Jawa Trader UK

  This web site, like all fan-created web sites based on the Star Wars (tm) universe, would not exist without the creative genius of George Lucas, or the hard work of the many thousands of employees of Lucasfilm and ILM.
  No claim to copyright of any content belonging to George Lucas, Lucasfilm, Inc. or any other company is made by this site or its creator.
  The various trading cards, stickers, and POGs listed and described in this site are the sole creation and copyright of the respective companies (i.e. Topps, Merlin, Hasbro, Lego etc.) who manufactured them under license from Lucasfilm, Inc.
  Feel free to link to any page, but not directly to the images, if you want to use any images on your site then please me first, especially if they were kindly provided by one of my friends.
