Micro-Force.Txt https://www.starwars.com/news/hasbros-new-micro-force-figures-are-big-fun-exclusive-reveal http://4lomkuss.com/micro-force-fighter-pods-figure-checklists/ https://from4-lomtozuckuss.com/micro-force-fighter-pods-figure-checklists/ https://www.figurerealm.com/actionfigure?action=seriesitemlist&id=2898&figures=starwarsmicroforce Lots of images ------^^^^^ https://wompstoy.wordpress.com/category/star-wars-micro-force/ Image of Ahsoka & Han variants between FPs and MF https://www.coleka.com/en/star-wars_t3875?id_rubrique=7469 http://www.andydukes.co.uk/mf.htm Star Wars Micro Force Series One [ * ] * 1-1 Han Solo * 1-2 Stormtrooper * 1-3 Ahsoka Tano * 1-4 Darth Vader * 1-5 R2-D2 * 1-6 Luke Skywalker * 1-7 Boba Fett * 1-8 Wicket * 1-9 Princess Leia * 1-10 C-3PO * 1-11 Chewbacca * 1-12 Yoda Star Wars Micro Force Series Two [ * ! ] * 2-1 Obi-Wan Kenobi (reissue of FP:2-34) * 2-2 Jyn Erso * 2-3 Rey * 2-4 Finn * 2-5 BB-8 * 2-6 Yoda (blue hologram) (reissue of FP:3-8) * 2-7 Captain Phasma * 2-8 Darth Maul (reissue of FP:3-34) ! 2-9 Death Trooper with Rifle ! 2-10 TIE Fighter Pilot Elite (red stripes) * 2-11 The Emperor (reissue of FP:1-14) * 2-12 Kylo Ren Star Wars Micro Force Series Three [ * ] * 3-1 BB-9E * 3-2 Rose * 3-3 Luke Skywalker (Jedi Exile) * 3-4 Kit Fisto sabre to the right (reissue of FP:4-46) * 3-5 SandTrooper * 3-6 Poe Dameron * 3-7 Clone Commander Cody (orange with single blaster) (reissue of FP:1-20) * 3-8 Jawa * 3-9 Baze Malbus * 3-10 Supreme Leader Snoke (blue Hologram) * 3-11 Chirrut Imwe * 3-12 General Leia Organa Star Wars Micro Force Series Four [ * ] * 4-1 Clone Trooper * 4-2 Chewbacca (Vandor) * 4-3 Han Solo * 4-4 Mace Windu (reissue of FP:4-45) * 4-5 Moloch * 4-6 Qi'Ra (Vandor) * 4-7 Lando Calrissian * 4-8 K-2SO * 4-9 Stormtrooper (Mibman) * 4-10 Luke Skywalker rebel pilot (reissue of FP:3-37) * 4-11 Captain Cassian Andor * 4-12 Darth Vader (red hologram) (reissue of FP:2-1) Star Wars Micro Force Series Five [ * @ ] * 5-1 BB-8 * 5-2 Captain Phasma @ 5-3 Captain Rex (very similar to FP:1-42) * 5-4 Elite Praetorian Guard * 5-5 Enfys Nest * 5-6 Han Solo * 5-7 Kylo Ren * 5-8 Magnaguard (reissue of FP:2-35 or 3-23) * 5-9 Maz Kanata * 5-10 R2-D2 blue hologram (not a reissue) * 5-11 Shoretrooper * 5-12 Super Battle Droid (reissue of FP:3-29) Star Wars Micro Force Series Six [ * ? ] * 6-1 L3-37 * 6-2 C-3P0 (red arm) * 6-3 Anakin Podracer 3-35) * 6-4 Wedge Antilies 3-39) * 6-5 Imperial Red Guard ? 6-6 Clone Trooper * 6-7 Yoda (swooshing sabre) * 6-8 Destroyer Droid (blue hologram) (new) ? 6-9 Rey (training with sabre) * 6-10 Mandalorian (Sabine?) * 6-11 Luke Skywalker (old) * 6-12 Clone Trooper (Finn?) Star Wars Micro Force Series Seven [ * ! ? ] ? 7-1 R2-A3 (red & white) (new) * 7-2 Princess Leia Organa (blue Hologram) ? 7-3 Snowtrooper 1-46) * 7-4 Hera Syndulla * 7-5 Admiral Ackbar * 7-6 Shadow Trooper * 7-7 Captain Poe Dameron * 7-8 First Order Stormtrooper Executoiner ! 7-9 Fathier * 7-10 Imperial Probe Droid * 7-11 Finn (Starkiller Base) ? 7-12 Kylo Ren Vehicles [ * ! ] * Rey's Speeder with Rey - duh! * Snowspeeder with Luke Skywalker * AT-AT with General Maximillan Veers * TIE Silencer with Kylo Ren & Resistance X-Wing with Poe Pilot (black) * Millennium Falcon with young Han Solo & TIE Fighter with pilot ! Kaz Xiono's Fireball (The Resistance) (beige, green and grey) Sabres Wow Series 1, 2 & 3 [ * ? ] * 1-Bucket (R1-J5) * 1-BB-8 (blue hologram) * 1-Kylo Ren * 1-Kragan Gorr * 1-Magnaguard (red hologram) * 1-Stormtrooper (black) * 1-Luke Skywalker (farm boy with sabre) ? 2-Rey (Jakku) ? 2-Captain Rex ? 2-Obi-Wan Kenobi * 2-BB-9E * 2-R5-D4 ? 2-Elite Praetorian Guard ? 2-Jarek Yeager ? 2-Chewbacca (blue hologram) ? 2-L3-37 (green hologram) ? 2-Captain Phasma (Red hologram) * 2-Jyn Erso (blue hologram) ? 2-Anakin Skywalker (pod pilot) ? 2-Supreme Leader Snoke ? 2-Stormtrooper (Minban) * 2-Wicket The Ewok ? 3-? Advent Calendar 2018 [ ! ] 24 figures, 4 are exclusive with red Xmas hats and 7 exclusive stickers ? X-1 Clone Commander Cody ? X-2 Proto Boba Fett ? X-3 FN-2187 ? X-4 BB-8 ? X-5 Princess Leia ? X-6 Sandtrooper (Santa) ? X-7 R2-D2 ? X-8 Rey (Jakku) ? X-9 Luke Skywalker (Hologram) (green) ? X-10 Maz Kanata (Hologram) ? X-11 Emperor Palpatine (Hologram) ? X-12 Darth Vader ? X-13 Supreme Commander Snoke ? X-14 Kylo Ren ? X-15 Han Solo (Hoth) ? X-16 ? (Hologram) ? X-17 Lando Calrissian ? X-18 Sabine Wren ? X-19 Chewbacca (Vandor-1) (Santa) ? X-20 R2-D2 (hologram ? X-21 C-3PO (Santa) ? X-22 Wicket W. Warrick ? X-23 ? X-24 Advent Calendar 2019 [ * ] 24 figures, 4 are exclusive with red Xmas hats and 7 exclusive stickers * X-1 * X-2 * X-3 * X-4 * X-5 * X-6 * X-7 * X-8 * X-9 * X-10 * X-11 * X-12 * X-13 * X-14 * X-15 * X-16 * X-17 * X-18 * X-19 * X-20 * X-21 * X-22 * X-23 * X-24