fighterpods.txt - lots of amazing photos - cute shorts Star Wars Fighter Pods Series One 1- [ * ] * 1-1 Sandtrooper (gun up) * 1-2 Han Solo Carbonite * 1-3 Jango (2 pistols down) * 1-4 Sandtrooper (big rifle) * 1-5 Bossk * 1-6 Snowtrooper (gun down) * 1-7 Luke Skywalker (Jedi) * 1-8 Padmé (Padme) Amidala (arena) * 1-9 Jek Porkins * 1-10 Darth Vader (unmasked) * 1-11 Jabba the Hutt* * 1-12 Boba Fett (wrist) * 1-13 Clone Trooper (white, small gun down) * 1-14 Clone Pilot (yellow helmet, left hand pistol, right hand pointing) * 1-15 Snowtrooper (gun up) * 1-16 Darth Sidious / Emperor Palpatine (force hands) * 1-17 R2-D2 (standing straight) * 1-18 Kit Fisto (sabre upwards) (in DM Tin) * 1-19 Lando Calrissian (Bespin) * 1-20 Commander Cody (orange, pointing pistol) * 1-21 Imperial Guard (hands on staff) * 1-22 Stormtrooper (kneeling) * 1-23 Aayla Secura (saber down) * 1-24 Clone Trooper (white, pointing pistol) * 1-25 Snowtrooper (big rifle) * 1-26 Chewbacca (running?) * 1-27 Obi-Wan-Kenobi (TPM saber up) * 1-28 TIE Pilot (fist) * 1-29 Jango Fett (pointing gun) * 1-30 R2-D2 (tilted) (in DM tin) * 1-31 Darth Vader (force wave) EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 1-32 Boba Fett (gun down) EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 1-33 Clone Trooper (facing forwards) EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags (small gun, held in both hands) * 1-34 Yoda (force gesture) EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 1-35 Chewbacca (wrench/spanner) EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 1-36 Stormtrooper EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 1-37 Chewbacca (bowcaster) EXCLUSIVE to Millennium Falcon 8-Pack * 1-38 C-3PO / C3PO (hand out) EXCLUSIVE to Millennium Falcon 8-Pack * 1-39 Darth Maul (double saber) EXCLUSIVE to Sith Infiltrator 8-pack * 1-40 Qui-Gon Jinn (saber/force wave) EXCLUSIVE to Sith Infiltrator 8-pack * 1-41 Anakin Skywalker (ROTS) EXCLUSIVE to Starfighter 12-pack * 1-42 Captain Rex (pistols) EXCLUSIVE to Starfighter 12-pack (blue, two pistols, ears on helmet) * 1-43 Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper) EXCLUSIVE to Millennium Falcon 12-pack * 1-44 Han Solo (Stormtrooper) EXCLUSIVE to Millennium Falcon 12-pack * 1-45 Darth Vader (sabre swing) EXCLUSIVE to Hoth AT-AT & Snowspeeder 16-pack * 1-46 Snowtrooper (pointing gun) EXCLUSIVE to Hoth AT-AT & Snowspeeder 16-pack * 1-47 Han Solo Hoth (brown) EXCLUSIVE to Hoth AT-AT & Snowspeeder 16-pack * 1-48 Yoda (hands on cane) EXCLUSIVE to Hoth AT-AT & Snowspeeder 16-pack Series Two 2- [ * ! ] * 2-1 Darth Vader Hologram (Red) * 2-2 Yoda Hologram (Blue) * 2-3 Aayla Secura Hologram (Blue) * 2-4 Darth Maul Hologram (Red) * 2-5 Darth Sidious / Emperor Palpatine Hologram (Red) * 2-6 Kit Fisto Hologram (Blue) * 2-7 Qui-Gon Jinn Hologram (Blue) * 2-8 Jar Jar Binks * 2-9 General Grievous * 2-10 Probe Droid * 2-11 Cad Bane * 2-12 AT-AT Pilot * 2-13 ARF Trooper (white with blue on helmet, big gun) * 2-14 Commander Neyo (right hand on hip, left hand small gun, grey stripe) * 2-15 Yoda (AOTC with Lightsaber) * 2-16 Luke Skywalker (Tattooine) * 2-17 Han Solo (Bespin) * 2-18 Shadow Guard * 2-19 Sandtrooper Commander (White Pauldron) * 2-20 R4-P17 * 2-21 TC-14 * 2-22 Coruscant Guard (dark red stripes, two pistols) * 2-23 Clone Trooper Commander (Yellow, left handed, right hand on hip) * 2-24 Clone Pilot Goji (pistol in left hand, pointig with right, dark green helment) * 2-25 Clone Trooper Denal (dark blue strip on helmet, holding small gun in both hands) * 2-26 Shadowtrooper * 2-27 Boba Fett (Concept White) * 2-28 Shock Trooper (red stipes, small gun in right hand, pointing down) * 2-29 Clone Commander Fil (pistol in right hand, red markings) * 2-30 Count Dooku EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 2-31 Clone Trooper (Holding helmet) EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 2-32 Mace Windu (force hand) EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 2-33 Tusken Raider EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 2-34 Obi-Wan Kenobi (ROTS) EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags (sabre to left) ! 2-35 Magnaguard EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags (grey face & body, cream cloak, pink staff ends) * 2-36 Darth Vader (with Lightsabre) EXCLUSIVE to Imperial Shuttle 8-Pack * 2-37 Grand Moff Tarkin EXCLUSIVE to Imperial Shuttle 8-Pack * 2-38 Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) EXCLUSIVE to Chunky X-Wing 8-Pack * 2-39 Princess Leia (ANH) EXCLUSIVE to Chunky X-Wing 8-Pack * 2-40 Cad Bane (Stormtrooper Armor) EXCLUSIVE to Speeder Bikes 12-Pack * 2-41 Clone Trooper (Holding Rifle) EXCLUSIVE to Speeder Bikes 12-Pack * 2-42 Clone Pilot EXCLUSIVE to Republic Attack Dropship 12-Pack (blue & red stripes, large gun to left) * 2-43 Clone Pilot EXCLUSIVE to Republic Attack Dropship 12-Pack (grey stripe, small gun to right) Series 3 - Star Wars Fighter Pods Rampage 3- [ * ] * 3-1 Luke Skywalker (Jedi) Hologram * 3-2 Mace Windu Hologram * 3-3 Count Dooku Hologram * 3-4 Cad Bane Hologram * 3-5 Obi-Wan Kenobi Hologram * 3-6 Jabba the Hutt Hologram * 3-7 Darth Vader (left hand raised, right hand lightsaber) Hologram * 3-8 Yoda (lightsaber) Hologram * 3-9 Clone Commander Cody Hologram * 3-10 Anakin Skywalker Hologram * 3-11 Princess Leia Hologram * 3-12 Grand Moff Tarkin Hologram (red) * 3-13 Captain Rex Hologram * 3-14 Ahsoka * 3-15 Biggs Darklighter * 3-16 Aurra Sing * 3-17 Han Solo Skiff Escape * 3-18 General Veers * 3-19 Princess Leia Boushh Disguise * 3-20 Darth Maul Cybernetic Legs * 3-21 Savage Opress * 3-22 K-3PO (white) * 3-23 Magnaguard (cream face & body, cream cloak, maroon staff ends) * 3-24 Kamino ARF Trooper (red shoulders, grey visor, big gun) * 3-25 R3-S6 (Goldie) * 3-26 R7-D4 * 3-27 Clone Commander Gree (green) * 3-28 Clone Trooper Sergeant (green stripe on head) * 3-29 Super Battle Droid EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 3-30 Luke Skywalker Endor EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 3-31 Scout Trooper Endor EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags (white) * 3-32 Wicket W. Warrick EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 3-33 Jawa EXCLUSIVE to Mystery Pack Blind Bags * 3-34 TIE Pilot EXCLUSIVE to X-wing Fighter vs. TIE Fighter Pack * 3-35 Luke Skywalker EXCLUSIVE to X-wing Fighter vs. TIE Fighter Pack * 3-36 TIE Pilot EXCLUSIVE to X-wing Fighter vs. TIE Fighter Pack * 3-37 Wedge Antilles EXCLUSIVE to X-wing Fighter vs. TIE Fighter Pack * 3-38 Darth Maul EXCLUSIVE to Naboo Starfighter 8-Pack * 3-39 Anakin Skywalker (young) EXCLUSIVE to Naboo Starfighter 8-Pack Rampage Battle Game Special Edition Darth Maul Tin @ Target - 2012 with red and black pods 18 figs and four pods = 1-16 Darth Sidious / Emperor Palpatine (force hands) = 1-18 Kit Fisto (sabre upwards) = 1-21 Imperial Guard (hands on staff) x2 = 1-27 Obi-Wan-Kenobi (TPM sabre up) = 1-29 Jango Fett (pointing gun) = 1-30 R2-D2 (tilted) ?-?? White trooper ?-?? Green troopers x3 ?-?? Grey troopers x3 ?-?? Red trooper ?-?? Grey & red trooper - Warthog xclu Darth Maul EXCLUSIVE to the Darth Maul tin (metallic & double sabre) xclu Ziro the Hutt EXCLUSIVE to the Darth Maul tin Rampage Battle Game Special Edition Yoda Tin @ Target - 2012 with green and brown pods 18 figs and four pods = 3-29 Super Battle Droid x3 = 4-43 Destroyer Droid x4 xclu 501st Clone Trooper x4 (blue & white) = 1-17 Chewbacca with bowcaster Darth Sidious / Emperor Palpatine Hologram (blue) Scout Trooper ? (camo) xclu Yoda with sabre swinging from back EXCLUSIVE to the Yoda tin xclu Kashyyyk ARF Trooper x3 EXCLUSIVE to the Yoda tin (dull yellow, big gun) Series 4 - Star Wars Fighter Pods Rampage 4- [ * ] * 4-1 Obi-Wan Kenobi blue Hologram * 4-2 Stormtrooper red Hologram * 4-3 Darth Vader red Hologram * 4-4 Yoda blue Hologram * 4-5 Boba Fett red Hologram * 4-6 Sandtrooper red Hologram * 4-7 Chewbacca blue Hologram * 4-8 Captain Rex blue Hologram * 4-9 Clone Trooper blue Hologram (holding helmet) * 4-10 Lando Calrissian blue Hologram * 4-11 Han Solo Hoth (blue) * 4-12 Saesee Tiin * 4-13 Ki-Adi-Mundi * 4-14 Darth Maul * 4-15 Captain Typho * 4-16 Zam Wessel * 4-17 R5-D4 * 4-18 Asajj Ventress * 4-19 Greedo * 4-20 ARC Trooper Captain (red stipe, two small guns, pointing up) * 4-21 Yoda with sabre 'swoosh' * 4-22 R7-D7 * 4-23 Mygeeto Clone Trooper (dark red, snow trooper?) * 4-24 Carnor Jax (red & black royal guard) * 4-25 Luke Skywalker - also have all black version * 4-26 Han in Carbonite (emerging, red/orange) * 4-27 R-3PO * 4-28 Han Stormtrooper * 4-29 Luke Stormtrooper * 4-30 R6-H5 * 4-31 Jango Fett - right gun raised * 4-32 Plo Koon * 4-33 Clone Flame Trooper (orange with silver gun) * 4-34 Republic Commando - orange & blue stripes, huge gun * 4-35 Clone Gunner (dull green helmet, big gun) * 4-36 Yoda * 4-37 Anakin Skywalker - blue and green sabres * 4-38 Padmé (Padme) Amidala - pilot's uniform * 4-39 Obi-Wan Kenobi (AOTC, force hand ) EXCLUSIVE to Slave 1 pack * 4-40 Jango Fett (blasters up and firing) EXCLUSIVE to Slave 1 pack * 4-41 Obi-Wan Kenobi (AOTC with pike) EXCLUSIVE to Geonosian Starfighter pack * 4-42 Geonosian (with blaster) EXCLUSIVE to Geonosian Starfighter pack * 4-43 Destroyer Droid EXCLUSIVE to Hailfire Droid Pack * 4-44 Super Battle Droid (looks like 3-29?) EXCLUSIVE to Hailfire Droid Pack * 4-45 Mace Windu EXCLUSIVE to Republic Gunship Pack ??? * 4-46 Kit Fisto EXCLUSIVE to Republic Gunship Pack ??? star wars fighter (pod, pods) (2-35, 4-23) star wars fighter (pod, pods) (magnaguard, mygeeto) -3-23 2-42 Clone Pilot (bright Blue stripe) EXCLUSIVE to Republic Attack Dropship 12-Pack star wars fighter (pod, pods) (2-35, 4-23, magnaguard, mygeeto) -3-23 Star Trek Fighter Pods Series One [ S1- * ! ] ID# Character Exclusive To ! S1-01 Captain Kirk (Yellow Shirt) * S1-02 Spock (Vulcan salute) Starter Pods #1 ! S1-03 Scotty Attack Pods: Ninja Star ! S1-04 Klingon (batleth) Attack Pods: Blade Blaster * S1-05 Dr McCoy (away team suit tricorder) USS Enterprise Attack Pod Launcher ! S1-06 Uhura (phaser to side Lt hand) USS Enterprise Attack Pod Launcher * S1-07 Sulu (yellow shirt) * S1-08 Chekov (space suit, all gold, black visor) * S1-09 Keenser (Scotty's friend in red with spanner and toolbox) * S1-10 Gaila (Orion woman) * S1-11 Kirk (away team suit hand up) Attack Pods: Phantom Striker ! S1-12 Spock (blue w/phaser) * S1-13 Klingon (no weapons) * S1-14 Starfleet Ensign (grey space suit, gold visor) * S1-15 Lt Dexter (red shirt, bald, phaser pointing upwards) * S1-16 Uhura (phaser to side rt hand) * S1-17 Sulu (away team suit with sword) ! S1-18 Ayel (rRman) * S1-19 Lt Sprog (blue with phaser rifle) ! S1-20 Four-Eyes * S1-21 Captain Kirk (yellow shirt phaser, up in Rt hand) USS Enterprise Attack Pod Launcher ! S1-22 Spock (space suit phase rifle) USS Enterprise Attack Pod Launcher * S1-23 Klingon (one knife) have 2 ! S1-24 Dr McCoy (tricorder) * S1-25 Cask * S1-26 Uhura (phaser left, diagonally upwards) ! S1-27 Lt Madeline * S1-28 Lt Brian (red shirt, two phasers) ! S1-29 Gorn ! S1-30 Klingon (disruptor) * S1-31 Kirk (space suit, greenish) Starter Pods #2 ! S1-32 Spock (away team suit phaser) Attack Pods: Star Surger ! S1-33 Captain Nero * S1-34 Klingon (double knives, one up, one down) * S1-35 Chekov (red shirt) * S1-36 Grasia (blue shirt, bald, hands up) star trek fighter (pod, pods) (S1-01, S1-03, S1-04, S1-05, S1-06, S1-12, S1-18, S1-20, S1-21, S1-22, S1-24, S1-27, S1-29, S1-30, S1-31, S1-32, S1-33)