LEGO.txt 1999 7101 Lightsabre duel 7110 Land-Speeder 7111 Trade-Federation droid-ship x3 7121 Naboo Swamp x1.5 7128 Speeder Bikes 7130 Snow-Speeder 7131 Anakin's Podracer 7140 X-Wing 7141 Naboo Fighter 7150 Darth Vader's TIE & Y-Wing 7151 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator 9748 Droid Developer Kit x2 2000 3340 Darth Maul, Darth Vader and the Emperor 3341 Luke Skywalker, Han Solo & Boba Fett 3342 Chewbacca and two Biker Scouts 3343 Battledroids & Commander 7104 Jabba's skiff 7115 Gungan Patrol 7124 Flash Speeder 7134 A-Wing 7144 Slave 1 7180 B-Wing & Rebel Control Centre 7190 Millennium Falcon 8002 Destroyer Droid (Technic) x2 9754 Dark Side Developer Kit x2 2001 7106 Droid Escape 7126 Battle-Droid carrier 7146 TIE Fighter 7166 Imperial Shuttle 2002 7103 Jedi Duel (Dooku's speeder) 7113 Tusken Raider Encounter (Anakin's speeder) 7133 Bounty Hunter Pursuit 7143 Jedi Starfighter 7200 Final Duel I 7201 Final Duel II 7203 Jedi Defence I 7204 Jedi Defence II 2003 4475 Jabba's Message 4476 Jabba's prize 4477 T-16 Skyhopper 4477 TIE Bomber 2004 4501 Mos Eisley Cantina with Dewback 2005 7250 Clone Scout Walker 7251 Darth Vader Transformation 7252 Droid Tri-Fighter 7256 Jedi Starfighter & Vulture Droid (Anakin's, yellow) 7259 ARC-170 Fighter 10144 Jawa Sandcrawler (UCS) 2006 6205 V-Wing Fighter 6206 TIE Interceptor x3 6207 A-Wing Fighter 6211 Imperial Star Destroyer 2007 7654 Droids Battle Pack 7655 Clone Troopers Battle Pack 7656 General Grievious Star Fighter 7661 Jedi Star Fighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring 7663 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator (curvy) 2008 7667 Imperial Dropship 7668 Rebel Scout Speeder 7669 Anakin's Fighter ship 7670 Hailfire Droid & Spider Droid 7674 V-19 Torrent 7681 Separtist Spider Droid 2009 7749 Echo Base 7754 Home One Mon Calimari Star Cruiser - just instructions & A-Wing 7751 Ahsoka's Starfighter and Vulture Droid 7778 Midi-scale Millennium Falcon 8014 Clone Walker Battle Pack 8015 Assassin Droids Battle Pack 8016 Hyena Droid Bomber - ebay, no box 8017 Darth Vader's TIE Fighter (10th Anniversary) 8019 Republic Attack Shuttle - ebay, no minifigs 8037 Anakin's Y-Wing Starfighter 10198 Tantive IV Blockade Runner 2010 8083 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack 8084 Snowtrooper Battle Pack 8085 Freeco Speeder - ebay, no box 8087 TIE Defender 8093 Plo Koon's Jedi Star Fighter 8099 Midi-scale Imperial Star Destroyer 2011 7868 Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter - limited edition... 7869 Battle For Geonosis - limited edition 7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack 7914 Mandalorian Battle Pack 7915 Imperial V-Wing Starfighter 7929 Battle of Naboo with Battle Droid carrier 7930 Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship - ebay, no minifigs 7931 Jedi T-6 Shuttle 7957 Sith Nightspeeder 7961 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator 2012 9499 Gungan Submarine 9488 Elite Clone ARF ARC Trooper & Commando Droid 9489 Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Storm Trooper 9490 Droid Escape 9491 Geonosian Cannon 9494 Old Republic Striker Starfighter 9498 Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter with Even Piell and R3-D5 9500 Sith Fury-class Interceptor 9525 Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter - Wal-Mart exclusive 2013 75000 Republic Troopers and Sith Troopers Battle Pack 75001 Clone Troopers and Droidekas Battle Pack 75002 AT-RT (All Terrain Recon Transport) 75003 A-Wing 75004 Z-95 Headhunter 75015 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid 75022 Mandalorian Speeder 75024 HH-87 Starhopper - ebay, no minifigs 2014 75018 Jek 14's Stealth Starfighter - Yoda Chronicles 75051 Jedi Scout Fighter - Yoda Chronicles 75028 Clone Turbo Tank - Microfighter 75029 AAT - Microfighter 75030 Millennium Falcon - Microfighter 75031 TIE Interceptor - Microfighter 75032 X-Wing Fighter - Microfighter 75033 Star Destroyer - Microfighter 75034 Death Star Troopers 75035 Kashyyyk Troopers 75036 Utapau Troopers 75039 V-Wing Starfighter 75048 The Phantom - Rebels 75053 The Ghost - Rebels 2015 75072 ARC-170 Starfighter - Microfighter 75073 Vulture Droid - Microfighter 75074 Snowspeeder - Microfighter 75075 AT-AT - Microfighter 75076 Republic Gunship - Microfighter 75077 Homing Spider Droid - Microfighter 75081 T-16 Skyhopper 75090 Ezra's Speeder Bike - Rebels 75078 Imperial Troop Transport 75079 Shadow Troopers 75088 Senate Commando Troopers 75089 Geonosis Troopers 75099 Rey's speeder 75110 Luke Skywalker, buildable figure, no box or instructions 75112 General Grievous, buildable figure, no box or instructions 75102 Poe's X-Wing Fighter (orange & black) 2016 75125 Resistance X-Wing - Microfighter 75126 First Order Snowspeeder - Microfighter 75127 The Ghost - Rebels - Microfighter 75128 TIE Advanced - Rebels - Microfighter 75129 Wookiee Gunship - Rebels - Microfighter 75130 AT-PT - Rebels - Microfighter 75131 Resistance Trooper Battle Pack 75132 First Order Battle Pack 75133 Rebel Alliance Battle Pack 75134 Galactic Empire Battle Pack 75135 Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter 75136 Droid Escape Pod 75154 TIE Striker 75137 Carbon-Freezing Chamber 75145 Eclipse Fighter - Freemakers 75147 Star Wars Star Scavenger - Freemakers 75150 Vader's TIE Advanced vs. A-Wing Starfighter from Rebels (just the A-Wing) 75155 Rebel U-Wing Fighter 75113 Rey, buildable figure with 'staff', no box or instructions 75117 Kylo Ren, buildable figure, no box or instructions 75118 Captain Phasma, buildable figure, no box 75120 K-2SO, buildable figure, no box 2017 41485 Finn (Stormtrooper) BrickHeadz - charity shop 75160 U-Wing - Microfighter 75161 TIE Striker - Microfighter 75162 Y-Wing - Microfighter - have from BYOA set 75163 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle - Microfighter 75164 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack 75165 Imperial Trooper Battle Pack 75166 First Order Transport Speeder Battle Pack 75167 Bounty Hunter Speeder Bike Battle Pack 75168 Yoda's Jedi Starfighter 75185 Tracker (Freemaker Adventures) 75186 The Arrowhead (Freemaker Adventures) - ebay, no box or figures 75182 Republic Fighter Tank 75524 Chirrut Imwe, buildable figure, no box or instructions 75529 Elite Praetorian Guard, buildable figure, no box 2018 75193 Millenium Falcon - Microfighter (with Chewie) 75194 First Order TIE fighter - Microfighter 75195 Ski Speeder & First Order Walker - Microfighter 75196 Kylo Ren’s TIE Silencer & Resistance A-Wing - Microfighter 75197 First Order Specialists Battle Pack 75198 Tatooine Battle Pack - Jawas ! 75199 General Grievous' Combat Speeder (blue & grey) 75204 Sandspeeder 75206 Jedi and Clone Troopers Battle Pack 75207 Imperial Patrol Battle Pack 75208 Yoda's Hut 75533 Boba Fett, buildable figure, no box or instructions 75537 Darth Maul, buildable figure, no box or instructions 5005376 Darth Vader's Pod 2019 75223 Naboo Starfighter - Microfighter 75224 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator - Microfighter 75225 Elite Praetorian Guard Battle Pack 75226 Inferno Squad Battle Pack 75228 Escape Pod vs. Dewback Microfighters 75243 Slave I – 20th Anniversary Edition 75247 Rebel A-Wing Starfighter (kids) 75248 Resistance A-Wing Starfighter (green) 40333 Battle of Hoth - 20th Anniversary Edition microscale 40362 Battle of Endor - 20th Anniversary Edition microscale 2020 40407 Death Star II Battle - microscale 75263 Resistance Y-Wing Microfighter 75264 Kylo Ren's Shuttle Microfighter 75265 T-16 Skyhopper vs Bantha Microfighters 75266 Sith Troopers Battle Pack 75267 Mandalorian Battle Pack 75283 Armored Assault Tank (AAT) 75270 Obi-Wan's Hut 75275 A-Wing Starfighter UCS 75280 501st Legion Clone Troopers Set with Battle Droids and AT-RT Walker 2021 75297 Resistance X-Wing Starfighter 75298 AT-AT vs. Tauntaun Microfighters 75310 Duel on Mandalore 40451 Tatooine Homestead - microscale - ebay 2022 75321 The Razor Crest Microfighter 75333 Obi-Wan-Kenobi's-Jedi-Starfighter - ebay 40531 Lars Family Homestead Kitchen with Aunt Beru - ebay 40539 Ahsoka Tano BrickHeadz 40557 Defence of Hoth - Minifigure Battle Pack (Bubble) 40558 Clone Trooper Command Station Minifigure Battle Pack (Bubble) - MAYBE 2023 40658 Millennium Falcon Holiday Diorama 75344 Boba Fett's Starship Microfighter 75345 501st Clone Troopers Battle Pack 75358 Tenoo Jedi Temple (Young Jedi Adventures) 75359 332nd Ahsoka's Clone Trooper Battle Pack 2024 75384 The Crimson Firehawk - WANT 75391 Captain Rex's Y-Wing Microfighter Buildable Figures 2015-20 - 75110 Luke Skywalker, buildable figure, no box or instructions 75112 General Grievous, buildable figure, no box or instructions 75113 Rey, buildable figure with 'staff', no box or instructions 75117 Kylo Ren, buildable figure, no box or instructions 75118 Captain Phasma, buildable figure, no box 75120 K-2SO, buildable figure, no box 75524 Chirrut Imwe, buildable figure, no box or instructions 75529 Elite Praetorian Guard, buildable figure, no box 75533 Boba Fett, buildable figure, no box or instructions 75537 Darth Maul, buildable figure, no box or instructions Planet Series 1: 2012 9674 Naboo Starfighter & Naboo 9675 Sebulba's podracer & Tatooine 9676 TIE Interceptor & Death Star Planet Series 2: 2012 9677 X Wing Starfighter & Yavin 4 9678 Twin Pod Cloud Car & Bespin 9679 AT-ST & Endor Planet Series 3: 2013 75006 Jedi Starfighter & Kamino 75007 Republic Assault Striker & Coruscant 75008 Tie Bomber & Asteroid Field Planet Series 4: 2013 75009 SnowSpeeder & Hoth 75010 B-Wing & Endor 75011 Tantive IV & Alderaan Single figure promo packs 4521221 C-3PO (Gold) 2007 packs and SDCC 4597068 Boba Fett (White) 2010 C4 2853590 Stormtrooper (Chrome) 2010 TRU UK - WANT 2856197 Shadow ARF Trooper (Black) 2011 Shop@home - WANT 6005192 TC-14 (Silver) 2012 Shop@home - WANT 6005188 Darth Maul (Shirtless) 2012 NY ToyFair 5001621 Han Solo (Hoth) 2013 5001709 Lt Clone Trooper (Blue) 2013 LEGO Ca - WANT 6063350 TC-4 (Red) 2014 TRU UK 5002947 Admiral Yularen 2015 5002938 Stormtrooper Sergeant 2015 5002948 C-3PO (Red arm) 2015 TRU 30602 First Order Stormtrooper 2016 30605 Finn (FN-2187) 2016 TFA game 5004406 First Order General 2016 May 4th 5004408 Rebel A-Wing pilot 2017 40268 R3-M2 (stand) 2017 Various 40176 Scarif Shore Trooper (stand) 2017 30497 First Order Heavy Scout Walker 2017 40298 DJ 2018 TRU US / Tesco 40299 Kessel Mine Worker (stand) 2018 From Paul 40300 Han Solo Mudtrooper (stand) 2018 From Cathy 30624 Obi-Wan Kenobi 20th (stand) 2019 Mini-building polybag packs 2002 3219 TIE fighter - 12 pieces 2003 4484 X-Wing and Darth Vader's TIE - 76 pieces 4485 Anakin and Sebulba's Pod-Racers - 72 pieces 4486 AT-ST + SnowSpeeder - 76 pieces 4487 Jango's Slave 1 + Jedi Starfighter - 53 pieces TIE-Bomber (from above packs) - ?? pieces 4488 Millennium Falcon - 87 pieces 4489 AT-AT - 98 pieces 4490 Republic Gunship - 102 pieces 4491 MTT - 99 pieces Y-Wing (from above packs) - ?? pieces 2004 4492 Star Destroyer - 87 pieces 4493 Sith Infiltrator - 55 pieces 4494 Imperial Shuttle - 82 pieces 4495 AT-TE - 63 pieces 2004 Japan Exclusive 6963 X-Wing - 41 pieces 6964 Boba Fett's Slave 1 - 26 pieces 6965 TIE-Interceptor - 32 pieces x2 2005 6966 Jedi Starfighter - 38 pieces 6967 ARC fighter - 42 pieces x2 6968 Mini Wookiee Attack (Tank Droid) - 48 pieces - Not released 2008 20006 Clone Turbo Tank - 64 pieces 2008 Brickmaster 2009 Daily Mirror 8028 TIE Fighter - 44 pieces - also in 2012 in new packaging 8029 Snowspeeder - 66 pieces - Not released have from ebay 8031 V-19 Torrent - 66 pieces 8033 General Greivous' Starfighter - 44 pieces 20007 Republic Attack Cruiser - 84 pieces 2009 Brickmaster 20009 AT-TE Walker - 94 pieces 2009 Brickmaster 20010 Republic Attack Gunship - 94 pieces 2009 Brickmaster SDCC LAATc Dropship - 108 pieces 2009 (ltd to 500) (custom) 30004 Battle Droid on STAP - 23 pieces 30005 Imperial Speeder Bike - 29 pieces 30006 Clone Walker - 27 pieces 2010 Target 30050 Republic Attack Shuttle - 54 pieces 30051 X-Wing Fighter - 61 pieces (Sun) 20016 Imperial Shuttle - 70 pieces 2010 Brickmaster 20018 AT-AT - 83 pieces 2010 Brickmaster The Sun 2011 30053 Venator Attack Cruiser - 44 pieces 20019 Slave 1 - 76 pieces 2011 Brickmaster 20021 Bounty Hunter Gunship - 81 pieces 2011 Brickmaster 30052 Armoured Assault Tank AAT - 46 pieces 2011 30054 AT-ST - 46 pieces 2011 30055 Vulture Droid - 45 pieces 2011 2012 30056 Star Destroyer - 38 pieces - The Sun 30057 Anakin's Podracer - 38 pieces - TRU 30058 Single Trooper Ariel Platform - 24 pieces - 2012 STAP 30059 Multi Troop Transport (MTT) - 51 pieces - Wal-Mart 8028 TIE Fighter - 44 pieces - The Sun 2008 2013 30240 Z-95 Headhunter - 81 pieces - Wal-Mart 30241 Mandalorian Fighter - 49 pieces - Toys R Us 30242 Republic Frigate - 45 pieces - Lego Shop, over £50 30243 Umbaran MHC - 49 pieces - Chapters book shops ----- Holocron Droid (Yodachron) - 31 pieces - MAY2013 ----- Jek-14 Stealth Fighter (TRU03-1) - 40 pieces - TRU US event 2014 30244 Anakin's Jedi Interceptor - 45 pieces - Daily Mail UK 30246 Imperial shuttle - 57 pieces - Meijer & Daily Mail 30247 ARC-170 Starfighter - 54 pieces - Daily Mail UK ----- Ghost (TRUGHOST-1) - 42 pieces - TRU US event ----- X-Wing (TRUXWING-1) - 23 pieces - TRU US/UK event 2015 30272 A-Wing - 59 pieces - ToysXL in NL 30274 AT-DP (AT-Defense Pod) - 65 pieces - various 30275 TIE Advanced Prototype - 47 pieces - Canada ? 30276 First Order Special TIE - 41 pieces - Daily Mail 30278 Poe's X-Wing - 64 pieces - Target ----- Poe's X-Wing (TRUXWING-1) - 27 pieces - TRU UK (mini-build) 5002939 Phantom - 25 pieces - LEGOLAND Florida 2016 30277 First Order Star Destroyer - 56 pieces - SW Celebration 30279 Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle - 43 pieces - SW Celebration ----- Millennium Falcon(TRUFALCON-1)- 44 pieces - TRU US/UK event (mini-build) 2017 30496 U-Wing Fighter - 55 pieces 30611 R2-D2 (buildable) - 70 pieces - ----- B-B8 (TRUBB8-1) - 39 pieces - TRU (mini-build) 2018 5005376 Darth Vader Pod - ?? pieces - (LEGO Store UK) 40288 BB-8 - 48 pieces - (Cathy) 30380 Kylo Ren's Shuttle - 33 pieces - (Cathy) 30381 Imperial TIE Fighter - 42 pieces - ? (Cathy) 30498 Imperial AT Hauler - ?? pieces - ? (Cathy) ----- Solo Falcon (?-1) - 27 pieces - Smythes UK (mini-build) 2019 30383 Naboo fighter - 48 pieces - ? Lora 30384 Snowspeeder (20th) - 49 pieces - ? Lora 30461 Anakin's Pod Racer (20th) - 58 pieces - ? Lora 2020 30386 Poe Dameron's X-Wing Fighter - 68 pieces - Orange & white 2021 30388 Imperial Shuttle - 85 pieces 2023 30654 X-Wing Starfighter - 87 pieces - ebay 2024 30680 ATT 25th Anniversary Edition - 75 pieces - ebay 30685 TIE Interceptor 25th Anni - 48 pieces - ebay SW Celebration / NYCC The Ghost Starship SDCC 2014 - 132 pieces - Don't - CELEB2015-1 Tatooine Mini-build - 178 pieces - Have SDCC2015-2 Dagobah Mini Build - 177 pieces - Don't CELEB2017-1 Detention Block Rescue - 220 pieces - Don't 77904 Nebulon-B Frigate SDCC 2020 - 459 pieces - WANT - SDCC/NYCC/SWC - all recreated thanks to Bricklink Boba Fett's Slave 1 - Mini - Star Wars Celebration 2012 Exclu' Jek-14's Stealth Fighter - Mini - Star Wars Celebration 2013 Exclu' Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder - Mini - New York Comic-Con 2012 Exclusive Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltrator - Mini - San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Exclusive Batman Classic TV Series Batmobile - San Diego Comic-Con 2014 Exclusive Mini-kits from the LEGO Star Wars Trilogy game E1 - TPM * ebay Republic Cruiser - Gungan Bongo - Royal Cruiser * 4485 Sebulba's Podracer 9675 * 9674 Naboo Starfighter * 4493 Sith Infiltrator E2 - AOTC - Zam's Airspeeder - Jedi Starfighter * 7023 Droideka * 4490 Republic Gunship * 4489 AT-TE - Dooku's Solar Sailer E3 - ROTS - Drop Ship - Emergency Ship * 6966 Jedi Starfighter (Episode III) - Wookiee Catamaran * 6967 ARC Fighter - V-Wing E4 - ANH * 4492 Star Destroyer * ebay Sandcrawler - Landspeeder * 4488 Millenium Falcon * KITS Y-Wing * 4484 TIE Advanced E5 - ESB * 4489 AT-AT * 4486 Snowspeeder * 3219 TIE Fighter * 4484 X-Wing * 9678 Bespin Cloud Car * 4487 Slave I E6 - ROJ - Jabba's Desert Skiff - Jabba's Sail Barge * KITS TIE Bomber * 4486 AT-ST * 4494 Imperial Shuttle * 6965 TIE Interceptor Advent Calendars 7958 Advent Calendar 2011 1st Republic Cruiser 2nd Nute Gunray 3rd Nute Gunray's walking mechano chair 4th Homing Spider Droid 5th Boba Fett's Slave I 6th Chewbacca 7th Tools Rack 8th Rebel Pilot 9th X-Wing 10th Imperial Shuttle 11th Pilot battle droid with gun 12th Snowspeeder 13th R2-Q5 14th Mouse Droid 15th Republic attack gunship 16th Clone Pilot 17th Weapons Rack 18th Y-Wing 19th TIE pilot 20th TIE fighter 21st Millennium Falcon 22nd A-Wing 23rd Christmas tree [XMAS] 24th Santa Yoda with sack and gifts [XMAS] 9509 Advent Calendar 2012 1st 9488 Gungan Sub 2nd 9493 Gungan Warrior 3rd 9490 Gungan Shield Set 4th 9674 Star Destroyer 5th 9515 Multi-Troop Transport (MTT) 6th 9500 Security Battle Droid 7th 9675 Naboo Starfighter 8th 9492 Vulture Droid 9th 9516 Hoth Imperial Officer 10th 9489 All Terrain Armoured Transport (AT-AT) 11th 9677 P-Tower Turret 12th 9497 Hoth Rebel Trooper 13th 9491 Gonk Droid 14th 9676 Weapons rack 15th 9495 Snowtrooper 16th 9496 Naboo Royal Cruiser 17th 9526 Naboo Flash Speeder 18th 9498 Rebel Trooper 19th 9525 Separatist Shuttle 20th 9678 General Grievous' Starfighter 21st 9499 Super Battle Droid 22nd 9679 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator 23rd 9494 R2-Snowman [XMAS] 24th 9509 Darth Maul [XMAS] 75023 Advent Calendar 2013 1st R5-F7 2nd Count Dooku's Solar Sailer 3rd FA-4 4th Koro-2 Exodrive airspeeder 5th Cloud Car 6th Rebel Commando 7th Weapon Rack 8th Republic Gunship 9th Republic Assault Ship 10th Clone Trooper 11th AT-TE 12th Dropship 13th Battle Droid 14th Geonosian Fighter 15th Geonosian Pilot 16th Weapon Rack 17th Padmé's Naboo Star Skiff 18th Scout Trooper 19th Separatist Shuttle 20th Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter 21st Slave I 22nd Boba Fett (Young) 23rd Jetpack-powered Sleigh [XMAS] 24th Jango Fett [XMAS] 75056 Advent Calendar 2014 - 1st AAT 2nd Super Battle Droid 3rd AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon 4th Santa Clone Trooper 5th Weapons Rack 6th Vulture Droid 7th Snowtrooper Tripod-Mounted Gun 8th Snowtrooper 9th Jedi Starfighter 10th TIE Fighter 11th TIE Pilot 12th Landspeeder 13th Luke Skywalker 14th Moisture Vaporator 15th Snowspeeder 16th Snowspeeder Pilot 17th Echo Base Turret 18th General Rieekan 19th Speeder Bike [XMAS?] 20th Imperial Shuttle 21st Y-Wing Starfighter 22nd Christmas Astromech Droid (green) [XMAS] 23rd Lightsaber Fireplace [XMAS] 24th Santa Darth Vader [XMAS] 75097 Advent Calendar 2015 - 1st Jabba's Sail Barge 2nd Sarlacc Pit 3rd LIN Demolitionmech 4th Jawa 5th Sandcrawler 6th Ewok Weapon Rack 7th Ewok Village 8th Ewok Warrior 9th Catapult 10th Stormtrooper 11th Star Destroyer 12th Blaster Rack 13th Assassin Droid 14th Millennium Falcon 15th Gun Turret 16th A-Wing Starfighter 17th Hoth Rebel Trooper 18th AT-AT 19th Ion Cannon 20th Imperial Probe Droid 21st Hoth Command Post 22nd Reindeer R2-D2 [XMAS] 23rd Sleigh [XMAS] 24th Santa C-3PO [XMAS] 75146 Advent Calendar 2016 - 1st Slave I 2nd Bespin Guard 3rd TIE Interceptor 4th Death Star Trooper 5th Hoth Battle Turret 6th Snowtrooper 7th Imperial Officer Snowman (shooter) [XMAS] 8th Dish Cannon 9th Hoth Rebel Trooper 10th Republic Attack Cruiser 11th Droid Federation Tank 12th Droid Gunship 13th Battle Droid 14th Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter 15th Tantive IV 16th Protocol Droid 17th Gonk Droid 18th Jabba's Palace 19th Luke Skywalker 20th Desert Skiff 21st Stormtrooper 22nd Imperial Landing Craft 23rd Sleigh [XMAS] 24th Snow Chewbacca [XMAS] 75184 Advent Calendar 2017 - 1st The Ghost 2nd Sabine Wren 3rd The Phantom 4th Blaster Cannon 5th Resistance Officer 6th Stormtrooper Transport 7th First Order Stormtrooper 8th Supply Box 9th Rey's Speeder 10th Unkar's Thug 11th Luggabeast 12th Millennium Falcon 13th First Order Snowspeeder 14th First Order Snowtrooper 15th Snow Blower [XMAS?] 16th Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle 17th Imperial Officer 18th Y-Wing Starfighter 19th TIE Striker 20th Imperial Hovertank 21st Imperial Ground Crew 22nd AT-ST Walker 23rd Sled with Boosters [XMAS] 24th BB-8 with Santa Hat [XMAS] 75213 Advent Calendar 2018 - 1st Landspeeder 2nd Rose Tico 3rd The Arrowhead 4th Republic Fighter Tank 5th IG-88 6th Cloud City 7th Naboo Starfighter 8th Battle Droid 9th General Grievous Stargfighter 10th Laser Turret 11th Rowan Freemaker 12th Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter 13th Imperial Troop Transport 14th Weapons Rack 15th Death Trooper 16th Rathtar 17th Guavian Death Gang Soldier 18th First Order TIE Fighter 19th AT-ACT Walker 20th Zeta-Class Cargo Shuttle 21st Speeder Bike 22nd Christmas Moisture Vaporator [XMAS] 23rd General Antoc Merrick (blue) 24th Rebel Pilot Snowman [XMAS] 75245 Advent Calendar 2019 - 1st First Order Star Destroyer 2nd Kylo Ren’s Command Shuttle 3rd First Order Stormtrooper 4th FWMB-10 Repeating Blaster 5th Poe's X-Wing (Black & Orange) 6th Resistance Troop Transporter 7th Chewbacca 8th Ahch-To 9th Old Luke Skywalker 10th Quadjumper 11th Death Star Turret 12th Imperial Gunner 13th Mouse Droid 14th Snail Tank 15th Battle Droid 16th MTT 17th Escape Pod 18th Rebel Fleet Trooper 19th Mynock 20th Echo Base 21st Cloud Car 22nd Cloud Car Pilot 23rd Gonk Droid [XMAS] 24th Porg [XMAS] 75275 Advent Calendar 2020 - 1st A-Wing Starfighter 2nd Poe Dameron [XMAS] 3rd Lars Homestead 4th Luke Skywalker 5th Razor Crest 6th Sith TIE Fighter 7th Sith Trooper 8th X-Wing Starfighter 9th Rey 10th D-O [XMAS] 11th Millennium Falcon 12th Porg 13th Republic Cruiser 14th Battle Droid 15th Droid Control Ship 16th Anakin’s Podracer 17th Pit Droid 18th Snowspeeder 19th Tauntaun 20th Shield Generator 21st Snowman Gonk Droid [XMAS] 22nd Stormtrooper 23rd Darth Vader’s Castle 24th Darth Vader [XMAS] 75307 Advent Calendar 2021 - 1st Razor Crest 2nd Riot Mar’s Starfighter 3rd Stormtrooper 4th E-web Heavy Blaster Snow Launcher 5th Target Practice 6th Imperial Troop Transport 7th Mythrol’s Speeder 8th Tusken Raider 9th Tusken Raider Weapons Rack 10th Tusken Snow Ballista 11th X-Wing Starfighter 12th TIE Fighter 13th Scout Trooper 14th Weapons Rack 15th Speeder Bike 16th Keelboat and Ferry Droid Droid Sled 17th Imperial Light Cruiser 18th IT-O Interrogation Droid 19th Slave 1 20th IG-11 21st Weapons Rack #3 22nd Festive Grogu [XMAS] 23rd Grogu’s Hoverpram 24th The Christmas Mandalorian (red scarf) [XMAS] 75340 Advent Calendar 2022 - 1st Republic Gunship 2nd Clone Trooper Commander 3rd Droid Tri-Fighter 4th Acclamator Class Assault Ship 5th Battle Droid 6th Bad Batch Shuttle 7th Luke’s Landspeeder 8th T-16 Skyhopper 9th C-3PO [XMAS] 10th Moisture Farm Vaporator 11th V-35 Landspeeder 12th Summer Holiday Darth Vader (flippers) 13th Darth Vader’s Sand Castle 14th B-Wing 15th TIE Interceptor 16th Weapons Rack 17th Snowtrooper 18th DF.9 Turret 19th AT-ST 20th Hoth Laser Cannon 21st Hoth Luke Skywalker 22nd Wampa Cave 23rd Gonk Droid [XMAS] 24th R2-D2 [XMAS] 75366 Advent Calendar 2023 - 1st Omega and Sled [XMAS] 2nd The Justifier 3rd The Mandalorian’s N-1 Starfighter 4th Christmas Pit Droid [XMAS] 5th Clone Turbo Tank 6th 212th Clone Trooper 7th Clone Command Station 8th Battle Droid 9th STAP Speeder 10th Hailfire-class Tank Droid 11th Armoured Assault Tank (AAT) 12th Reindeer Gonk Droid [XMAS] 13th Imperial Shuttle 14th Leia Organa (Endor with cookie!) 15th Ewok Village 16th Endor Bunker 17th AT-ST 18th Speeder Bike 19th Endor Shield Generator 20th Ugly Christmas Sweater Palpatine [XMAS] 21st Emperor’s Throne 22nd Imperial Star Destroyer 23rd Ewok Glider 24th Christmas Ewok [XMAS] 75395 Advent Calendar 2024 - 1st X-Wing Starfighter 2nd Leia Organa [XMAS] 3rd TIE Fighter 4th Super Battle Droid 5th AT-AT 6th Y-Wing Starfighter 7th Minikit 8th Jabba’s Sail Barge 9th Millennium Falcon 10th Ahsoka Tano 11th Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser 12th Emperor Palpatine’s Shuttle 13th Jedi T6 Shuttle 14th Pre Vizsla’s Mandalorian Fighter 15th 501st Clone Trooper 16th The Ghost 17th Luke Skywalker [XMAS] 18th U-Wing Starfighter 19th Yoda’s Jedi Starfighter 20th Praetorian Guard 21st Darth Vader’s Castle 22nd Razor Crest 23rd Luke’s Landspeeder 24th Crimson Firehawk 2011 7958 - Baddies - Lots 2012 9509 - Ships - Full 2013 75023 - Non-ships - Few 2014 75056 - Ships - Full 2015 75097 - Ships - Full 2016 75184 - Goodies - Few 2017 75146 - Non-ships - Full 2018 75213 - Various 2019 75245 - Christmas 2020 75275 - Bagged! 2021 75307 - Bagged! 2022 75340 - Bagged! 2023 75366 - Bagged! Minifig Torches / LED Lites - 5004752 Boba Fett C-3PO 5001311 Darth Maul without cape 5001159 Darth Vader 5002912 R2-D2 5001160 Stormtrooper 5001310 Yoda Captain Rex Chewbacca Han Solo Admiral Ackbar Jango Fett First Order Stormtrooper Captain Phasma Poe Dameron (flight suit) Kylo Ren Rey Skywalker-Palpatine BB-8 (larger box) Princess Leia First Order Stormtrooper Executioner (black arms) The Mandalorian (LED Lite) - WANT The Child, Groju (LED Lite) - WANT Darth Talon - custom by me Oola - custom by me Slave Leia - custom by me Non-SW LED Lites Batgirl Batman Batwoman Catwoman Harley Quinn red, blue & white Harley Quinn with Roller Skates, red, white & black Joker Superman Wonder Woman UK Comics - #1 X-Wing #2 Slave 1 #3 Imperial Shooter #4 Star Destroyer #5 Lightsabres and blasters #6 Snowspeeder #7 Millennium Falcon #8 Luke's landspeeder #9 Naboo N1 fighter #10 Probe droid #11 AAT #12 Acklay #13 TIE Bomber & bonus #14 Yoda's Hut #15 AT-AT #16 MTT #17 Palpatine's Shuttle #18 Flash Speeder & Millennium Falcon #19 Kanan Jarrus #20 Ghost #21 Imperial Combat Driver #22 Vader's TIE Advanced #23 Vulture Droid #24 A-Wing #25 Sandcrawler #26 Imperial Snowtrooper and Naboo N1 fighter (#9) #27 Rey's speeder #28 First Order Snowspeeder #29 Droid Gunship & Kanan Jarrus #30 Y-Wing & Ghost #31 Kylo Ren's shuttle #32 Imperial Shuttle Pilot (available in Holland) #32 Imperial Shuttle #34 Finn #35 Dwarf Spider Droid #36 Quad-Jumper #37 AT-ST #38 Probe Droid (#10) with stand & A-Wing (#24) #39 Obi-Wan (AOTC) #40 Destroyer Droid / Droideka #41 Poe Dameron's X-Wing, Kylo Ren's shuttle (#31) & LE20 #42 First Order Star Destroyer #43 Luke Skywalker (Tattooine) #44 Resistance Bomber #45 Boba Fett's Slave 1 #46 U-Wing #47 IG-88 #48 AT-M6 #49 Millennium Falcon (Solo) #50 B-Wing #51 First Order Stormtrooper #52 Anakin's Jedi Interceptor #53 First Order TIE Fighter #54 Kylo Ren's TIE Silencer #55 Snowspeeder #56 TIE Striker #57 R2-D2 & MSE-6 #58 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator #59 Elite Praetorian Guard #60 Rebel A-Wing (red) #61 AT-AT #62 Stormtrooper & TIE Striker #63 Resistance X-Wing (orange & white) #64 Sith Eternal TIE Dagger #65 Luke Skywalker (Bespin) #66 Jedi Interceptor & Sith Infiltrator #67 TIE Interceptor #68 The Mandalorian #69 Emperor Palpatine #70 V-Wing #71 Imperial TIE Bomber #72 Jedi StarFighter #73 Rey & BB-8 #74 Sith Trooper #75 AT-ST Raider #76 Clone Turbo Tank #77 Resistance A-Wing (green) #78 Republic Gunship #79 Snowtrooper #80 Millennium Falcon #81 501st Legion Clone Trooper #82 AT-AT #83 Tusken Raider #84 Razor Crest #85 Darth Maul #86 Mandalorian Warrior #87 Mandalorian Starfighter #88 TIE Whisper #89 Princess Leia #90 Imperial Light Cruiser #91 Luke Skywalker (Hoth Outfit) #92 Bo-Katan Kryze #93 212th Clone Trooper #94 X-Wing & Razorcrest/AT-AT/Falcon #95 Obi-Wan Kenobi (E2/E3 pilot) #96 Y-Wing #97 Scout Trooper #98 AT-TE #99 Imperial Stormtrooper 100 C-3PO & Gonk Droid 101 Darth Vader's TIE Advanced 102 Yoda's Jedi Starfighter 103 Republic Fighter Tank 104 Mandalorian Pilot 105 Emperor Palpatine 106 Coruscant Guard (red & white) 107 Chewbacca 108 The Mandolorian's N-1 Starfighter 109 Imperial Shuttle 110 501st Specialist & Y-Wing 111 Darth Vader tins 112 Sabine Wren 113 Clone Trooper 114 TIE Pilot 115 T-6 Jedi Shuttle 116 Bad Batch Marauder & Yoda's Jedi Starfighter 117 The Scythe 118 Mandalorian Night Owl 119 Qui-Gon Jinn 120 Books 2009 The Visual Dictionary with Exclusive Medal Ceremony Luke Skywalker 2010 Essential Minifigure Book Collection with TIE Fighter 2010 Brickmaster with Clone and Battle Droid 2011 Character Encyclopedia with Exclusive Medal Ceremony Han Solo 2013 Brickmaster Battle for the Stolen Crystals with Commander Gree and Elite Commando Droid 2013 The Yoda Chronicles with Special Force Commander 2014 The Dark Side with Emperor Palpatine 2015 Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded with prototype Boba Fett 2015 Jedi vs. Sith - repackaging of The Yoda Chronicles & The Dark Side 2015 Star Wars Book Collection with Special Forces Commander 2015 Adventure Pack with mini A-Wing 2016 Strong With The Force Mini Figure Activity Book with Endor soldier & rifle 2016 Space Adventures with R2-D2 2016 Chronicles Of The Force with Unkar's brute 2016 Quest for the Kyber Saber with Death Star Trooper 2016 R2-D2 and C-3PO's Guide to the Galaxy with C-3PO 2016 Build Your Own Adventure with Y-Wing Micro Fighter 2017 Annual with Ezra Bridger & Chopper 2017 Spot the Galactic Heroes with a worker droid 2017 The Official Stormtrooper Training Manual 2017 Ultimate Star Wars (include two exclusive prints) 2018 Annual with Death Star Gunner 2018 Choose your path with U-3PO 2018 Star Wars Ideas book 2019 Build Your Own Adventure with Bespin's Cloud Car 2019 Visual Dictionary New Edition with Finn Stormtrooper 2020 Character Encyclopedia: New Edition with Darth Maul 2021 Yoda's Galaxy Atlas with Yoda Pens 1709 Darth Vader 2002 1710 R2-D2 1711 C-3PO 1712 Anakin Skywalker 1713 Jango Fett 1714 Clone Trooper 1727 Chewbacca - have boxed 1728 Darth Maul 1729 Luke Skywalker 1730 Paploo 1731 Storm Trooper 1732 Obi-Wan Kenobi 1733 Tusken Raider 3804 Yoda bagged - hmm Mighty Micros 76089 Scarlet Spider vs Sandman 76091 Thor vs Loki 76092 Batman vs Harley Quinn Non-SW Books 2015 I Love That Minifigure with Zombie Skateboarder 2018 The LEGO Book with with red LEGO Brick 2020 LEGO Minifigure A Visual History (Orange Spaceman) 2020 Harry Potter Magical Treasury with Tom Riddle Games 3866 Battle of Hoth The five adventure games Dimensions 71211 Gravity Sprinter & Bart Simpson 71212 Emmet & Emmet's Excavator 71248 Mission Impossible wiht IMF Scrambler, IMF Sport Car & Ethan Hunt 71348 Buckbeak & Hermione Granger And many, many more ! Torch / Flashlight 5001313 Darth Vader 5001314 Stormtrooper - maybe Minifigure Alarm Clock Darth Vader 2856203 Yoda 9002137 Stormtrooper 9003073 Anakin Skywalker - maybe 9003530 Boba Fett 9005602 Savage Opress - maybe 5002423 Batman 5001351 Darth Maul 9009310 Harley Quinn (Red, black & white) alarm clock 9007309 Joker 5004600 Wonder Woman 5005226 Batgirl Magnets - - all on the fridge! 851228 Chewbacca, Darth Vader & Obi-Wan Kenobi (young, brown hood and cape) on Boga (leg magnets) 851229 Yoda, Anakin Skywalker & Clone Trooper with Green Markings (leg magnets) 851939 Stormtrooper, AT-ST Driver & Rebel Y-Wing Pilot (orange) (leg magnets) 852085 Boba Fett (in cantina cup), Slave Princess Leia (short hair) & Royal Guard (leg magnets) 852086 Darth Maul, Young Anakin Skywalker pod-racer & Naboo Fighter Pilot (leg magnets) 853130 Anakin Skywalker, Thi-Sen and Clone Pilot (attached to magnets) 853421 ARF Trooper, Embo & Aurra Sing (attached to magnets) Keyrings / keychains - regular minifig size Aayla Secura Admiral Ackbar Ahsoka Tano (boob tube) Ahsoka Tano (long head tails) Anakin Skywalker (Podracing) Anakin Skywalker (Scarred) Asajj Ventress BB-E9 (black) Bossk Cad Bane Chewbacca Clone Commander Gree (Green) Clone Trooper (Blue) Clone Trooper (Orange) Count Dooku Darth Maul - with horns Darth Maul - with horns and cape Darth Vader <------------------------<<< ??? Groju / The Chid - tiny Kit Fitso Leia Hoth Plo Koon Skaak Ti Snow Trooper x2 TIE Fighter pilot Watto Y-Wing pilot, dark-blue, white helmet Ships 852113 Millennium Falcon 852114 Y-Wing Fighter 852115 Vader’s TIE Fighter 853768 Luke's Landspeeder Big Bird Pooh Bear Tigger x2 Jester (Red & White) Supergirl Bat Woman (red and black) Bag Tags / Bagtags - 6284468 - Boba Fett 6342243 - Darth Vader (on silver case) ??????? - Han Solo in the Falcon ??????? - R2-D2 6284814 - Stormtrooper 6354397 - The Mandalorian with Groju 6406414 - The Mandalorian without Groju 6391185 - Groju ??????? - Christmas Yoda - Maybe want 5008103 - Grogu Holiday - Maybe want 5008104 - Grogu Yum Yum - Maybe want 5008114 - The Mandalorian with Grogu Holiday - Maybe want