leia as Boushh (US) ? 4 Bib Fortuna, Figrin D'an, Biker Scout (US) ? 5 Duros, Stormtrooper, Bossk (Intl) ? 6 Royal Guard, 2-1B, Weequay (Intl) ? 7 Luke Skywalker as Rebel Pilot, 4-LOM, & Snowtrooper (MIP) (Intl) ? 8 TIE Fighter Pilot, Wampa, & Wicket W. Warrick Ewok (Intl) ? 9 Salacious Crumb, Jabba The Hutt & Imperial AT-AT Pilot (Intl) * C-3PO, Royal Guard, 4-LOM, Luke Skywalker, Jabba the Hutt, Snowtrooper & Wampa (US) * Darth Vader, Greedo, Admiral Ackbar, Gammorean Guard, Jawa, Nien Nunb, Leia (Boushh) (Intl) Action-Fleet vehicles - http://www.rebelscum.com/mmaction.asp * TIE Defender * Imperial Shuttle - Series Alpha * Rancor * Sandcrawler * A-Wing ? Loose ???? Remote control * AT-AT * Fambaa Gold Classic * Sets #s 1-3 Droids figs * Complete set X-Ray Fleet - Set #s 1-4 loose and #s 1-7 MIP (Italian) 5/V (US) * 1 Darth Vader's TIE & A-Wing and both loose * 2 AT-AT & X-Wing * 3 Sandcrawler & Falcon * 4 Slave 1 & Y-Wing * 5 TIE Bomber & B-Wing and loose * 6 TIE & Landspeeder * 7 AT-ST & Snowspeeder Trilogy Gift Set * 10 ships including the X-Ray and non X-ray Imperial Shuttles (DV's TIE & A-Wing, AT-AT & X-Wing, 3 Sandcrawler & Falcon, Slave 1 & Y-Wing) Epic Collections - http://www.rebelscum.com/mmepic.asp Books #s 1-3 MIB and loose and a couple in Italian * Heir To The Empire Collection I * Jedi Search Collection II * The Truce Collection At Bakura Collection III Books #s 4-6 MIB * Dark Apprentice Collection IV * Dark Force Rising Collection V * Courtship of Princess Leia Collection VI Books #s 7-9 ! ??? Collection VII ! ??? Collection VIII ! ??? Collection IX Battle-Packs * 1 Rebel Alliance - Speeder-bikes * 2 Galactic Empire - AT-ST * 3 Aliens & Creatures - Bantha * 4 Imperial Hunters - Dewback * 5 Shadows Of The Empire - Swoops * 6 Dune Sea - Skiff * 7 Droid Escape - Escape-pod * 8 Desert Palace - Jabba * 9 Endor Adventure - Ewoks * 10 Mos Eisley Spaceport - Ronto * 11 Cantina Encounter - Land-speeder * 12 Cantina Smugglers & Spies - Just figs * 13 Hoth Attack - Wampa & Taun-Tauns * 14 Deathstar Escape - Just figs * 15 Endor Victory - Glow-in-the-dark figs * 16 Lars Family Homestead - Lars speeder ! 17 Imperial Troops **WANT** ! 18 Rebel Troops **WANT** Vehicle three-packs * Sets I-XI - i.e. all but the battle damaged sets. Trilogy select set * 8 ships and 8 figures Shadows of the Empire * Sets #s 1-3 Trilogy gift pack * All the bronze ships and figs - 27 pieces Trilogy bronze ship sets * SW - Falcon, TIE Fighter & Star Destroyer - 95 video re-release premium * ESB - AT-AT, X-Wing & Snow Speeder ! Jedi - ?, ? & ? - never made Trilogy collectors sets packs * SW silver/pewter ships - 8 pieces * ESB silver/pewter ships - 8 pieces * Jedi silver/pewter ships - 8 pieces SWT:SE Trilogy gift pack * Set of three tiny ships; Falcon, Slave 1 and DS2 Character Sets * Ewoks * Imperial Pilots (MIP) * Stormtroopers * Echo Base Troops * Jawas * Rebel Pilots * Imperial Officers (MIP) * Rebel Fleet Troopers * Imperial Naval Troopers (MIP) * Tusken Raiders (MIP) * Classic Characters (MIP) Transforming Heads (Large) * Boba-Fett >> Cloud City * C-3PO >> Cantina * Chewie >> Endor * Jabba >> Mos Eisley * R2-D2 >> Jabba's Throne Room Transforming Sets * Slave 1 * Star Destroyer * Death Star Adventure gear * Vader's Saber >> Death Star Trench * Luke's Binoculars >> Yavin Rebel Base Episode 1 * Set #s 1-4 loose and set #s 1-13 MIP Transforming Heads (Large) * Darth Maul >> Theed Generator Fan-Club sets * Star Destroyer and Vader * Falcon and Han https://www.hasbro.com/en-ca/toys-games/star-wars/action-figures-and-collectibles Trilogy * E4 Imperial Pursuit - Rebel Blockade Runner, TIE Fighter & Star Destroyer * E5 Battle Of Hoth - SnowSpeeder, AT-AT & Probe Droid * E6 Empire Defeat - Imperial Shuttle (Gold), B Wing, Tie Interceptor. * E6 Fall Of The Empire - Star Destroyer, Falcon, X-Wing, B-Wing, TIE Intereceptor, Vader & Luke * E6 Endor Forest Battle - AT-ST, Luke on Speeder Bike, Scout Trooper on Speeder Bike Prequels * E1 Battle for Naboo - Sith Infiltrator (Gold), Naboo Fighter, Droid Fighter. * E2 Clone Clash - Republic Gunship (Gold), AT-TE, Hailfire Droid. * E2 Clone Army Raid - Republic Drop Ship, Jango Fett's Slave 1 & Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter * E3 Droid Army Ambush - The Malevolence, ARC Fighter, Droid Gunship, Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Star Fighter, V-Wing, General Grievous & Obi-Wan Kenobi ~ Deluxe Vehicle Pack Rebels * Rebellion Rising - AT-DP, Wookiee Gunship, Shadow, Ghost, Imperial Troop Transporter, Kanan & Inquisitor ~ Deluxe Vehicle Pack * Mandalorian Melee - Hera Syndulla’s A-Wing, Ghost, Mandalorian fighter, TIE Bomber, The Interdictor, Hera Syndulla & Fenn Rau (Mandalorian) ~ Deluxe Vehicle Pack * The Inquisitor's Hunt - Shadow, Ghost & Inquisitor TIE advanced Rogue One * Assault on Scarif - Imperial cargo shuttle, Y-Wing, AT-CT (yellow side), TIE Striker, black & white X-Wing, Moroff (white furry guy) & Scarif Stormtrooper ~ Deluxe Vehicle Pack - http://www.andydukes.co.uk/wants/mm-assaultonscarif.jpg - from Duncan, not carded but have backing card * Fight the Imperial Might - U-Wing, AT-ACT (open), AT-ST, black & white X-Wing, Imperial Assault hover tank, Krennic & Base Malbus ~ Deluxe Vehicle Pack - http://www.andydukes.co.uk/wants/mm-imperialmight.jpg - from Duncan, not carded * High Speed Rebel Raid - U-Wing, TIE Striker & Krennic's shuttle (wings up) * Imperial Attack - Star Destroyer, Y-Wing & Mon Cal Star Cruiser - http://www.andydukes.co.uk/wants/mm-imperialattack.jpg - https://www.hasbro.com/en-ca/product/star-wars-rogue-one-micro-machines-imperial-attack-3-pack:4D3011D8-5056-9047-F5F9-ADBFB7F9D320 * Rebel Pursuit - Death Star, U-Wing (wings open) & red & white X-Wing ? Rogue One Death Star - transforming playset - Sergeant Jyn Erso (Jedha), Imperial Death Trooper, Imperial AT-ST Walker, Krennic’s Shuttle (wings up) & Imperial Cargo Shuttle https://www.hasbro.com/en-ca/product/star-wars-rogue-one-micro-machines-death-star-playset:4D401998-5056-9047-F557-A8A1664F11AF The Force Awakens * Battle For Jakku - Falcon (Gold), Rey on her speeder, X-Wing, TIE Fighter, crashed Star Destroyer, Kylo Ren & Stormtrooper ~ Deluxe Vehicle Pack * Space Pursuit - Resistange transport (Gold), Falcon, Quad Jumper, Kylo Ren's command shuttle, Han Solo & Stormtrooper ~ Deluxe Vehicle Pack * Galactic Showdown - Poe's Orange/Black X-Wing, First Order snowspeeder, TIE-Fighters, Poe & TIE Fighter Pilot ~ Deluxe Vehicle Pack ~ Deluxe Vehicle Pack - http://www.andydukes.co.uk/wants/galacticshowdown.jpg * Starfighter Assault - Tie Fighter (Gold), Poe's X Wing, Resistance X Wing * Resistance Base - Poe's X Wing (Gold), Landspeeder, Resistance Troop Transport * Trench Run - TIE fighter, Vader's TIE, X-Wing x2 & Y-Wing ~ Deluxe Vehicle Pack * The First Order attacks - Battle scarred Star Destroyer, Poe's Orange/Black X-Wing & TIE Fighter * Desert Invasion - Desert Scavenger, Kylo Ren's command shuttle, white & blue X-Wing * First Order TIE Fighter attack - Falcon, TIE & damaged TIE * Speeder Chase - ?, Rey on her speeder & First Order Transport * X-Wing Dogfight - Resistance white & blue X-Wing, TIE Fighter & Poe's Orange/Black X-Wing - http://www.andydukes.co.uk/wants/x-wingdogfight.jpg * Stormtrooper - transforming head with First Order Transport & Poe Dameron * Millenium Falcon - transforming playset with Millenium Falcon & First Order Flame Trooper * R2-D2 - transforming droid - from charity shop, no figs or ships, shoul dhave Chewbacca & First Order Snowspeeder * First Order Star Destroyer - transforming playset with Falcon, Kylo Ren's command shuttle, First Order Transporter, Poe Dameron's X-Wing (black & orange), Poe Dameron, Resistance X-Wing (white & blue pattern), Chewbacca, Star Destroyer, First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter, Poe Dameron (Pilot), First Order TIE Fighter Pilot & Resistance X-Wing (white & blue) & maybe Kylo Ren! ? Kylo Ren Playcase - holds 40 - Includes Gold First Order Transporter, Star Destroyer - https://www.hasbro.com/en-ca/product/star-wars-the-force-awakens-micro-machines-kylo-ren-playcase:B138E1EF-5056-9047-F572-E38FE42C3FF9 ? Kylo Ren - transforming head Packs Series 1 - x12 - Naboo Fighter, X-Wing & Y-Wing Series 1 - Want - (Rebel X-Wing), (Rebel Y-Wing) & (Shadow), http://www.andydukes.co.uk/wants/mm-s1-ships.jpg ! Series 2 - x12 - First Order Snow Speeder, Snow Speeder & Republic gunship - Have None - http://www.andydukes.co.uk/wants/mm-s2-ships.jpg Snow Speeder, Obi-Wan's E2 starfighter, Jango's Slave 1, First Order Snowspeeder, X-Wing (Black & Orange), Rebellion X-Wing (white & red), Resistance X-Wing (white & blue), Inquisitor's TIE TIE Fighter, Wampa, AT-ST & Republic Drop Ship Series 3 - x12 - Anakin's starfighter, TIE Fighter & Jabba's sail barge ! Series 3 - Want (TIE Interceptor), Anakin's starfighter, (droid fighter), speeder bike & Jabba's sail barge - http://www.andydukes.co.uk/wants/mm-s3-ships.jpg Series 4 - x12 - TIE Fighter, Kylo Ren's command shuttle & Resistance Transport - ! Series 4 - Want gold Rey's speeder & (TIE Fighter) - http://www.andydukes.co.uk/wants/mm-s4-ships.jpg * Series 5 - x12 - TIE Fighter, X-Wing & The Shadow (Gold Series) - Have All ! Series 6 - x12 - Star Destroyer, TIE Striker & X-Wing (Rogue One) - Have None - http://www.andydukes.co.uk/wants/mm-s6-ships.jpg Hover Tank, (TIE Striker), (U-Wing), Rebellion X-Wing (white & red), Rebel Y-Wing, TIE Fighter, AT-ST, Imperial Shuttle, Imperial AT-ACT Cargo Walker, Star Destroyer, Krennic's shuttle (wings down) & ITT Imperial Troop Transport (rebels) https://www.hasbro.com/en-ca/product/star-wars-rogue-one-micro-machines-series-6-vehicle-blind-bag:4D261EEF-5056-9047-F5B1-78CC455EF651 star wars micro machines (dogfight, might, melee, assault) -starfighter -fighter -tank -lander -transport